February 13, 2023 Meeting


Monday, February 13, 2023

12:10 P.M. – 1:00 P.M.


Call to Order:

Public Commentary:

Action Items

  1. Approval of January 13, 2023 Minutes ACTION

Information Items


Old Business


New Business

  1. Distance Learning Approval Forms ACTION
    1. ART 1620
    2. ART 1631
    3. ARTH 1510
    4. ARTH 1520
    5. ARTH 2030
    6. ARTH 2040
    7. PHIL 1620
    8. SPAN 1601

Discussion Items





Next Meeting: Monday, March 13, 2023 (12:10 P.M. - 1:00 P.M.)


Monday, February 13, 2022

12:10 P.M. – 1:00 P.M.


Call to Order: Bledsoe, 12:10 P.M.

Attendees: Amar Abbott, Adam Bledsoe, Heather Cash, Candace Duron, Geoffrey Dyer, Jon Farmer, Kelly Kulzer-Reyes, Jason Page, Tabitha Raber, Joy Reynolds, Leslie Minor


Public Commentary/Guest: 

Approval of Minutes

  • January 13th, 2023, Minutes submitted by Kelly Kulzer-Reyes 
  • No Corrections were noted, Minutes approved by unanimous consent.

New Business

  • Distance Learning Approval Forms
    1. ART 1620
    2. ART 1631
    3. ARTH 1510
    4. ARTH 1520
    5. ARTH 2030
    6. ARTH 2040
    7. PHIL 1620
    8. SPAN 1601
      1. Motion to combine courses: a,b,c,d,e,f,h: Dyer
      2. Second: Abbott
      3. Motion passed unanimously
      4. Motion to forward to Curriculum: Dyer
      5. Second: Kulzer
      6. Motion passed unanimously – with notes.
        Notes: Reynolds expresses concerns about language being used for method of evaluation for ARTH 1620. L. Minor engages in conversation. It was agreed that L. Minor will take concerns and questions to the curriculum committee. Minor will share details with DE committee at a later date.   
    9. PHIL 1620
      1. Motion to forward to Curriculum: Kulzer
      2. Second: Reynolds
      3. Motion to amend: Dyer
      4. Second: Kulzer
      5. Motion passed unanimously – with notes.
        Notes: L. Minor discusses areas: # 3 of the course outlines, with concerns. Dyer moved to amend the motion that the committee approve and forward to the Curriculum and General Education Committee the DE addendum for PHIL 1620 with the note that there is uncertainty around the definition of program as it applies to question three on the form and the suggestion that DLEC in the future review the DE Addendum form as it applies to programs in the ACCJC Substantive Change form. Motion was passed unanimously. 

Discussion Items

  • DE Updates:
    1. Skill up Friday: Canvas Studio, March 10th, 2023     
    2. Inservice Days: 3-day track: Universal design, best practices for course alignment, and accessibility (May 22nd-24)
      • Committee shared suggestions on retitling the portion of the training named POCR
  • CVC-OEI:
    1. Bledsoe shares that the CVC-OEI automated course updated project is almost completed. These updates were also shared with the academic senate. Updates will be revisited at later date.   
    2. POCR project: Bledsoe shares that a Capstone process made small adjustments to make the prior process more effective, easier, and manageable. This new process will include: 6-week training, committee will revise 3-courses (one course at a time), CVC will assist at different areas in the process.
    3. On this subject, Dyer updates committee with background info, policy, and timelines that others are in discussion with on the topic. Dyer pointed out that there is uncertainty about the future of professional development as it relates to online education in the system.
    4. Duron raises questions regarding a process that has caused issues with students registering for finish faster courses. She expresses the need to have student’s TC emails set as primary on their canvas accounts once imported. Heather Cash and Duron have a work around currently, but long term would like to see this addressed. 

Next Meeting and Adjournment

Bledsoe moved to adjourn the meeting at 12:41 P.M. Next meeting on March 13th, 2023.