August 30, 2013 Meeting



Governance Council

August 30, 2013

12:10 – 2:00 pm

Cougar Room

Facilitator: Sandi Graham

Recorder: Greg Golling

Timekeeper: Brandi Cramer

  1. Approval of Minutes from May 10, 2013 Meeting     5 minutes


  1. Continuation of Discussion on Governance Council Charter     45 minutes


(Led by Tony Thompson and Dena Maloney)

  • Structure of the Governance Council and Its Committees
  • Placing Items on the Agenda


  1. Governance Council Resource Allocation Process     40 minutes


(Led by Tony Thompson and Dena Maloney)

  • Evaluation of Ranking Process from 2012-13
  • Ranking Criteria for 2013-14
  • Timeline for Ranking


  1. Budget Committee Report       10 minutes


(Led by Brock McMurray)

  • Status of District Budget
  • Recommendations as Requested by Governance Council on May 10th


  1. 2013-14 Meeting Schedule         10 minutes


(Led by Dena Maloney and Tony Thompson)

  1. Accreditation Update (handout from Eric Bérubé)
  • Standard Committees
  • Timeline


Next Meeting: September 13, 2013

12:10 – 2:00 pm



Time Keeper




August 30, 2013

12:10 pm – 2 pm

Cougar Room

Members Present: Kanoe Bandy, Sheri Black, Darcy Bogle, Brandy Cramer, Sharyn Eveland, Greg Golling, Vicki Herder, Velda Long, Dena Maloney Brock McMurray, Laura Riss, Sonja Swenson, Tony Thompson and Mark Williams

Members Absent: Kamala Carlson and Jim Nicholas

Guests: Eric Bérubé

Facilitator: Darcy Bogle

Recorder: Greg Golling

Timekeeper: Velda Long

Minutes: Brandy Cramer


The minutes of the meeting held May 10, 2013 were approved by consensus.


(Led by Dena Maloney & Tony Thompson, Co-chairs)

  • During the May meeting concerns were expressed regarding the structure of the Governance Council and it being too limiting. Dena Maloney and Vicki Herder volunteered to do some analysis over the summer regarding these concerns.
  • Four handouts were distributed as follows:
    • Green Handout , titled “Academic and Professional Matters”– List of all committees and their charters
    • Blue Handout, titled “Definitions” – Definitions and table of current Taft College committees
    • White Handout – Structures of how committees are connected and relate to various departments. The diagrams were created by Dena Maloney as a visual tool.
    • Pink Handout – Analysis and recommendations by Dena Maloney and Vicki Herder
      • Summary of suggestions:
        • Consider forming an “Access Committee” for analyzing future enrollment management strategies, new program, and grant funding opportunities for Taft College
        • Consider forming a “Student Success Committee for developing student success strategies and connecting the wide range of student success initiatives at Taft College.
        • Strengthen connections with committees for long-range planning
        • Consider role in the policy process


  • Dena stated the discussion of is a good starting point for HR to update charters and committee roles.
  • Vicki stated that the council members should take back the recommendations developed by her and Dena to their constituents for discussion and then revisit this item for discussion at the next meeting.
  • Kanoe stated a presentation should be given to the Academic Senate. She also expressed her concern that the Governance Council should not become a reporting committee.
  • Dena stated that this needs to be a “planning committee” for the future of the district and hearing reports is needed in order to plan accordingly.
  • Sonja asked why we changed from the planning council to the Governance Council.
  • Eric answered that the role of the planning committee was not consistent with accreditation standards.   Eric also stated that restructuring into 3 groups gave the groups more time for what needed to be done.
  • Sonja asked what planning (items from SPC) suggestions have come back to the Governance Council.
  • Eric answered that mostly operational items have been brought back, along with program review goals, etc.
  • Eric stated that the SPC is going to discuss disbanding.
  • Sharyn asked if the Budget and SPC function and report back to the Governance Council or do they work autonomously.   She also suggested that the recommended Student Success and Access committees should not be made solely from the Governance Council members.
  • Kanoe stated that there is a difference between task force and committee. SPC is more of a task force.
  • Brock stated that the Facilities committee should take its guidance from the Educational Master Plan.
  • Dena stated that the Governance Council is the body to help develop the Educational Master Plan.
  • Dena suggested that shared governance is a process that is infused through a wide variety of committees across the campus.
  • Dena also stated the Governance Council does not make the decisions for the District, the Board of Trustees does. This committee makes recommendations to the CEO, who then presents recommendations to the Board of Trustees.
  • Vicki suggested the charters of all TC committees be reviewed.
  • Sonja stated that some committees were started a long time ago and did not have charters.
  • Sonja stated that some committees were started a long time ago and did not have charters.
  • Vicki stated that charters will need to be written for those committees.
  • Tony stated that we need to review the Governance Council charter on an annual basis for accreditation purposes.
  • The language of the charter is confusing and needs to be clarified as to the roles and duties of the GC.
  • A process needs to be developed for submitting agenda items.



(Led by Dena Maloney & Tony Thompson, Co-chairs)

  • Dena gave a brief history of the ranking process.
  • Two handouts were distributed:
    • A timeline from the IR office
    • A prioritization rubric


CONSENUS: The Governance Council approved to utilize the same Annual Prioritization Resource Prioritization Rubric ranking tool.

  • The question was asked as to whether unfunded requests/program goals go back into the queue for future consideration when funds become available.
  • Brock shared that a the May 10th meeting, the Governance Council asked the Budget Committee to provide recommendations on two questions: 1) should unfunded requests from program reviews be carried forward or should they be re-evaluated and then resubmitted if needed; and 2) what should be the process for restoring items which were cut during the past four years?
  • Brock shared the recommendations from the Budget committee. See Budget committee minutes.
  • Questions: How to restore cuts?   As the budget becomes more stable and grows, these things should be a discussion the managers have while building the budget. They should not be ranked.


  • The function of program reviews is for new items – a significant change. It’s a grey area.
  • Brock read from the minutes of the budget committee regarding the recommendations that the restoration of cuts should be addressed during the budget development process in a dialogue with the respective Vice President.



(Led by Brock McMurray, Vice President of Administrative Services)

  • The State is still under funded from 07-08 by $6 billion.
  • The District’s 2013-2014 will be presented for to the Board September 11, 2013 for approval.
  • The District will still be utilizing $563,000 of reserves to fund GASB.
  • No major threats to budget as in past. Few minor ones, but looks favorable that we won’t face cuts and get full allocation.
  • A budget study session will be held prior to Board meeting. This is an open meeting.



(Led by Dena Maloney & Tony Thompson, Co-chairs)

  • The GC will meet twice a month at least through Fall.



(Led by Eric Bérubé, Coordinator of Institutional Assessment, Research, & Planning)



Facilitator: Velda Long

Recorder: Sharyn Eveland

Timekeeper: Brandy Cramer

Next Meeting: September 13, 2014

Meeting Adjourned: 2 pm

Respectfully submitted by:

Brandy Cramer/mb