May 10, 2021 Meeting


Monday, May 10, 2021

12:10 P.M. – 1:00 P.M.

Via Zoom

Call to Order: 

Public Commentary: 

Action Items

  1. Approval of April 12, 2021 Minutes ACTION

Old Business


New Business


Discussion Items

  1. Finalized DE Accessibility Plan DISCUSSION
  2. Upcoming DE Events DISCUSSION




Next Meeting: TBA


Monday, May 10, 2021 Meeting

Via Zoom

Call to Order: Bledsoe, 12:10 P.M.

Attendees: Amar Abbott, Marianne C. Bishop (non-voting), Adam Bledsoe, Geoffrey Dyer, Kelly Kulzer-Reyes, Leslie Minor (non-voting), Jason Page

Absent: Chris Flachmann, Robin Polski, Joy Reynolds, Brandy Young

Public Commentary: None

Approval of Minutes

  • April 12, 2021 Minutes submitted by M. Bishop
  • Minutes approved by unanimous consent

Old Business


Discussion Items

  • DE Accessibility Plan and Checklist: Bledsoe discussed the following –
    • Academic Senate has approved our Self-Eval Accessibility Checklist.
    • Suggestion was to provide instructions or hyperlinks for resources for each of the items in the checklist.
    • Hyperlinks could include training videos created in-house for various topics included in the checklist which we discussed at an earlier meeting.
    • Logistics, e.g., creation of videos, etc., will be discussed by committee in the near future.
    • There will be several training opportunities and we will keep track of attendance/completion.
  • Distance Education Updates: Bishop discussed the following –
    • Canvas API for cross-enrollment updated (coordinated by Bledsoe at the start): TC and other member “teaching colleges” will allow students to cross-enroll
    • DE purchased Screencast-O-Matic (SOM) and renewed Camtasia; both are for video creation, editing and screen capturing.
      • We have 30 licenses for Camtasia and 25 for SOM; faculty can request licenses through [email protected].
    • While faculty can also use Canvas Studio to create videos, the value-add that Canvas Studio provides to faculty as an instructional tool which SOM and Camtasia do not is the ability to: a) add a quiz in the video itself (e.g., multiple choice, true/false statements), and b) allow students to post their comments while watching the video with their classmates. There are other features available.
      • Quiz scores taken in Canvas Studio are automatically generated in SpeedGrader.
      • Captioning of videos
    • Similar to Zoom, captioning in Canvas Studio occurs after recording.
    • AI (suggested by Abbott) is an option for captioning and transcriptions (about 90% accurate); with an account possibility to do live captioning
    • For May In-Service
      • There’s a 2-hour session Monday morning which will be repeated Tuesday afternoon.
      • A DE update and the accessibility checklist will be discussed.
      • There will be a demo of Screencast-O-Matic and Camtasia.
      • An overview of Canvas Studio will be presented.
    • For August In-Service
      • Possible three sessions: a) accessibility in Canvas and other tools, b) Canvas Studio, and c) Respondus LockDown Browser with Monitor if we end up using it
      • There will be an opportunity for hands-on learning.
    • Faculty-reviewers for Respondus
  • Joy Reynolds and other faculty members have expressed interest in reviewing Respondus this summer.
    • First Fridays (name to be revisited)
  • DE plans to revive the First Friday sessions where DE either holds trainings or one-on-one consultations.
  • Lunch and Learn (L&L): Minor discussed the following –
    • The Office of Instruction and the Curriculum and General Education Committee would like to dedicate L&L to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion issues, specifically the syllabus audit project or program and cultural curriculum audit.
    • Whatever modality we use (in-person or online), recordings and other resources will be archived and faculty will have access to them.
    • Since L&L is related to instructional improvement, it’s flex-eligible.
    • DE-related training will be held either through In-Service or First Fridays.


  • Congratulations and Next Committee Co-Chair
  • Bledsoe formally congratulated Kulzer-Reyes for her fourth class being approved by CVC-OEI and being badged.
  • She has the campus lead, passing Veronica Van Ry, and has another one in the pipeline.
  • TC now has 15 classes officially badged and another 14 submitted and working their way through.
  • Bledsoe suggested to Kulzer-Reyes to take on the POCR lead.
  • Kulzer-Reyes mentioned that Bledsoe is the “most helpful person to help you get through this process.”
  • Abbott inquired if Bledsoe will continue to co-chair this committee
    • Bledsoe indicated if no one would, he’d be happy to do it again.
    • Abbott will see what his schedule looks like since he’ll be Senate Secretary.


Bledsoe moved to adjourn the meeting at 12:28 P.M.