September 13, 2013 Meeting



Governance Council

September 13, 2013

12:10 – 2:00 pm

Cougar Room

Facilitator: Velda Long

Recorder: Sharyn Eveland

Timekeeper: Brandy Cramer

  1. Approval of Minutes from August 30, 2013       5 minutes


  1. Continuation of Discussion on Governance Council Charter     45 minutes


(Led by Tony Thompson and Dena Maloney)

  • Constituent Input on recommendations of 8/30/13
  • Charter Language Discussion
    • Placing Items on the Agenda
    • Membership


  1. Governance Council Resource Allocation Process     20 minutes


(Led by Tony Thompson and Dena Maloney)

  • Detailed Timeline for Ranking Program Goals Resource Requests (Eric)


  1. The Need for a Comprehensive Educational Master Plan


(Led by Dena Maloney)         30 minutes

Next Meeting: September 27, 2013

12:10 – 2:00 pm

Call for:



Time Keeper




September 13, 2013

12:10 pm – 2 pm

Cougar Room

Members Present: Kanoe Bandy, Sheri Black, Darcy Bogle, Kamala Carlson, Brandy Cramer, Sharyn Eveland, Greg Golling, Vicki Herder, Velda Long, Dena Maloney, Brock McMurray, Laura Riss, Mylasia Smith, Sonja Swenson, Tony Thompson and Mark Williams

Members Absent: Jim Nicholas

Guests: Eric Bérubé

Facilitator: Velda Long

Recorder: Sharyn Eveland

Timekeeper: Brandy Cramer

Minutes: Melissa Blanco


The minutes of the meeting held August 30, 2013 were approved by consensus.


Tony Thompson introduced the new Governance Council student representative, Mylasia Smith. She is currently a student at Taft College and serves as the interclub commissioner for the Associated Student Body.


(Led by Dena Maloney & Tony Thompson, Co-chairs)

  • Constituent Input on Recommendations of 8/30/13:
    • The CSEA will meet Sept. 20 and will review the recommendations regarding the charter.
    • The Academic Senate has not yet reviewed the recommendations.
    • Other constituents have not yet reviewed the recommendations for the GC charter.
    • The recommendations from Dena and Vicki about the committee structures have also not been reviewed by constituencies.
  • Charter Language Discussion:
    • Placing Items on the Agenda – Discussion among the members as to how items were placed on the agenda. It was stated that as a GC member and representative that any member had the ability to bring an item to the GC co-chairs for review as an agenda item. Each member represents a specific group of constituents such as management, classified, faculty, and students.
    • A process was defined, moved and seconded.


CONSENSUS:   Constituents take items to their GC representative; the GC representative takes the items to the co-chairs for evaluation. The process was approved by vote after discussion.

  • Membership – A student representative, Mylasia Smith, is now serving on the GC.



(Led by Dena Maloney & Tony Thompson, Co-chairs)

  • Detailed Timeline for Ranking Program Goals Resource Requests:
    • Eric Bérubé distributed a handout which depicts the Non-Personal and Personal Resource Prioritization Flow and Timeline for Program Review Cycle Starting in 2012-2013.
    • Eric stated he updated the diagram to include Box #9 to incorporate the step of providing feedback on resources requests as to what was funded and what was not funded.
    • Dena reminded GC members that with the timing of the May Revise and the finalization of budgets that the determination of funding for non-personnel items may occur later in the spring or early summer.



(Led by Dena Maloney, Co-chair)

  • Dena distributed a handout titled “Taft College Planning Documents and Timeline” (copy attached to official minutes) which listed District documents and timeframes
  • Dena stated discussed how all of these documents work together to guide the future direction of the institution and pointed out (with agreement from others) that the current structure is not a useful for us as we need it to be.
  • Dena pointed out that the District is due for an updated Educational Mater Plan” which is a comprehensive look at the District and its instructional programs based on changes in the District and who we serve.
  • A printed version of the Educational Master Plan from another institution was passed around as an example of formatting and structure.
  • Dena also provided information about resources/consultants specializing in helping educational institutions in developing and updating these types of documents to make them more useful.
  • She indicated she would like to bring in a consultant for the next meeting to present what effort it will take on both parties and see what they propose for us regarding their methodology and process.
  • She asked for any discussion or opinions about the interests in this area by GC members.
  • Discussion ensued and it was agreed to have a consultant be a guest speaker regarding this issue at the next GC meeting.


CONSENSUS – The GC members voted and agreed to bring in resources/consultant for a presentation.


  • A suggestion to provide electronic versions of all handouts to the electronic minutes or at least include a link to the documents to make finding them easier when we go back to review these items.


Facilitator: Mark Williams

Recorder: Brandy Cramer

Timekeeper: Sonja Swenson

Next Meeting: September 27, 2014

Meeting Adjourned: 1:05 pm

Respectfully submitted by:

Melissa Blanco