September 18, 2023 Meeting
Monday, September 18, 2023
12:10 P.M. – 1:00 P.M.
Call to Order:
Public Commentary:
Action Items
- Approval of May 8, 2023, Minutes ACTION
- 2023/24 DLE Faculty co-chair ACTION
- Review/Evaluate the Committee Charter ACTION
Information Items
- No longer printing agendas for entire Committee INFORMATION
Old Business
New Business
- Distance Learning Approval Forms ACTION
- SOC 2038
- SOC 2120
Discussion Items
Next Meeting: October 9, S-11, 12:10 P.M. - 1:00 P.M.
Call to Order: Farmer, 12:10 P.M.
Attendees: Amar Abbott, Becky Roth, Candace Duron, Geoffrey Dyer, Heather Cash, Jon Farmer, Jason Page, Joy Reynolds
Absent: Leslie Minor
Public Commentary/Guest: None
Approval of Minutes
- May 8th, 2023, Minutes submitted by Heather Cash
- No Corrections were noted, Minutes approved by unanimous consent.
2023/24 DLE Faculty co-chair
- Farmer brought forward the discussion and expressed the need for a faculty volunteer. Abbott asks Farmer about the predicted responsibilities of the role, the two discussed the possible logistics as other members joined the conversation. The result is an ongoing conversation as Abbott states “he will think about volunteering for the seat”.
Review/Evaluate the Committee Charter
- Committee reviews the “Membership Representation” items. Members question the “Senior Research Assistant” position and would like to identify and offer a committee seat to the hired or retained personnel. Farmer states he will reach out to the VP of IT and IR to in regards. Farmer also, suggests that the language for the “Vice President of Instruction (non-voting) seat be changed to “Vice President of Instruction or designee (non-voting)”. The committee also considers ideas to offering a student representative a seat.
- Abbott asks the committee to review and discuss the language and context of the asterisk reference in the paragraph for “MEMBERSHIP REPRESENTATION” on Pg. 4. Dyer agrees that the content needs to be evaluated and reviewed.
- Committee reviews and Dyer suggests updates for the following items under “Specific Responsibilities” on pg. 4. The third item “Evaluation of DE resources;” be changed to “Evaluate DE Resources”.
Information Items
- DE Updates
- Farmer shares with the committee upcoming SkillUps: Next SkillUp – October 13th at 10am in T15 on AI
- Agenda Updates
- Farmer announces that we as a committee will not print out agenda items any longer. The committee agendas will be provided electronically, and members can bring their remote devices to review at monthly meetings.
New Business
- Distance Learning Approval Forms
- SOC 2038
- Motion to forward to Curriculum: Joy Reynolds
- Second: Abbott
- Motion passed unanimously
- Distance Learning Approval Forms
- SOC 2120
- Motion to forward to Curriculum with suggestion notes: Abbott
Suggestion Notes: Clarify #6 on Method of Evaluation, on how learners will present in an online classroom. - Second: Joy
- Motion passed unanimously
- Motion to forward to Curriculum with suggestion notes: Abbott
- SOC 2038
Discussion Items
- POCR Update: Vicki Jacobi’s course is currently being reviewed.
Next Meeting and Adjournment
Farmer moved to adjourn the meeting at 12:54 P.M. Next meeting on October 9th, 2023.