November 09, 2020 Meeting
Monday November 9, 2020
12:10 P.M. – 1:00 P.M.
Call to Order:
Public Commentary:
Action Items
- Approval of October 19, 2020 Minutes ACTION
Discussion Items
Old Business
New Business
- Spring 2021 – Emergency Distance Learning Approval Forms ACTION
- CTRP 1015
- CTRP 1250
- DNTL 2024
- DNTL 2025
- DNTL 2026
- DNTL 2240
- DNTL 2241
- DNTL 2243
- DNTL 2244
- DNTL 2245
- ECEF 1001
- HLED 1531
- HLED 1535
- Spring 2021 – Traditional Distance Learning Approval Forms ACTION
- CTRP 1075
- CTRP 1080
- KINE 1500
- Emergency Distance Learning Approval Forms ACTION
- CTRP 1010
- CTRP 1090
- Traditional Distance Learning Approval Forms ACTION
- ASTR 1511
- BSAD 2220
- BUSN 1050
- BUSN 1059
- CTRP 1070
- CTRP 1210
- ENER 1503
- PHED 1523
- PHED 1623
- PHED 1723
- PHED 1823
Discussion Items
- Updates to Distance Learning Approval Forms DISCUSSION
- LTIs and Apps in Canvas DISCUSSION
- Committee Goals for 2020-2021 DISCUSSION
Next Meeting: December 14, 2020 (12:10 P.M. – 1:00 P.M.) via Zoom
Monday, November 9, 2020, 12:10 P.M. - 1:00 P.M.
Via Zoom
Call to Order: A. Bledsoe, 12:11 P.M.
Attendees: Amar Abbott, Marianne C. Bishop (non-voting), Adam Bledsoe, Geoffrey Dyer, Chris Flachmann, Leslie Minor (non-voting), Jason Page, Robin Polski, Joy Reynolds and Brandy Young
Absent: Nicole Avina, Kelly Kulzer-Reyes
Public Commentary: None
Approval of Minutes
- October 19, 2020 Minutes were submitted by M. Bishop
- There was discussion to add names of committee members who made the first and second motions as well as change the name “Mikefield” to “Mayfield” in the agenda.
- Polski motioned to approve the minutes given the changes are made. G. Dyer seconded. After roll-call, motion passed.
- Bishop will make the necessary changes and submit to the Committee after the meeting.
Discussion Items
- The Spring 2021 emergency forms were discussed.
- CTRP Courses
- Minor asked if we could include in the Committee’s updated form a “Yes,” “No,” “Conditional” attributes since we may not know the intent of the submitter from reading the submitted form.
- Bledsoe stated the committee could talk about this suggestion at the next meeting where updating the form will be on the agenda.
- There was conversation about the funding we get when offering correspondence, for example, to incarcerated students. DL&E Committee’s approval is based on distance education delivery and not funding.
- Reynolds motioned to forward CTRP 1015 and CTRP 1250 to the Curriculum Committee with the comment that we would like to verify that these courses are both appropriate for offline. G. Shaw will provide feedback to the Curriculum Committee. G. Dyer seconded. After roll-call, motion passed.
- Minor will speak with G. Shaw to be ready to discuss to Curriculum what it was that he meant.
- DTNL Courses
- Minor noted that clinicals are done in person only, no other way to do them.
- Dyer motioned that DNTL 2024 and DNTL 2243 be forwarded to the Curriculum Committee with the comment that this appears to be a hybrid approval for the lecture component of the course while lab activities are in person with socially distanced attendance. R. Polski seconded. After roll-call, motion passed.
- Reynolds asked how dental hygienist cleans teeth socially-distant. L. Minor clarified the students are not so much distant from the client as they are from each other. There are safeguards for working with clients. Campus bought an aeration system for the clinic. They are not using any tools that create a spray or aerosol. They’s using all hand-scaling tools. Students are learning a different way to do cleaning and they’re staying apart from each other. The campus has safeguards between the client and student. The campus is basing these safeguards on dental hygiene association’s current state and federal guidelines.
- Minor called V. Kimbrough on the phone for committee to ask her questions. J. Reynolds noted to V. Kimbrough that offline courses are for incarcerated students. G. Dyer and M. Bishop confirmed with V. Kimbrough that these DNTL courses are to be offered for online and hybrid but not for offline.
- Reynolds motioned that DNTL 2025, 2026, 2240, 2241, 2244 and 2245 be forwarded to the Curriculum Commttee with the comment that submitter has clarified that these courses are to be offered for online and hybrid delivery only, and that DTNL 2041 be replaced with DTNL 2241 in the addendum to the COR.
- ECEF Course
- There was group discussion to clearly define “offline” in the distance education updated form.
- Reynolds motioned that ECEF 1001 be forwarded to the Curriculum Committee with the comment that the submitter can review and check that it is appropriate for online and hybrid delivery but not for offline given that offline is for our incarcerated population. R. Polski seconded. After roll-call, motion passed.
- HLED Courses
- Minor will speak with N. Lidgett to clarify if they intended to have the course as hybrid since they’re doing skills on Saturday.
- Reynolds motioned to forward HLED 1531 and 1535 to the Curriculum Committee with the request that submitter clarify if they really intended all three online, hybrid and offline deliveries or if they intended hybrid only. C. Flachmann seconded. After roll-call, motion passed.
- The Spring 2021 traditional distance education forms were discussed.
- CTRP Courses
- Reynolds motioned that CTRP 1075 and 1080 be forwarded to the Curriculum Committee provided that we get clarification that these courses are in fact appropriate for offline delivery or not. A. Abbott seconded. After roll-call, motion passed.
- Minor will speak with G. Shaw for carification.
- Abbott noted that “for the record” this confusion about offline delivery is “partially our fault.”
- There was agreement that the committee has learned this to be the case from reviewing the many forms submitted for review.
- KINE Course
- Reynolds motioned to have KINE 1500 be forwarded to the Curriculum Committee with the updated form and submitter has clarified that the course is not offered offline. A. Abbott seconded. After roll-call, motion passed.
- The non-Spring 2021 emergency distance education forms were discussed.
- CTRP Courses
- Discussion opened with comments to CTRP course considerations.
- Minor noted that the college will no longer be scheduling correspondence where students literally just come in and drop off their materials and leave.
- Abbott recommended that the committee clearly delineate/differentiate definitions, i.e., offline, hybrid, online. DL&E Committee and Tech Review Committee may know what they are but others don’t.
- Dyer reminded the group that the Code of Federal Regulations defines correspondence education differently from distance education. Title V regulations about separate course reviews and the distance education addenda really apply to distance education and not to correspondence education. So while committee is trying to make a determination about whether a course should be offered in the prison as correspondence or not, the committee is doing more what 55206 asked the committee to do and the kind of review this committee has been doing. The committee has a record about this discussion.
- Flachmann and G. Dyer noted it makes sense to offer CTRP courses that require machinery to be offered as a hybrid.
- Minor mentioned that has been G. Shaw’s intent but will clarify with him. CTRP courses is moving to virtual, e.g., a different mode of transcription. He might have plans for the future.
- Abbott motioned to have the discussion for these CTRP courses scheduled for next committee meeting. R. Polski seconded. No roll call was necessary.
- The remaining 11 non-Spring 2021 traditional distance education forms listed in the agenda will be discussed at the next meeting.
- CTRP Courses
With the above motion, meeting was adjourned at 12:58 P.M.