September 14, 2020 Meeting


Taft College Distance Learning and Education Committee
Monday September 14, 2020
12:10 pm – 1:00 pm
Via Zoom

Call to Order

Public Commentary

Action Items

1. Approval of August 17, 2020 Minutes ACTION

Old Business

2. Emergency Distance Learning Approval Forms ACTION
a. DNTL 1514
b. DNTL 2130
c. DNTL 2131
d. DNTL 2132
e. DNTL 2133
f. DNTL 2134
g. DNTL 2135
h. ENGR 1500
i. ENGR 1510
j. ENGR 1550

New Business

3. Emergency Distance Learning Approval Forms ACTION
a. OSH 1100
b. OSH 1102
c. OSH 1104
d. OSH 1109
e. OSH 1112
f. OSH 1113
g. OSH 1115
h. OSH 1116
i. OSH 1119
j. COMM 1507
k. PHIL 1520
l. WKEX 1014

Discussion Items
4. Committee Goals for 2020-2021 DISCUSSION



Next Meeting: October 12, 2020 (12:10 pm – 1:00 pm) via Zoom


Taft College Distance Learning and Education Committee
Monday, September 21, 2020, 12:10-1:00pm
Via Zoom
Call to Order: A. Bledsoe, 12:11 pm
Attendees: Amar Abbott, Nicole Avina, Marianne C. Bishop, Adam Bledsoe, Jill Brown, Geoffrey
Dyer, Chris Flachmann, Kelly Kulzer-Reyes, Jason Page, Robin Polski, Joy Reynolds,
Brandy Young
Absent: Leslie Minor
Public Commentary: None
• August 17, 2020 Minutes submitted by M. Bishop
• Minutes adopted by unanimous consent
Action Items Discussion
• K. Kulzer-Reyes motioned to reorder agenda to address each subject area as a group in this
7 Dental Hygiene
3 Engineering
1 Work Experience
1 Communication
1 Philosophy
9 Occupational Safety and Health
o R. Polski: Second
o 2 members not present during discussion
o After roll-call, motion passed.
Dental Hygiene (DNTL)
• K. Kulzer-Reyes first motioned for DNTL 1514, 2132 and 2133 be forwarded to Curriculum to
be offered in a Partially Online format, as defined by the ASCCC Distance Education and
Educational Technology Advisory Committee’s (DEETAC) proposed definition of a “partially
online” course. Included in this motion is the return of the approval forms to Dental
Hygiene faculty with the definition of “partially-online” to ensure this is what they are
o C. Flachmann: Second
• Kelly Kulzer-Reyes suggested to include definition of “Partially Online (PO) (also known as
“hybrid”)” with comments to faculty — “Instruction involving regular and effective online
interaction for some portion of the approved contact hours that takes place synchronously
or asynchronously and is supported by materials and activities delivered in person and
online through the college’s learning management system, and through the use of other
required materials. This would include periodic synchronously scheduled meetings for
lecture, lab or testing where the instructor and student are together. Any portion of a class
that is delivered online must follow a separate approval process. The approved online
portion must meet the regular and effective contact regulation. The class schedule indicates
when and where the in-person meetings occur and how many hours are to be completed
online. Any scheduled or synchronous online meetings should also be included in the
schedule of courses.”
• G. Dyer noted that DEETAC is not an ASCCC committee but is an advisory committee to the
Chancellor’s Office. To his knowledge, the DE guidelines that contain those definitions of
FO, PO, etc. are not going forward at this time. The Chancellor’s Office has halted the
approval of these guidelines pending further discussion.
• K. Kulzer-Reyes stated that, while we haven’t adopted the definition as a campus, several of
our faculty are using the term “hybrid” inconsistently. For example, some say “it’s not okay
for hybrid because we cannot meet face-to-face.” But there are ways to offer a hybrid
course while meeting synchronously via Zoom. It would be prudent to share a definition or
define what “hybrid” means with faculty. This is why she suggested to include the definition
in the comments to DNTL faculty. She saw the same issue with ENGR.
• G. Dyer spoke with V. Kimbrough earlier to discuss DNTL forms submitted and he shared
information from that conversation with A. Bledsoe and M. Bishop. Said information was
included in the revised DNTL 2130 and 2133.
• A. Bledsoe noted that “online format” could be either online or hybrid.
• K. Kulzer-Reyes amended her motion: Dental Hygiene 1514, 2130, 2131, 2132, 2133, and
2135 DE approval forms be forwarded to the Curriculum Committee to be offered in an
online format.
o G. Dyer: Second
o One member not present during discussion
o After roll-call, motion passed.
• For DNTL 2134: G. Dyer will reach out to V. Kimbrough for clarification if course is offered
face-to-face only.
Engineering (ENGR)
• A. Bledsoe discussed the ENGR courses through email with M. Mayfield (division chair).
Initially, M. Mayfield wanted to pull these forms but we have already included them in the
packet for our next committee meeting. M. Mayfield noted that the lab information needed
some changes. A. Bledsoe informed him we can discuss the forms and send him additional
information after.
• K. Kulzer-Reyes wanted clarification on what Engineering meant by “labs.” Does it refer to
“class demonstrations, for example?” ENGR 1500 is not an approved lab course. Labs have
10’s and higher.
• J. Brown confirmed that ENGR 1500 is not a lab course.
• J. Reynolds noted that students are needing materials they would not be expected to
necessarily have at home. It’s not a “lab” in the traditional sense of a lab.
• G. Dyer noted the answer to #3 about Substantive Change. He suggested that someone
from committee look into how we are reporting the emergency temporary DE approvals to
• J. Reynolds motioned that ENGR 1500 DE approval form be returned to the division chair
per their request with the additional comments that there are no laboratory hours listed in
the COR so this information should be added in the form. Committee also requests for more
information about field trips and guest speaker attendance as listed in the COR.
o K. Kulzer-Reyes: Second
o After roll-call, motion passed.
• K. Kulzer-Reyes suggested to inform M. Mayfield they can do synchronous class with Zoom
and that’s still considered online.
• A. Abbott asked if we’re still having students come to campus for some face-to-face labs. If
so, they could do them as hybrid if they get approval.
• A. Bledsoe will inform M. Mayfield to uncheck box — not appropriate for hybrid. A. Bledsoe
clarified that, in most cases, if it’s appropriate for online, it should also be appropriate for
• J. Reynolds motioned that ENGR 1510 DE approval form be returned to the division chair
per their request with the additional comments about how CAD will be accessed by
students remotely. Additionally, elaborate on how any of the lab activities (e.g., models,
presentations) will be addressed.
o A. Abbott: Second
o After roll-call, motion passed.
• J. Reynolds motioned that ENGR 1550 DE approval form be returned to division chair per
the comment that online courses can be synchronous online or hybrid with lab portion in
o K. Kulzer-Reyes: Second
o After roll-call, motion passed.
Work Experience (WKEX)
• K. Kulzer-Reyes motioned that WKEX 1014 DE approval form be forwarded to Curriculum
Committee to be offered in an online format in an emergency situation.
o J. Brown: Second
o After roll-call, motion passed.
Communication (COMM)
• K. Kulzer-Reyes motioned that COMM 1507 DE approval form be returned to the
Communication faculty to clarify the online components of the course (e.g., presentations,
in-class discussions).
o G. Dyer: Second
o After roll-call, motion passed.
• K. Kulzer-Reyes will reach out to Communication faculty. G. Dyer offered to assist having
some experience with COMM issues before.
Philosophy (PHIL)
• A. Bledsoe noted that “not appropriate for hybrid” was checked on the form but also
indicated that course would be for online or offline. There was no response to Question #3,
i.e., will action push the percentage of Distance Learning courses offered in the program
over 50%?
• J. Reynolds asked if CMAP software was available virtually or only in the classroom.
• K. Kulzer-Reyes noted that it’s available only in specific classroom(s). Additionally, there are
presentations required in this course but they are not addressed in the form.
• K. Kulzer-Reyes motioned that PHIL 1520 be returned to the Philosophy faculty for
clarification on the following: checkbox for question #2 on Hybrid, response to question #3,
presentations and CMAP software.
o R. Polski: Second
o After roll-call, motion passed.
Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)
• Dr. Jessica Grimes, Dean of Instruction and CTE, joined the meeting to answer questions
about the submitted OSH courses.
• G. Dyer noted appreciation that items were listed in the form for specific approaches (e.g.,
software app used in different courses) which shows they have a clear plan and know how
they’ll be implementing it.
• K. Kulzer-Reyes noted to uncheck the box “all three methods of delivery” since many of the
requirements presented are not available to our incarcerated students (e.g., using Zoom).
• J. Grimes noted that many of these OSH courses could potentially be offered to
incarcerated students but not during a pandemic. These courses were designed as part of
Guided Pathway. They were submitted for emergency approval only.
• C. Flachmann noted that our inmate-students have taken these Guided Pathway face-toface
courses from WESTEC.
• A. Abbott noted that questions 5 and 6 were not answered. He asked if OSH faculty have
looked at Title V and AP 5145 to understand accessibility requirements. For example, what
will they be doing regarding breathing apparatus and forklift training?
• K. Kulzer-Reyes noted there has to be some hands-on assessment/demonstration of
• J. Grimes suggested to have an OSH faculty join as guest at a future committee meeting to
answer questions. She will share with OSH faculty what we discussed.
• K. Kulzer-Reyes motioned to return the forms to the OSH faculty with the following to be
addressed: a) all three methods are cited for delivery but courses cannot be offered Offline,
i.e., with inmates; b) questions 5 and 6 should be answered for all forms; c) elaborate on
how students will attain skills as part of forklift training without face-to-face instruction; and
d) elaborate on how the breathing apparatus skill will be learned virtually. Moreover,
motion also included inviting OSH faculty to be a guest to answer questions at a future
committee meeting.
o A. Abbott: Second
o After roll-call, motion passed.
• A. Bledsoe thanked Dr. Grimes for coming.
• A. Bledsoe moved to adjourn meeting : adjourned at 1:04 pm