March 13, 2023 Meeting
Monday, March 13, 2023
12:10 P.M. – 1:00 P.M.
Call to Order:
Public Commentary:
Action Items
- Approval of February 13, 2023 Minutes ACTION
Information Items
Old Business
New Business
- Distance Learning Approval Forms ACTION
- ART 1625
- ART 1640
- COMM 1507
- HIST 2212
- PHIL 1501
- PHIL 1531
Discussion Items
- Distance Learning Approval Form #3: 50%/Substantive Change DISCUSSION
- Emergency Distance Learning Approval Form DISCUSSION
Next Meeting: Monday, April 17, 2023 (12:10 P.M. - 1:00 P.M.)
*Third Monday due to Spring Break pushing Academic Senate back.
Monday, March 13, 2023
12:10 P.M. – 1:00 P.M.
Call to Order: Bledsoe, 12:10 P.M.
Attendees: Amar Abbott, Adam Bledsoe, Heather Cash, Candace Duron, Geoffrey Dyer, Jon Farmer, Jason Page, Tabitha Raber, Joy Reynolds
Absent: Kelly Kulzer-Reyes, Leslie Minor
Public Commentary/Guest: Lori Sundgren, Lori Tavis
Approval of Minutes
- February 13th, 2023, Minutes submitted by Heather Cash
- No Corrections were noted, Minutes approved by unanimous consent.
Information Items
- DE Updates
- Farmer mentions the recent DE SkillUp – Canvas Studio, along with the announcement of the upcoming SkillUp in April that covers Best Practices and all DE needs.
- Bledsoe announces that the Governors counsel has approved 3 more years of funding, but the area regarding @One is still in negotiation. There will be further discussion by May. Regarding the subject, the committee is made aware that Helen Grave the Instructional Designer has resigned, and in replace TC will work with Cheryl Chapman toward these projects’ goals.
- Bledsoe explains to the committee that the POCR campus goals will include:
- Establish and meet criteria.
- Maintain met criteria and future onboarding.
- Discuss and predict how this will affect the campus and faculty.
- Bledsoe shares that the CVC-OEI automated course updated project is in phase one of implementation. Phase two updates will be revisited at a later date. Bledsoe briefly shares ideas regarding section ID identification. Abbott asks questions regarding Hi-flex sections, committee members join in conversation regarding Hi-Flex, scheduling affects, etc.
New Business
- Distance Learning Approval Forms
- ART 1625
- ART 1640
- Motion to combine courses and move forward to curriculum: a,b: Duron
- Second: Abbott
- Motion passed unanimously.
- Distance Learning Approval Forms
- COMM 1507
- Motion to move forward to curriculum: Dyer
- Second: Reynolds
- Motion passed unanimously.
- COMM 1507
- Distance Learning Approval Forms
- HIST 2212
- Motion to move forward to curriculum: Reynolds
- Second: Cash
- Motion passed unanimously.
- HIST 2212
- Distance Learning Approval Forms
- PHIL 1501
- PHIL 1531
- Motion to combine courses and move forward to curriculum: a,b: Reynolds
- Second: Page
- Motion passed unanimously.
Discussion Items
- Distance Learning Approval Form #3: 50% - Substantive Change
- Bledsoe opens conversation, and remarks that in his interpretation of this is, is
it applies to relative degrees. Other committee members conversate on the possible
intent of the language. Dyer shares language used from the ACCJC, highlighting this
related area of question.
- Programs offered exclusively or primarily through distance education or correspondence education.
- Course additions that constitute 50% or more of a degree program
- Distance education offered as a new modality (for the first time that an institution
offers on-line instruction for 50% or more of program)
This discussion will be further discussed with the committee and VP of instruction.
- Bledsoe opens conversation, and remarks that in his interpretation of this is, is
it applies to relative degrees. Other committee members conversate on the possible
intent of the language. Dyer shares language used from the ACCJC, highlighting this
related area of question.
- Emergency Distance Learning Approval
- Bledsoe opens conversation and expresses that his perception of this subject was that the form was still an available option if faculty wanted to submit proactively. He states that the VP of Instruction would best explain and answer questions regarding this update. Committee expresses situation concerns and possible needs for this form. This discussion will need to be revisited by committee and VP of Instruction.
- Other
- Bledsoe starts conversation regarding course alignment badges. Abbott asks committee if anyone is aware of renewal training is required to proceed. Dyer shares that there are some that are getting retrained because of the updates, but prior training is honored. He also shares there might be additional training for updates as they come along.
Next Meeting and Adjournment
Bledsoe moved to adjourn the meeting at 1:01 P.M. Next meeting on April 17th, 2023.