March 08, 2013 Meeting


March 8, 2013
12:10 pm – 2:00 pm
Cougar Room
Facilitator: Dena Maloney
Recorder: Sharyn Eveland
Timekeeper: Tony Thompson
1. Approval of Minutes of February 8, 2013 —5 minutes
2. Accreditation Self Study – Update and Next Steps (led by Eric Bérubé) – 15 minutes
3. Campus Safety Planning Update (led by Dena Maloney) – 15 minutes
4. Strategic Planning Process Evaluation (led by Eric Bérubé) – 30 minutes
5. Strategic Planning Committee report (led by Val Garcia) – 10 minutes
6. State Budget Update (led by Dena Maloney) – 10 minutes
7. “Innovative Approaches to Student Success Across the Campus” Governance Council Spring Retreat on April 26, 2013 (led by Tony Thompson and Dena Maloney) – 20 minutes
Next Meeting:
April 12 at 12:10 pm



March 8, 2013 12:10 pm–2 pm Cougar Room

Members Present:      Kanoe Bandy, Patti Bench, Sheri Black, Debra Ekdahl, Sharyn Eveland, Greg Golling, Sandi Graham, Velda Long, Dena Maloney, Sonja Swenson, and Tony Thompson

Members Absent:       Kamala Carlson, Vicki Herder, Brock McMurray and Jim Nicholas

Guests:                            Eric Bérubé and Val Garcia

Facilitator: Dena Maloney Recorder: Sharyn Eveland Timekeeper: Tony Thompson Minutes: Melissa Blanco



The minutes of the meeting held February 8, 2013 were approved by consensus.



(Led by Eric Bérubé, Coordinator of Institutional Assessment, Research, & Planning)

  • Eric distributed a handout titled “Accreditation Self Evaluation Update and Next Steps” (copy attached to official minutes).
  • Subcommittees are being formed and some changes were being made.
  • Dena & Erik will meet with co-chairs to finalize the membership of subcommittees.
  • Lists will be sent to the subcommittee chairs soon. Subcommittees should meet for formation after the lists are sent to the chairs.
  • The annual report for the Commission has been expanded to include information for the new standards. This was unexpected.
  • Taft College will be evaluated under the new standards in the upcoming accreditation cycle.
  • The Key Success Indicators (KSIs) dashboard has been added to the Taft College IAR&P website.
  • Eric gave a brief preview of the KSI dashboard and a discussion of the changes in standards and expectations followed the presentation.
  • That KSI dashboard will assist TC in monitoring key success indicators so we can develop and set goals.



(Led by Dena Maloney, Superintendent/President and Co-Chair)

Dena updated the committee on key campus safety items that have been developed to assist staff during an emergency such as:

  • Emergency Text Messaging System
  • Emergency Radios
  • Contract with TAFT Police Department
    • Dena stated the cost for this service is $115,000
    • Dena stated it will be funded by various areas with excess funds
    • Officer will serve as a liaison with other school
    • Paying only for hours used



(Led by Eric Bérubé, Coordinator of Institutional Assessment, Research, & Planning)

  • Eric distributed a handout titled “Evaluation of Taft College’s Strategic Planning Process” (copy attached to official minutes).
  • Eric stated in the past the survey was usually done during in-service; however, he would like all the GC and SPC members to read the handout and go online to take and submit the survey.
  • The survey will assist in the continuous improvement of the process.
  • Results of the survey will be presented at the next GC meeting.




(Led by Val Garcia, Associate Dean of Instruction)

  • Val stated the SPC members have been reviewing the new accreditation standards to better prepare the District.
  • The SPC members also worked on the Strategic Planning evaluation and survey that was presented previously to the GC members.



(Led by Dena Maloney, Superintendent/President and Co-Chair)

  • Dena distributed a handout titled “Budget Update” (copy attached to official minutes).
  • Dena gave a brief overview of the 2013-2014 Governor’s Budget along with some policy proposals.
  • Negotiations continue at the state level.
  • Taft College is still owed on deferrals from last year and the 2013-14 proposal from the Governor includes $179M to buy down deferrals from the previous year.



Governance Council March 8, 2013

Page 3

  • The Legislative Analysis Office (LAO) recommends restrictions on the augmentation proposed by the governor.
  • The LAO recommends the legislators NOT support the movement of adult education to the community colleges.
  • Taft College is planning for a possible 2% to 4% growth in FTES; essentially restoration of cuts. We do not know at this time what the final budget with regards to growth.
  • Funding from Prop 30 does have some restrictions on how it can be used. The impact of those restrictions on how the funds can be used at the districts is not clear at this time.
  • The proposal for funding based on completion has not been accepted or rejected at this time. The LAO recommends allowing time to see the effect of the Student Success Act prior to making additional changes.




(Led by Dena Maloney, Superintendent/President and Co-Chair and Tony Thompson, Academic Senate President and Co-Chair)

  • Dena stated the retreat will be April 26th, Friday from 9am-2pm.
  • The District is hoping to have Gregory Creel from Chaffey Community College for a guest speaker.
  • The focus will be on innovative approaches across the campus to support student success.
  • We will also examine Key Success Indicators and their use in setting goals for the District.
  • It was also suggested to provide a brief overview of what TC is currently doing right for student success and embrace those techniques.



Facilitator: Tony Thompson Recorder: Sonja Swenson Timekeeper: Kanoe Bandy

Next Meeting: Friday, April 12, 2013 at 12:10 pm

Meeting Adjourned: 1:20 pm

Respectfully submitted by:

Melissa Blanco

AGENDA ITEM –Strategic Planning Survey Results (Eric Bérubé)