February 19, 2016 Meeting


Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Steering Committee
February 19, 2016
Cafe Conference Room
8:10 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.
1. ACCJC Self Evaluation Recommendations
2. SLO Administrative Procedures – Draft


Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Steering Committee
February 19, 2016
Café Conference Room
8:10 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.

Present: Paul Blake, Geoffrey Dyer, Vicki Jacobi, Abbas Jarrahian, Mike Jiles, James May, Debora Rodenhauser and Brandy Young

Members Absent: Michelle Beasley and Tina Mendoza

Approval of Minutes from January 22 meeting
The minutes from the January 22nd meeting were approved with the following changes:
Correct the date of 24rd to the 23rd
The Board Policy for SLOs has not been approved by the Board yet. The Policy should
go to the Board in March for approval.

ACCJC Self Evaluation Recommendations
The February 5th Action Letter from the ACCJC was distributed to the committee members. The committee discussed the key points of the recommendations:
Integration of course and program SLO assessments with the program review process.
Consistently assess, analyze and evaluate SLOs for all academic programs and courses.
Use meaningful SLO data and dialog for continuous improvement.
Communicate SLOs to students by including them on syllabi and CORs.
Steps of action were discussed. Some of the key areas were:
Provide professional development on the areas of SLOs and program review.
Set guidelines for SLO assessment.
Provide clarification on when changes are made to SLOs and when to put them in to
Need to look closer at how the changes to SLOs may impact other programs.
The development of the Administrative Procedures for SLOs is ongoing. The goal is to address all of the key points listed above as well as address the IEPI findings and ACCJC recommendations.

SLO Administrative Procedures – Draft
Vicki distributed a copy of the draft Administrative Procedures for SLOs. Key points of discussion were:
Devote a full day of inservice to focus on SLOs, documentation and dialogue.
Change the word “participation” to “documentation” in the draft.
Inputing data in to eLumen.
Research other schools to see if any are assessing all SLOs and if it is policy.
Next Meeting: Friday, March 18, 2016 – 8:10 to 9:00 a.m. in the Café Conference Room
Respectfully submitted by Brandy Young