September 20, 2021 Meeting


Taft College Distance Learning and Education Committee



Monday September 20, 2021

12:10 pm – 1:00 pm

Via Zoom



Call to Order


Public Commentary


Information Items


  1. Introduction of Committee Members             INFORMATION


Action Items


  1. Approval of May 10, 2021 Minutes             ACTION
  2. 2021/2022 Meeting Schedule             ACTION


Information Items


  1. DE Updates                         INFORMATION

Old Business



New Business


  1. Review/Evaluate the Committee Charter             ACTION


Discussion Items


  1. Distance Education Accessibility Plan Action Plan        DISCUSSION
  2. Committee Goals for 2021-2022                    DISCUSSION








Next Meeting: October 11, 2021



Minutes for
Monday, September 20, 2021 Meeting

Via Zoom

Call to Order: Bledsoe, 12:10 pm

Attendees: Amar Abbott, Marianne C. Bishop (non-voting), Adam Bledsoe, Candace Duron, Geoffrey Dyer, Kelly Kulzer-Reyes, Leslie Minor (non-voting), Joy Reynolds, Jason Page and Brandy Young

Public Commentary: None

Old Business: None

Approval of Minutes

 May 20, 2021 Minutes submitted by M. Bishop
 Minutes approved by unanimous consent


 Update on Membership –
• Bledsoe welcomed Duron as a new member to the committee.
• Chris Flachmann and Robin Polski are no longer members.


 Update on Meeting Locations (Bledsoe)
• Bledsoe: The executive order by the Governor that allowed us to meet via Zoom as part of the Brown Act will sunset end of this month.
• However, at the recent Academic Senate meeting update, AB 361 has been moved to the Governor’s desk. If he signs off/approves it, we can continue meeting via Zoom.
• AB 361 stipulates meeting via Zoom is allowed under a declared state of emergency.
• Kulzer-Reyes motioned to meet the second Monday of the month and continue to meet via Zoom. Reynolds seconded. After roll-call, motion carried.

 Distance Education Accessibility Plan (Bledsoe)
• Now that our Accessibility Plan has been approved, we’ll officially start implementing it this semester.
• A goal by end of this semester: Inform faculty of the assistive technology tools available for students requiring accommodation in the College DSPS High Tech Center
• Abbott: We have three Lunch and Learn sessions planned for October 12 and 26, and sometime November.
o First session: panel with Amar Abbott, Janis Mendenhall and Aaron Markovits to talk about equity and accommodations, etc.
o Second session: Janis discuss how DSPS certified students get accommodations
o Third session: Assistive technology that helps students
o Possibly beginning of 2022, Abbott will coordinate with Distance Education staff to present on tools that help faculty (e.g., Sensus Access).
o Abbott: will be rolling out CommonLook this semester
o Abbott: additional activities will be institutionalized past fall; suggested to coordinate with Professional Development Committee about ongoing trainings in this area
o Dyer: thanked Distance Education who presented on accessibility at In-Service which he thought was helpful and also those who are working on accessibility-related issues on campus.
o Bishop: to keep track of who’s been attending training sessions (e.g., In-Service, DE presentations), DE keeps a spreadsheet that is shared with Instruction
o Bishop: Lunch and Learn will focus on diversity, equity and inclusion topics so DE will hold sessions through In-Service and ITTS DE (Instructional Technology Tools and Strategies for Distance Education). ITTS DE will have training sessions and one-on-one consultations with faculty. Hopefully when we hire more staff, we can have more sessions.

• Other Training
o Abbott and Kulzer-Reyes: suggested to consider including adjunct faculty training in our Accessibility Plan
o Full-time faculty who’ve completed the CVC-OEI are considered also trained on accessibility.
o Minor: there’s a Senate process that says anyone teaching online has to be trained
o Bishop: when Bishop is informed about our newly-hired adjunct faculty, she reaches out to them to find out if they’ve been trained to teach in Canvas either through @ONE, from their former academic institution or elsewhere and provide documentation which is shared with Instruction
o Bishop: @ONE has self-paced as well as 4-week scheduled training sessions. LinkedIn, and other sites offer training as well.
o Bishop: Last year, DE trained Taft High School faculty on using Canvas for teaching and received a certificate of completion from us
o Minor: It was grant-funded and no plans to do it again
o Dyer: Making our content accessible should be part of our campus culture; motivating people to take advantage of the training and increasing proficiency for more people on campus, and becoming in the habit of trying to make our content accessible from the start
o Reynolds: Focused training per semester. For instance, in addition to Canvas training, have training on making PowerPoint presentations accessible one semester and next semester – making PDFs accessible.

• Committee Goals for 2021-2022
o Bledsoe: Reviewed Goals of the Academic Senate for 2021-2022 to determine if DL&E Committee would like to include some of these goals to our committee goals
o Several goals were suggested:
1. Ensure centralization of focus on diversity, equity and inclusion through our Accessibiltiy Plan
2. Review distance learning forms submitted by faculty as addenda to the Course Outline of Record for approval and forwarded to Curriculum and General Education Committee
3. Review our district policies and procedures regarding distance education in light of the regulatory changes
4. Evaluate instructional technology tools from third party vendors before campus-wide implementation
5. Develop collaborative relationship with associated student organization to include student representation


 DE Updates (Bishop)
• During August In-Service, DE had two days for presentations. First day – DE Updates, Accessibility Checklist and Canvas Studio. Second day – Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor
• Sara Jewell is now officially full-time as DE Instructional Aide.
• HR posted two openings for DE: Part-time Temporary DE Aide and Extra Duty DE Aide (internal). Minimum requirement were revisited and reposted to attract bigger pool of applicants
• Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor (RLDB-M):
o Bishop: thanked Reynolds for actively participating in the review of RLDB-M.
o Other faculty-reviewers were: Kamala Carlson, Kyle Webster and Dr. Reginald Clemons
o Faculty-reviewers met with DE staff and Dr. Minor for feedback and suggestions/ recommendations.
o Starting this semester TC is using RLDB-M instead of Proctorio.
• Plagiarism Detection Tools Reviewers Group
o Bishop: thanked Kulzer-Reyes for her active participation in the group
o Other faculty-reviewers are: Dr. Christopher Chung-Wee, Dr. Reginald Clemons, Jennifer Altenhofel, Debora Rodenhauser
o The group had its first meeting early September and decided they wil be reviewing SimCheck.
o SimCheck was bought by Turnitin. It has has many of the functionality and features of TII but less expensive.
o DE plans to have SimCheck installed on our Canvas instance soon.
o TII has enabled Draft Coach which is similar to Grammarly. DE will look into enabling it in our TII instance and integrating it with Google Docs for paper submissions.

New Business

 Review/Evaluate Committee Charter
• Our last charter had Distance Learning Coordinator as a member but we don’t have that position this year.
• In the past, the Integrated Technology Support Technician was also in the membership.
• Young motioned to approve the Charter, replacing DL Coordinator with Integrated Tech Support Technician. Abbott seconded. After roll-call, motion passed.
• Bledsoe has reached out to Myisha Cutrona regarding the student representative as a member and waiting to hear back.

Next Meeting and Adjournment

 Bledsoe moved to adjourn the meeting at 12:52 pm.