January 10, 2020 Meeting


January 10, 2020

1:10 P.M. – 2:00 P.M.


Action Items

  1. Approval of Minutes (5 Minutes)
    1. December 9, 2019
  2. New faculty co-chair (5 Minutes)
  3. Distance Learning Approval Forms (25 Minutes)
    1. ECEF 1521
    2. ECEF 1584
    3. HIST 2202
    4. PSYC 2033
    5. SPCH 1511

Information/Discussion Items

  1. Program Review (15 Minutes)


Next Meeting: February 10, 2020


January 10, 2020

1:10 P.M. – 2:00 P.M.


In Attendance: Dr. Amar Abbott, Nicole Avina, Adam Bledsoe, Jill Brown, Kelly Kulzer-Reyes, Joy Reynolds

Guest: Dr. Christopher Chung-Wee, Chris Flachmann, Jason Page

Action Items

  1. Approval of Minutes (5 Minutes)
    1. Kelly Suggested Edits, Amar moves to approve minutes pending edits. Jill 2nds, and Kelly abstains.
  2. New faculty co-chair (5 Minutes):
    1. Reynolds requests to step down as co-chair of the committee. Bledsoe offers to co-chair. Kulzer moves to approve, Reynolds seconds, all agree. Adam Bledsoe will serve as the Distance Learning and Education Committee. All in favor.
  3. Distance Learning Approval Forms (25 Minutes)
    1. ECEF 1521 Summary: Returned for clarification. Kulzer moves to return the approval form for clarification, Abbott seconds, all approve.
      Comments: Course is a part of the 5-year review process. Abbott expressed concerned about requirement #6, demonstrate ability to work in environmental assessment and lab component. How will online students do this? Kulzer highlighted this course is not a lab course, so this should not be an issue. She emphasized the importance of an online student understanding their participation expectations regarding any lab components of the course. Observations were brought up. How will an online student be expected to complete this portion, it needs to be addressed in the form. The committee would like to see more detail on how online students will fulfill the expectations of lab related activities.
    2. ECEF 1584 Summary: Sending back with 4 concerns. Abbott moves to return the approval form with listed concerns, Kulzer seconds, all in favor.
      Comments: First time approval. This course requires observations. Is this truly online if there is a required attendance of observations. The committee would like question number 4 to clarify how the following items listed in the COR can be met in a distance learning environment:
      1. Observation and Documentation
      2. Field Experience
      3. Visiting specialists
      4. Peer interactions/role playing
      5. Lab/Field Experience Evaluations
    3. HIST 2202 Summary: Approved and forwarded to Curriculum. Brown motions, and Reynolds seconds to approve the approval form and forward it to the Curriculum Committee. All in favor.
      Comments: Course is a part of the 5-year review process. No concerns.
    4. PSYC 2033 Summary: Approved and forwarded to Curriculum. Reynolds motions to approve and forward to the Curriculum Committee. Abbott seconds all in favor.
      Comments: Course is a part of the 5-year review process. No concerns.
    5. SPCH 1511 Summary*: Approved and forwarded to Curriculum. Kulzer motions to approve and forward to the Curriculum Committee. Reynolds seconds, all in favor and motion carries.
      Comments: This course is up for *hybrid approval only. It is intended to teach this course Offline at TCI and/or MCCF.

Information/Discussion Items

  1. Program Review (15 Minutes)
    Adam summarizes last year’s goals and outcomes.
    Comments: The quality of NetTutor varies greatly. Are we supposed to let DE faculty know about our Program Review goals? Potential 2019-2020 goals could include:
    • DE response time to faculty and students within 24 hours
    • After hours DE computer lab
    • Investigate remote proctoring options
    • Increase accessibility training
    • Increase participation at CVC-OEI
    • Increase server space for UDOIT
    • Develop offline orientation modules for faculty


Next Meeting: February 10, 2020