April 12, 2021 Meeting


Taft College Distance Learning and Education Committee



Monday April 12, 2021

12:10 pm – 1:00 pm

Via Zoom



Call to Order


Public Commentary


Action Items


  1. Approval of March 8, 2021 Minutes ACTION



Old Business


New Business

  1. Learning Skills (LRSK) 0250 ACTION



Discussion Items


  1. DE Accessibility Plan                         DISCUSSION
  2. DE Observation Form                         DISCUSSION








Next Meeting: May 10, 2021 (12:10 – 1:00 pm)


Taft College Distance Learning and Education Committee


Minutes for  

Monday, April 12, 2021 Meeting


Via Zoom


Call to Order: A. Bledsoe, 12:10 pm


Attendees:    Amar Abbott, Marianne C. Bishop (non-voting), Adam Bledsoe, Chris Flachmann, Geoffrey Dyer, Kelly Kulzer-Reyes, Leslie Minor (non-voting), Jason Page, Robin Polski, Joy Reynolds, Brandy Young


Absent:          None


Public Commentary: None




  • March 8, 2021 Minutes submitted by M. Bishop
  • Minutes approved by unanimous consent


New Business


  • LRSK (Learning Skills) 0250: Kulzer-Reyes moved to forward the proposal to the Curriculum and Gen Ed Committee and Polski After roll-call, motion passed. Abbott abstained since he submitted the proposal.


Discussion Items


  • DE Accessibility Plan
    • Discussion included timeline for implementing the plan and training.
    • Implementing the plan: we will need to move the deadline dates. Suggestion was 2023. The committee will revisit this timeline at the next meeting.
    • Training: During May In-Service faculty will be informed about the accessibility checklist and tools campus currently have. Accessibility professional development trainings will be held during August and January In-Service with faculty. Additional training may be done during Distance Education’s First Fridays which could include one-on-one with faculty.
    • Training information will be discussed by Bledsoe at an upcoming Academic Senate meeting (e.g., what are these training sessions, when will they be offered, how is the training going to be delivered, how is our campus keeping track of who gets trained).
    • These trainings will be discussed with Professional Development Committee.
    • Faculty who have received training in Canvas whether on campus or elsewhere may not have focused on accessibility. Some faculty received training on accessibility tools at Taft College conducted by a DE staff. Additional trainings are needed.
    • In addition to Distance Education staff doing the trainings, Abbott could do some as he has done in the past. Several years ago, an external trainer came to campus. Bledsoe also did training on CVC-OEI rubric before.
    • Faculty may use participation in these training sessions as flex time.
    • Bishop mentioned the LACCD lawsuit. Judge ruled that by July 2020, materials posted in learning management system, website and 3rd party vendors should be accessible to students with visual impairment prior to or at the same time as sighted users. With COVID happening, not sure about this timeframe.
    • Abbott suggested to add AP 3725 to the Accessibility Plan.


  • DE Accessibility Checklist
    • The Accessibility Checklist will be used in the training.
    • Committee discussion focused on two areas on the checklist: color blindness and color charts (letter d on checklist) and hyperlink (letter e)
    • Revised version states the following:
      • Course materials are “readable” in terms of effective font, color contast, and spacing. Color blindness color charts are followed and/or color is not the only method to convey meaning. (verbiage proposed by Dyer)
      • Each hyperlink has meaningful language. It is important that each link has meaningful text describing the purpose of the link without relying on the surrounding text.
      • Bledsoe will present the checklist to Bargaining for approval, to Council and to Academic Senate.


  • DE Observation Form
    • The revisions to the Accessibility checklist discussed at this meeting will be added to the DE Observation Form (aka DE Director Course Observation Form).
    • These changes to the form will be discussed with Bargaining for approval and discussed with the Academic Senate.
    • The revised form will be shared with faculty who will be developing and teaching distance education courses.




  • Bledsoe moved to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 12:57 pm