October 24, 2016 Meeting


Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Steering Committee

Monday, October 24, 2016

Counseling Center Conference Room

12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.



  1. Review SLO Day Evaluations – Discussion (15 minutes)


  1. Preliminary Discussion for Spring SLO Day (15 minutes)

* Offer breakout sessions/tracks for Professional Development
* Have one group session (lunch gathering)

* Submit Professional Development Activity Proposal Application to PDC


  1. Create Draft Agenda for SLO Day (20 minutes)

* Time for fall term SLO Assessment in the morning
* SLO data activity – Professional Development
* Assessment activity – Professional Development

* eLumen Training

  1. Identify Future Agenda Items (5 minutes)

* Status of General Education

* Alignment of SLO Procedure

* SLO Assessment Guide finalization for spring inservice

* Finalize an assessment rubric for ISLOs for quality


October 24, 2016

Counseling Conference Room

12:10 – 1:00 pm

Present: Vicki Jacobi, Geoffrey Dyer, James May, Tina Mendoza, Debora Rodenhauser,
Paul Blake, and Terri Smith

Members Absent: Michelle Beasley, Mike Jiles, Abbas Jarrahian, and Melissa Thornsberry

Secretary: Brandy Young (absent) Vicki Jacobi

Review of SLO Day Evaluations
Overall  evaluations were on the neutral to positive side with 14 – 5 points, 9 – 4 points, 19 – 3 points, 5 – 2 points, and 4 -1 points.  Only 15 returned evaluations.  Members noted that some of their evaluations were not in the packet of evaluations. Wondered if the electronically submitted evaluations were not included.  Looked for themes in the written portion of the evaluations.  Conclude that people were at different stages of understanding SLOs which might explain why the SLO Day resonated with some faculty and not with others. Discussed the effectiveness of SLO Day and Faculty Friday trainings.

Preliminary Discussion for Spring SLO Day
After discussion, members concluded that we should offer several tracks for the SLO Day where faculty could choose the track that best fit their needs.  Start with a general opening session in the library to introduce the day, followed by breakout sessions for

  • How to input SLO data into eLumen
  • Time to input SLO data into eLumen
  • What does the SLO data mean that’s in eLumen
  • Session for program leads to show the usage of eLumen reports
  • Session with Bob Pacheco to analyze their assessment data
  • Resource allocations and reassessment of SLO
  • Best practices of rubric development
  • Defining the next institutional SLO to be assessed next year
  • Develop a common department specific assessment including a grade norming and common rubric
  • Develop a shared definition of the next ISLO to be assessed

Would need to see who could facilitate each breakout session.  Might be good to have more transparency with regards to level of SLO assessment activity as seen over the last few years.  Perhaps compile the data from the ACCJC Annual Reports. Chaffey College has posted a flex calendar that the committee members might want to look at.

Create Draft Agenda for SLO Day
Reviewed 2016/17 Professional Development Needs Assessment Survey Data to ensure we would be addressing the SLO topics.  Action Item: Agreed Vicki would bring forward at the next SLO/ASC meeting a proposed agenda for the spring 2017 SLO Day for committee review and approval.  Proposal would then be sent to Professional Development Committee through Activity Proposal Application.

Identify Future Agenda Items
Committee agreed to delay identifying additional agenda items until next meeting.

Next meeting:  Friday November 18, 2016 at 11:00 a.m. in the Café Conference Room

Respectfully submitted by Vicki Jacobi