May 07, 2020 Meeting


Thursday, May 7, 2020

10:00 A.M. – 11:00 A.M.

Via Zoom

Meeting ID: 972-0234-7602

Call to Order: 

Public Commentary: 

Action Items

  1. Approval of April 23, 2020 Minutes ACTION

Information Items

  1. Welcome to Dr. Marianne Castano Bishop INFORMATION

Old Business

  1. None

New Business

  1. Distance Learning Approval Forms ACTION
    1. ART 1600
    2. ART 1620
    3. ART 1625
    4. ART 1640
    5. BSAD 2220
    6. BUSN 1050
    7. ECEF 1531
    8. ECEF 1584
    9. HIST 2216
    10. MGMT 1515
    11. PSYC 2080
  2. Emergency Distance Learning Approval Forms ACTION
    1. DRAM 1535
    2. ECEF 1003
    3. PSYC 2205

Discussion Items

  1. Timeline for Approval Forms to reach Curriculum DISCUSSION




Next Meeting: May 11, 2020


Thursday, May 7, 2020

10:00 A.M. – 11:00 A.M.

Via Zoom

Call to Order: Bledsoe, 10:03 A.M.

Attendees: Amar Abbott, Nicole Avina, Marianne Bishop, Adam Bledsoe, Christopher Chung-Wee, Geoffrey Dyer, Chris Flachmann, Kelly Kulzer-Reyes, Steven McDaniel, Leslie Minor, Joy Reynolds, Brandy Young

Public Commentary: None

Action Items

  1. Approval of Minutes
    1. April 23, 2020 minutes
      1. Minutes adopted by unanimous consent

Information Items

  1. Welcome to Dr. Marianne Castano Bishop
    1. Castano Bishop was introduced by Adam Bledsoe and gave the committee a brief overview of her professional background. Committee members introduced themselves.

Old Business

  1. None


  1. Dyer motioned to reorganize agenda by placing Discussion item six before New Business item four.
  2. Kulzer-Reyes seconded.
  3. Motion passed unanimously.

Discussion Items

  1. Timeline for Approval Forms to reach Curriculum

Adam Bledsoe updated the committee of the Curriculum and General Education committees plan to hold a special meeting on May 22, 2020 in addition to their regularly scheduled meeting on May 15. This would enable the Distance Learning and Education Committee to hold an additional special meeting on May 18, 2020 in addition to our regularly scheduled meeting on May 11. The need for the additional meetings is to process all the anticipated Emergency Distance Learning Approval Forms.

The committee asked if we have time to send forms back to faculty if needed. Geoffrey Dyer provided clarification that we do not have to complete applications until December 31, 2020. Dyer shared with the committee the March 31, 2020 Memorandum from the Executive Vice Chancellor, Educational Services & Support regarding Emergency Temporary Distance Education Blanket Addendum for Summer 2020 or Fall 2020. Dyer highlighted that the memo states we must explain our plan for local approval of all courses that may need to be offered online. It does not state that all courses must receive local approval by the end of the current term. Thus, our committee should not feel pressured to push emergency forms through our committee that do not meet our standards. Dr. Minor further clarified that the Summer and Fall deadlines have been extended as well.

Committee discussed the viability of bundling similar courses together to expediate the approval process. Clarification was given by Geoffrey Dyer that by following Robert’s Rules we can bundle groups of addenda that have similar criteria to either forward to Curriculum or return to faculty.

Question was asked if we can move courses online in the Fall in an emergency if the Emergency Distance Learning Approval Forms have not been completed. Dr. Minor clarified that the state wants to know that we are working on it and that we could move the courses, but do we want to. The committee discussed the benefits of proactively having as many courses approved as possible.

Committee decided 2:00 P.M. would be an ideal start time for meeting on May 18, 2020.

New Business

  1. Distance Learning Approval Forms
    1. ART 1600
    2. ART 1620
    3. ART 1625
    4. ART 1640
      1. Motion to bundle Art courses and return to faculty with comment that the 72-hour lab that requires instructor supervision referenced in the COR is not addressed in question four of the approval form. A Substantive Change proposal with IR for the program Art: Associate in Art will also be needed with all four courses approval: Kulzer-Reyes.
      2. Second: Reynolds.
      3. Motion passed.
    5. BSAD 2220
    6. BUSN 1050
      1. Motion to bundle BSAD 2220 and BUSN 1050 courses and return to faculty with comment that there is concern regarding offline student selected groups with our incarcerated population. Student selected groups may not always be safe or permissible: Abbott
      2. Second: Young.
      3. Motion passed.
    7. ECEF 1531
    8. ECEF 1584
      1. Motion to bundle ECEF courses and forward to Curriculum: Dyer
      2. Second: Kulzer-Reyes.
      3. Motion passed.
    9. HIST 2216
      1. Motion to forward to Curriculum: Dyer
      2. Second: Young.
      3. Motion failed.
      4. Motion to return to faculty with comment that committee would like further clarification on how research papers using primary and secondary sources can be completed in an offline/incarcerated environment when students do not have internet access. The committee would like additional clarification on how discussions, group projects and class presentations can be completed offline: Reynolds.
      5. Second: Abbott.
      6. Motion passed.
    10. MGMT 1515
      1. Motion to forward to Curriculum: Dyer
      2. Second: Abbott.
      3. Motion failed.
      4. Motion to return to faculty with comment that committee would like further clarification on how students in an offline/incarcerated environment can work in groups without access to Canvas: Kulzer-Reyes.
      5. Second: Abbott.
      6. Motion passed.
    11. PSYC 2080
      1. Motion to return to faculty with comment that committee would like further clarification on question 2 of the form. Is the intent of the faculty for the course only to be eligible for offline delivery when it has previously been taught online? The committee would like additional clarification on how group projects referenced in the COR can be completed via distance learning: Kulzer-Reyes.
      2. Second: Reynolds.
      3. Motion passed.
  2. Emergency Distance Learning Approval Forms
    1. DRAM 1535
      1. Motion to forward to Curriculum with comment that the committee recommends the course only be eligible online or hybrid in an emergency. The committee has also unchecked labs as a potential challenge to meeting course outcomes because labs are not mentioned in COR: Dyer
      2. Second: Kulzer-Reyes.
      3. Motion passed.
    2. ECEF 1003
      1. Motion to forward to Curriculum: Kulzer-Reyes.
      2. Second: Abbott.
      3. Motion passed.
    3. PSYC 2205
      1. Motion to forward to Curriculum with comment that the committee recommends the course only be eligible online or hybrid in an emergency. The committee believes Canvas tools can be used to meet group requirements listed in COR: Chung-Wee
      2. Second: Young.
      3. Motion passed.




11:40 A.M.