April 15, 2016 Meeting


Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Steering Committee

April 15, 2016

Cafe Conference Room

8:10 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.



  1. Approval of Minutes from February 19, 2016


  1. Administrative Procedures for SLOs – Update


  1. IEPI Plan – Overview and ideas


  1. La Canada model – Review and suggestions


Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Steering Committee
Minutes April 15, 2016
Café Conference Room
8:10 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.

Present: Paul Blake, Geoffrey Dyer, Vicki Jacobi, Abbas Jarrahian, Mike Jiles, James May, Debora Rodenhauser and Brandy Young

Members Absent: Michelle Beasley

Approval of Minutes from January 22 meeting
The minutes from the February 19th meeting were approved without changes.

Administrative Procedures for SLOs – Update
On March 16th the Academic Senate Council reviewed the draft Administrative Procedures for SLOs. Feedback was given to Vicki via email. Minor changes were made. The draft was reviewed today by this committee. It was stated that the SLO Assessment Guide will provide detail on the procedures that will support the implementation of the new AP. A few recommendations were made and the AP for SLOs now reads as follows:
a. In addition to the two regular planning days during in-service, the institution through the Professional Development Committee sets aside one full day during each in-service dedicated to SLOs, in which the results will be documented in eLumen or another approved data housing system.
b. The institution provides a dedicated day for faculty to participate in program-wide dialogue regarding the interpretation of data, identification of gaps in outcome achievements, and recommendations of resource allocations to improve course, program outcomes during fall in-service as part of the program review process. In addition, there will be one day for faculty to participate in a campus-wide dialog regarding Institutional Student Learning Outcome data.
c. The institution through the appropriate faculty ensures current SLOs are clearly identified on course syllabi, on the Taft College website and in the on-line catalog.
d. The institution posts on its website a two-year assessment plan for each program area in conjunction with the two-year scheduling cycle as developed by the program area faculty.
e. The institution through the SLOs Assessment Steering Committee, a sub-committee of the Academic Senate, ensures alignment of course SLOs to both Program and Institutional level learning outcomes.
f. The institution through the Office of Instruction provides new full-time and part-time faculty, during their first week of employment, orientation, and training regarding all expectations of the Taft College’s process and requirements for SLOs.
g. The institution maintains a SLO handbook, providing faculty with guidelines, instruction, current methodology, and other information related to SLOs. This handbook will provide the relevant and current requirements for assessing, facilitating, and documenting SLOs accomplishments at the institution.
h. The institution documents patterns of SLO results and actions supporting a continuous cycle of improvement through the Annual Program Review process.
i. The institution includes SLOs as part of the current Course Outline of Record.

The draft AP for SLOs was reviewed by the Academic Senate Council once again on April 20th and was approved by consensus without changes. The AP will now go to the Academic Senate of-the-whole on May 2nd. If approved by the Senate the AP will be forwarded to Brock for approval and will go to the Board of Trustees. The hope is to have the new AP in place by fall inservice. The Board Policy for SLOs was approved by the Board of Trustees on Wednesday, April 13th.
IEPI Plan – Overview and ideas
A brief overview was given on the status of the IEPI plan and the application for funding. The IEPI Plan and application for funding have been submitted to the IEPI group. If awarded funding the District may receive up to $150,000 to implement the IEPI plan. The funds would be distributed to the District within 30 days of approval. The potential funds have been earmarked for professional development, the creation of the SLO Assessment Guide and for consultants. The committee discussed the possibility of Bob Pacheco conducting a similar event like the Governance Council Retreat.

La Canada Model – Review and suggestions
During the IEPI PRT visit a recommendation was made to review SLO Assessment Guides from other schools. After research, the La Canada SLO Assessment Guide was found to be the most concise. A copy of the guide was distributed to the members of this committee. The members will review the guide and provide feedback to Vicki. The Committee has scheduled a special meeting to discuss the feedback and start the conversation regarding the SLO Assessment Guide for Taft College.
Next Meeting: Friday, April 29, 2016 – 8:10 to 9:00 a.m. in the Café Conference Room
Respectfully submitted by Brandy Young

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