October 13, 2021 Meeting


Wednesday October 13, 2021
12:10 P.M. – 12:30 P.M.

Via Zoom

Call to Order

Public Commentary

Action Items


Information Items


Old Business


New Business

  1. Distance Learning Approval Forms ACTION
    1. ETHN 1510
    2. ETHN 2280
    3. HIST 2212
    4. HIST 2230

Discussion Items





Next Meeting: November 8, 2021


Wednesday, October 13, 2021 (Special Meeting)

12:10 P.M. – 12:17 P.M.

Via Zoom

Call to Order: Bledsoe, 12:10 P.M.

Attendees: Amar Abbott, Marianne C. Bishop (non-voting), Adam Bledsoe, Candace Duron, Geoffrey Dyer, Joy Reynolds and Brandy Young

Absent: Heather Cash, Kelly Kulzer-Reyes, Leslie Minor (non-voting) and Jason Page

Public Commentary: None; no guests


  • Bledsoe thanked attendees for being flexible to meet again today.
  • Bledsoe mentioned the division decided not to move forward with ETHN 2110 that’s why it’s not in the agenda. Resubmitted forms were discussed.
  • ETHN 1510: Course title now matches the COR and they have added information we requested for question #4.
    • Dyer motioned to forward the form to Curriculum Committee for approval. Reynolds seconded. After roll-call, motion passed.
  • ETHN 2280: They have made adjustments to question #4 that we requested.
    • Young motioned to forward the form to Curriculum Committee for approval. Abbott seconded. After roll-call, motion passed.
  • HIST 2212 and HIST 2230: We bundled the forms/courses. They have made adjustments to question #4 that we requested.
    • Abbott motioned to forward the forms to Curriculum Committee for approval. Reynolds seconded. After roll-call, motion passed.

Next Meeting and Adjournment

Bledsoe moved to adjourn the meeting at 12:17 P.M.