January 22, 2016 Meeting


Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Steering Committee
January 22, 2016
Cafe Conference Room
8:10 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.
1. SLO Mapping/Alignment Exercise – Brief Overview

2. SLO Board Policy – Second Reading – Academic Senate

3. SLO Policy – Administrative Procedures – Ideas


Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Steering Committee

January 22, 2016
Café Conference Room
8:10 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.

Present: Michelle Beasley, Paul Blake, Geoffrey Dyer, Vicki Jacobi, Abbas Jarrahian, Michael Jiles, James May, Tina Mendoza, Debora Rodenhauser and Brandy Young

Approval of Minutes from November 23 and 30, 2015
The minutes from November 23rd and 30th were approved. Brandy will check the sign in sheet for Mike Jiles’ attendance on November 24rd.

SLO Mapping/Alignment Exercise – Brief Overview
During inservice Program Leads from various divisions met in the T-14 classroom to map their course SLOs to PSLOs in eLumen. Not all divisions participated, but Vicki and Brandy will contact those Program Leads to arrange a meeting time to assist those individuals with the completion of their mapping. Vicki gave a demonstration on the difference between the “Split-Level” and “Hierarchical” models that are available in eLumen. Our version of eLumen is set up to use the “Split-Level” model which allows for CSLOs to be directly mapped to PSLOs and ISLOs as opposed to mapping CSLOs to PSLOs and PSLOs to ISLOs. It was stated that either model does not have an impact on reporting. The mapping exercise was successful in helping faculty to identify if a course and course SLO was supportive of the program. The completion of all mapping within programs will help to expedite the creation of administrative procedures to support the new SLO Policy.

SLO Board Policy – Second Reading – Academic Senate
The new SLO Board Policy was approved by the Academic Senate at their January 14th inservice meeting. The Policy will be reviewed at the next Board of Trustees meeting in February.

SLO Policy – Administrative Procedures – Ideas
Preliminary discussion regarding the formation of the administrative procedures to support the SLO Policy was as follows:
It was recommended that the focus should be on answering the questions most faculty have: 1. How many SLOs should each course have? 2. How often should those SLOs be assessed?
It was recommended and agreed upon by the committee to research other schools to see how they are using procedures. It is suggested to keep in mind the size of the school and the resources they have.
The subject will be placed on the Academic Senate February agenda. It was suggested that the initial discussion begin and SLO/ASC inform faculty of their intent and direction. Faculty will be asked for their input as well. The subject will continue to be an item on the agenda to provide updates.
It was suggested that SLO/ASC pro-actively coordinate with the Professional Development Committee in arranging time to discuss SLOs during an SLO Day. This time would need to be at least 7 ½ hours in order to possibly finish assessing SLOs, have a speaker, and discuss the status of SLOs in general. This time could also be used to discuss and finish program reviews.

Next Meeting: Friday, February 19, 2016 – 8:10 to 9:00 a.m. in the Café Conference Room

Respectfully submitted by Brandy Young

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