October 11, 2021 Meeting


Taft College Distance Learning and Education Committee

Monday October 11, 2021
12:10 pm – 1:00 pm

Via Zoom

Call to Order

Public Commentary

Action Items

1. Approval of September 20, 2021 Minutes ACTION
2. Location of Next Meeting (November 8, 2021) ACTION

Information Items

3. Accreditation Update INFORMATION

Old Business

New Business

5. Distance Learning Approval Forms ACTION
a. ENGL 1501
b. ENGL 2600
c. ETHN 1510
d. ETHN 2110
e. ETHN 2280
f. HIST 2212
g. HIST 2230
h. HLED 1531
i. HLED 1535

Discussion Items

6. Effective, Regular and Substantive Feedback DISCUSSION




Next Meeting: November 8, 2021



Minutes for
Monday, October 11, 2021
12:10 – 1:00 pm

Via Zoom

Call to Order: Bledsoe, 12:10 pm

Attendees: Amar Abbott, Marianne C. Bishop (non-voting), Adam Bledsoe, Heather Cash, Candace Duron, Geoffrey Dyer, Kelly Kulzer-Reyes, Leslie Minor (non-voting), Joy Reynolds, Jason Page and Brandy Young

Public Commentary: None; no guests

Old Business: None

Approval of Minutes

 September 20, 2021 Minutes submitted by M. Bishop
 Minutes approved by unanimous consent

Location of Next Meeting (November 8, 2011)

 Bledsoe: At the last Academic Senate meeting, it was mentioned that Assembly Bill 361 passed. For us to continue to meet via Zoom during a declared emergency, we need to have a standing agenda item that we’ll discuss and vote on regarding our next meeting being held in Zoom.
 Dyer: Responding to Dr. Minor’s question about being in compliance with the Brown Act regarding publication of our meeting locations, home addresses, etc., Dyer clarified the following. AB 361’s provisions include that the public be able to comment in real time; that we not require folks to submit comments in advance. If our Internet goes down or connectivity is disrupted, we pause the meeting and don’t do any business until Internet is back up again and our accessibility policy is clear. As long as we’re under a state of emergency and once a month we discuss and decide whether or not the state of emergency continues to impact our ability to meet safely in person, we don’t have to publish all the addresses where we’re going to meet on the agenda (e.g., no notices outside our office doors or at home where we’re using Zoom). For more information (from Dyer): https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=202120220AB361
 Duron moved to hold next meeting via Zoom; Kulzer-Reyes seconded. After roll-call, motion passed.


 Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges Visit (Bishop)
• From September 27th through 30th, the Accreditation Visit team conducted an external peer review of Taft College virtually through Zoom. They analyzed and verified the information TC provided in the Institutional Self-Evaluation Report (ISER).
• The team recommended to approve accreditation for Taft College for seven years. We will start preparing about two years before the next visit.
• Xiaohong Li, our accreditation officer and liaison to ACCJC evaluators, coordinated with Bishop to identify 5% of the randomly selected online and hybrid courses, per ACCJC requirement. Bishop worked with Bledsoe (our resident Excel expert) to generate these random courses for Fall 2021. After Li submitted the information, evaluators requested for the random courses for Spring 2021 instead. Li generated the list of courses using SPSS. DE staff (Heather Cash, Sara Jewell and Bishop) and Li collected examples of student feedback from instructors for these courses. Li submitted these documents to them.
• Dr. Bishop and Dr. Minor were interviewed separately by some of the evaluators regarding distance education.
• At first, Bishop was told they might ask about Cranium Café. But they asked her about NetTutor instead. For the benefit of the committee members, Bishop provided this update:
o Most TC Counselors completed an @ONE training on using Cranium Café/ConexED. While not required, many counselors took the class since the district offered salary credits upon successful completion.
o Many of them started using it but when the pandemic happened, Cranium Café’s platform had a lot of technical issues, perhaps due to too many users at the same time, so counselors switched to using Zoom.
o Cranium Café subscription was not renewed by the VP of Student Services Severo Balason.
o Bishop provided evaluators usage stats for NetTutor. From Sept. 8, 2020 through Sept. 25, 2021, there were 788 total sessions our students had with NetTutor. Majority of these students were taking English and Literature courses (n=459 sessions). Students taking Math courses were the second highest users (n=205). Pyschology (n=31), History (n=25) and others followed.
o The 264 distinct students/users received assistance with their paper submissions (n=452), engaged in live tutorials (n=318), were able to drop-off questions (n=12) and had scheduled tutorials (n=6).

 DE Updates (Bishop)
• The Plagiarim Tool Exploration Group composed of Kulzer-Reyes, Debora Rodenhauser, Dr. Jennifer Altenhofel. Dr. Reginald Clemson and Dr. Chris Chung-Wee are considering SimCheck to replace Turnitin (also owns SimCheck). Using their Canvas sandboxes, they submitted some of their students’ papers to SimCheck and found it to be a promising alternative to Turnitin. It’s cheaper and has the features and functionality they needed.
• DE staff had several communication with Turnitin administrators and support staff.
• Heather Cash installed the SimCheck LTI in our Canvas instance.
• Turnitin recently enabled Draft Coach (similar to Grammarly). Turnitin recommends that Draft be used with Google Docs. Cash coordinated with ITS staff to implement Google Docs. However, it appears that the use of Google Docs may be problematic for our faculty and students.
• Bishop found out that Turnitin is considering integrating MS Word with Draft Coach. She informed the faculty-explorers about this and they decided to wait until then.
• Bishop dropped in Zoom Chat the substantive change from the California Community College Chancellor’s Office. It’s reminding us that if there’s any program that’s 50% or more that’s either distance education or correspondence, that we should inform our accreditation officer and that ACCJC should be informed about it too.

New Business

 ENGL 1501
• Dyer: To address Abbott’s question about resources, Dyer wanted to make a distinction between TC resources such as Student Resources and Basic Needs, and the general college resources (outside of TC).
• Reynolds made a motion to submit the form to Curriculum Committee for approval. Kulzer-Reyes seconded. After roll-call, motion passed.
 ENGL 2600
• Young moved to submit the form to Curriculum Committee for approval. Abbott seconded. After roll-call, motion passed.
 ETHN 1510 and ETHN 2110 (Intro to Race and Ethnicity)
• Minor: 2110 was a SOC class initially and was rejected by the Cal States as being too specific to Sociology and not general enough for Ethnic Studies. We’d like to have an Intro to Ethnic Studies course and that’s 1510. It’s more interdisciplinary. Intent was to cross-list ETHN and SOC that could meet Area F requirement. ETHN 2280 is a new course.
• Kulzer-Reyes brought up use of the words “Latino/Latina” instead of LatinX (approved by the state) as an English phrase in the COR. Minor noted terminology such as “American-Indian” instead of “indigenous” are also stated. It’s related to the age of the materials. Instructors/ division are aware of the issue; it cannot be bypassed so worth mentioning again to the division.
• ETHN 1510, ETHN 2110, ETHN 2280, HIST 2212 and HIST 2230
o After much discussion, the following motions were provided:
o ETHN 1510: Kulzer-Reyes motioned to have the instructor update the course name to correctly match the course number (ETHN 2110 is Introduction to Race and Ethnicity) and to address how online oral presentations in question #4 of the form will be done. Abbott seconded. After roll call, motion passed.
o ETHN 2110: Abbott motioned to have the instructor submit the COR along with the form and if the COR contains presentations, group projects or in-class writing assingments, describe how those challenges will be addressed online in question #4 of the form. Kulzer-Reyes seconded. After roll call, motion passed.
o ETHN 2280: Abbott motioned to have the instructor answer question #4 of the form regarding how presentations, group projects, and in-class writing assignments will be done online. Kulzer-Reyes seconded. After roll call, motion passed.
o HIST 2212: Kulzer-Reyes motioned to have the instructor address how presentations and in-class writing assignments in question #4 of the form will be done. Abbott seconded. After roll call, motion passed.
o HIST 2230: Abbott motioned to have the instructor address how presentations, group projects, and in-class writing assignments in question #4 of the form will be done. Reynolds seconded. After roll-call, motion passed.
 HLED 1531 and HLED 1535
• Bledsoe mentioned that these courses were previously approved under an emergency approval for hybrid. Instructors are requesting to approve them as traditional. Kulzer-Reyes motioned to bundle these two courses and forward them to Curriculum Committee for approval as a hybrid course only. Dyer seconded. After roll call, motion passed.
 Committee members agreed to hold a special meeting within the next several days to discuss the course forms that were returned to instructors.
 Since it was time to adjourn, Bledsoe stated that the topic on student feedback on the agenda will be discussed at the next regular meeting.

Next Meeting and Adjournment

 Bledsoe moved to adjourn the meeting at 1:00 pm and to hold a special meeting in the near future.