September 27, 2013 Meeting



Governance Council

September 27, 2013

12:10 – 2:00 pm

Cougar Room

Facilitator: Mark Williams

Recorder: Brandy Cramer

Timekeeper: Sonja Swenson

Minutes: Melissa Blanco

  1. Approval of Minutes from September 13, 2013     5 minutes


  1. Continuation of Discussion of Governance Council Recommendations 30 minutes


For an Access Committee and a Success Committee (Led by Dena Maloney)

  • Constituent Input
  • Potential Committee Composition
  • Potential Committee Size
  • Drafting a Committee Charter for Governance Council Review


  1. Demonstration of Centralized Intranet Site for Taft College Committee 15 minutes


Agendas, Minutes, Handouts (Presented by guest Adrian Agundez)

  1. Taft College Foundation “West Kern Petroleum Summit” Update   15 minutes


(Presented by guest Sheri Horn Bunk, TC Foundation Director)

  1. Educational Master Plan Presentation       45 minutes


(Presented by guest Dan Roth, College Brain Trust)

Next Meeting: October 25th 12:10 – 2:00 pm

(Due to the Center for Independent Living Building Dedication on October 11th, the next meeting will be on October 25th)


Call for:



Time Keeper




September 27, 2013

12:10 pm – 2 pm

Cougar Room

Members Present: Darcy Bogle, Brandy Cramer, Greg Golling, Vicki Herder, Velda Long, Dena Maloney, Brock McMurray, Laura Riss, Mylasia Smith, Sonja Swenson, and Mark Williams

Members Absent: Kanoe Bandy, Sheri Black, Kamala Carlson, Sharyn Eveland, Tony Thompson, and Jim Nicholas

Guests: Adrian Agundez and Sheri Horn Bunk

Facilitator: Vicki Herder

Recorder: Brandy Cramer

Timekeeper: Sonja Swenson

Minutes: Melissa Blanco


The minutes of the meeting held September 13, 2013 were approved by consensus.


(Led by Dena Maloney, Co-chairs)

  • CSEA did not discuss the recommendations at their last meeting. The documents were emailed and Velda received no responses.
  • Greg Golling asked if anyone can be on these proposed committees. Dena suggested the GC should form a group to look start the process and create a charter for each of these committees and then it would be a committee assignment.
  • Vicki clarified the role of the Access Committee would encompass enrollment management and programs and services to bring student to TC. It would also review and evaluate current programs, trends, FTES, and grant opportunities.
  • Vick also stated the role of the Student Success Committee would be similar to that of Matriculation which now is referred to as the “Student Success Act”. It would look at what services we currently have once students are attending TC and examine the umbrella for Student Success initiatives and strategies.
  • Darcy volunteered to chair and with Mark Williams’ assistance to form a group to develop the charter for the Success Committee and its role for the college. The group will build a charter and bring back to the GC for review and then move for Academic Senate review and approval.
  • Mark Williams volunteered to chair the Access Committee to develop the charter. It was suggested that Eric Bérubé and David Layne also assist Mark in the development of the charter and their role for the college. However, Eric and David were not present to agree.
  • Other people outside of this GC can be invited to participate in the development of the charter for the Access and Success Committees.
  • The charge of these two groups will be the following:
    • Constituent Input
    • Potential Committee Size
    • Potential Committee Composition
    • Drafting a Committee Charter for GC to review
  • The two groups will take a look at these items and bring back to the next Governance Council meeting on October 25.



(Led by Adrian Agundez, Director of Information Services)

  • Dena stated there was a need to have a centralized area to find all the minutes, minute, charter and other documents for committees.
  • Adrian gave a presentation and demonstration on how the website looks and functions for the viewer and end-user.
  • Adrian also distributed a handout titled “Taft College Committee’s Web Page” which demonstrated and provided steps on how to log-in on the web page (copy attached to official minutes).
  • The new webpage provides links to various committees and their agendas, minutes, and other documents in PDG format.
  • Adrian would like to see the members from the committee designate someone to upload their own committee files; however, the IT department will be able to assist those that don’t have time to upload the information.
  • It was suggested to provide workshop to train committee members on the use and function of the new web page.
  • Once the web page is up and running, there will need to be communication to all staff and faculty member to make them aware of this resource.
  • It was also suggested to make this make this information an agenda item for committee meetings.
  • All committees will be expected and required to utilize this web page to house their documents for all staff and faculty to view. Some information may be confidential in nature and each committee Chair will need to be responsible for determining whether the posting of information is appropriate and will need to know whether it is a FERPA violation or not. Discretion should always be used.
  • Adrian will update the GC on the committees’ status of their informational upload into the Intranet at the October meeting.



(Led by Sheri Horn Bunk, TC Foundation Director)

  • Sheri stated this is a one day conference to be held here at TC that will inform the attendees on work force development and needs of the region.
  • Sheri also provided a handout titled “Frequently Asked Questions” (copy attached to official minutes) which explained the purposes, speakers, expectations, funding and the agenda for the day event.
  • The function is sold out with 320 seats.
  • Parking will be an issue for the event. The blocking off of areas will begin Wednesday and Thursday for preparation of the summit on Friday and 249 parking spaces will be reserved specifically for Summit attendees.
  • Parking will be reserved for 249 attendees for event.   There will be some parking available in the Kern library parking lot. There will be people directing traffic for parking.
  • Sheri then shared a video on the Energy Tech Program here at TC and the energy industry in Kern County.



(Led by Guest Speaker, Dan Rosenberg, College Brain Trust)

  • Dan Rosenberg gave a PowerPoint presentation demonstrating the process and how his company would assist the college with developing an Educational Master Plan.
  • They have worked with 30+ colleges across California.
  • Went over the goals of an Educational Master Plan and stated it is a college’s long-range plan which provides a roadmap for the future of the institution.
  • It also assists in guiding and planning for facilities and resources.
  • The elements in creating the Educational Master Plan are quantitative and qualitative in nature and very driven by data.
  • It requires broad-based stakeholder input and participation.
  • The following are some of the plan elements:
    • Mission/vision/values
    • Programs (Instructional and Support Services)
    • Population trends
    • Enrollment trends
    • Growth forecast
    • Environmental scan/employment trends/labor marker
    • Institutional planning
    • Institutional recommendations
    • Space needs forecast
  • He state there are 50 consultants that are on the College Brain Trust consulting team
  • They have experience working with other community colleges such as Bakersfield College, Barstow, Reedley, and many others.
  • He stated their approach is that this is first and foremost the college’s plan, and it’s their role as consultant to listen, facilitate, question, guide, inform, and analyze during the process.
  • The college’s role is to dream big, actively participate, review data and drafts, integrate with other plans, and identify challenges and opportunities.
  • The expected timeline is a little over a semester (6 months).
  • The process begins with data gathering with IR resources and also outside resources such as an environmental scan.
  • Then they will begin talking with college stakeholders and develop a college-wide discussion for input of developing the Educational Master Plan.
  • After his presentation, Dan opened up the conversation and asked for any questions or concerns.
  • Dena stated the cost for the use of the consultants is $60,000 for about 6 or 7 months of work and the funds are already in the 13/14 budget.
  • Dena asked if there were any objections with taking this request to use Brain Trust’s consulting services for developing an Educational Master Plan.


CONSENSUS: The GC members agreed to move forward and have Dena take the request to hire Brain

Trust to assist the college in developing an Educational Master Plan to the Board of Trustee’s for approval.

Facilitator: Mark Williams

Recorder: Brandy Cramer

Timekeeper: Velda Long

Next Meeting: October 25, 2013

Meeting Adjourned: 1:50 pm

Respectfully submitted by:

Melissa Blanco