March 13, 2020 Meeting



Distance Learning and Education Committee


March 13, 2020


12:10 pm – 1:00 pm






Action Items


  1. Approval of Minutes (5 Minutes)
    1. February 10, 2020


  1. Distance Learning Approval Forms (40 Minutes)
    1. BUSN 1500
    2. BUSN 2280
    3. COSC 1532
    4. COSC 2020
    5. LIBR 1548
    6. MGMT 1500
    7. MGMT 1505
    8. SPAN 2001



Information/Discussion Items


  1. DE Accessibility Plan (5 Minutes)





Next Meeting: April 13, 2020


Taft College Distance Learning and Education Committee


March 9, 2020

12:10 pm – 1:00 pm



Call to Order: Bledsoe, 12:10 pm


In Attendance: Amar Abbott, Adam Bledsoe, Geoffrey Dyer, Chris Flachmann, Steven McDaniel, Kelly Kulzer-Reyes, Joy Reynolds


Action Items


  • Approval of Minutes
    1. February 10, 2020 minutes
      1. Motion to approve with correction of typo: Kulzer-Reyes.
      2. Second: Reynolds
  • Motion passed.


  • Distance Learning Approval Forms (40 Minutes)
    1. BUSN 1500
      1. Motion to forward to Curriculum Committee: Reynolds.
      2. Second: Abbott.
  • Motion passed.
  1. BUSN 2280
    1. Approved to be forwarded to Curriculum Committee with comment that instructors need to be aware how guest speakers that are referenced in the COR will be presented in an online/offline format: Kulzer-Reyes.
    2. Second: Abbott.
  • Motion passed.
  1. COSC 1532
    1. Motion to send back to faculty to address how lab component can be met in offline sections and to request updated COR: Kulzer-Reyes.
    2. Second: Flachmann.
  • Motion passed.
  1. COSC 2020
    1. Motion to send back to faculty to address how lab component can be met in offline sections and to request an updated COR: Abbott.
    2. Second: Kulzer-Reyes.
  • Motion passed.
  1. LIBR 1548
    1. Motion to forward to Curriculum Committee: Dyer.
    2. Second: Abbott.
  • Motion passed.
  1. MGMT 1500
    1. Motion to forward to Curriculum Committee: Kulzer-Reyes.
    2. Second: Dyer.
  • Motion passed.
  1. MGMT 1505
    1. Motion to forward to Curriculum Committee: Kulzer-Reyes.
    2. Second: Abbott.
  • Motion passed.
  1. SPAN 2001
    1. Motion to send back to faculty with comments below: Kulzer-Reyes.
      1. Question 5 was not checked
      2. The committee would like a copy of an updated COR
      3. The committee would like to know how students demonstrate speaking in both an online and an offline format. This should be addressed in question number 4.
      4. Similarly, the committee would like to know how the following method of instruction listed on the COR can be accomplished in an online or offline format: “Oral question-and-answer drills based on assigned readings and conversations on subjects meaningful to students are conducted in Spanish.”
    2. Second: Abbott.
  • Motion passed.


Adjournment: 1:00 pm