May 09, 2014 Meeting


TAFT COLLEGE Governance Council

May 9, 2014 12:10 pm – 2:00 pm Cougar Room

Facilitator: Velda Peña Timekeeper: Sheri Black Recorder: Kanoe Bandy Minutes: Debbie Hegeman

  • Approval of Minutes from April 11, 2014 Meeting 5 Minutes
  • Committee Reports 25 Minutes Strategic Planning Committee (led by Eric Berube) Budget Committee (led by Brock McMurray) Safety Committee (led by Darcy Bogle) Facilities Committee (led by Brock McMurray)
  • Tutoring and Professional Development Space – Facilities 15 Minutes (led by Mark Williams)
  • Educational Master Plan Review (led by Dena Maloney) 30 Minutes
  • Debrief of Governance Council Retreat (led by Tony Thompson/Dena Maloney) 30 Minutes
  • Update of Governance Council Charter 5 Minutes (led by Tony Thompson/Dena Maloney)
  • Optional Walk Through of Proposed Tutoring Following Meeting and Professional Development Space (led by Mark Williams)


Next Meeting: TBD –Fall 2014


Governance Council Minutes May 9, 2014

Members Present: Kanoe Bandy, Eric Bérubé, Sheri Black, Darcy Bogle, Sharyn Eveland, Bruce Ferguson, Victoria Jacobi, Dr. Dena Maloney, Brock McMurray, Velda Pena, Laura Riss, Sonja Swenson, Tony Thompson, Mark Williams and Brandy Young.

Guests Present: Celia Rangel, Anges J. Eguaras and Sam Aunai

Facilitator: Velda Peña Recorder: Kanoe Bandy Timekeeper: Sheri Black Minutes: Debbie Hegeman



The minutes of the meeting held April 11, 2014 were approved by consensus.

NEW POSITION (Sam Aunai/Agnes J. Eguaras)

Information was distributed regarding the new proposed STEM Program Coordinator-Counselor position

(copy attached to official minutes and updated on-line)

  • The position will be grant funded.
  • This position will be specific to the STEM field of study.
  • This position will help with a smooth transition from high school to the college.
  • The hope is to help student success in these areas by having a dedicated counselor for the STEM students.
  • Currently Rachel serves as the Activities Coordinator for STEM. This new position will be more counselor/coordinator.
  • This position was already written into the grants but was never filled.
  • This position is not within the non-restricted funds, which is the only area in which the 75-25 and 50% law is calculated.
  • This position does not need to go through Academic Senate as long as it is a grant, non-tenure track, position. However, if at the end of the grant, it would have to go through the normal Academic Senate process for funding.



  • Strategic Planning Committee

Eric reported the committee has not met since our last GC meeting although they are continuing to work on the Integrated Plan Model for the Educational Master Plan.

  • Budget Committee

Brock reported there is nothing new to report at this time – waiting on the May revise. So far it doesn’t appear there will be a lot of significant changes from the original budget proposal. There are some new funds coming out statewide with strong projections for next year. There may be some one-time funds which may be rolled over to next year. This is contingent upon the information that comes out on the May revise.


  • The college budget has been developed and by next week we will know where we stand in this year’s budget. Even though we were asked to build flat budgets in the discretionary accounts, we will most likely be over budget and that will prompt a more in-depth review of where we can cut expenditures.
  • The Budget Committee also reviewed the Fiscal Calendar with emphasis on the end of year processing. They should be a great source of information for employees who have questions regarding this process.
  • Brock reminded the GC committee that orders must be placed and invoices received by the deadline with merchandise delivered by June 30, 2014.


  • Safety Committee
    • Darcy compiled a list of safety accomplishments and improvements (attached and on­line). Highlights included are:
      • Updated phone system with voice alerts and screen alerts.
      • Deployed campus radios.
      • Provided active shooter training.
      • Lock down drill. Identified doors that need manual lock down.
      • Developed a campus safety committee.
      • Developed a safety gram that allows folks to give safety issues to the committee.
      • Maintenance and improvement of camera’s around the dorms.
      • Safety and Security Master Matrix. Helps to coordinate all safety issues on campus.
    • Plans for the future:
      • TIL safety checks for off campus student’s.
      • Continued need for safety personnel during the day.
      • Review and improvement of the Emergency Operations Plan.
      • Training for students, staff and faculty.
      • Follow-up with WESTEC.
    • The Safety committee was approved as a standing committee.


Dr. Maloney thanked Darcy for the work and accomplishments of the committee. She believes that it’s very good that we have this committee which can report back to the GC and the campus. Dr. Maloney asked that we discuss renewing the MOU with the Police Department.

Brock expressed the complexity of the safety issues on college campus. By having the officer on campus there is a connection with all of the other schools and the police department which minimizes risk on our campus.

Q: Has there been any complaints and/or assessment to see if hiring the police officer served the purpose it was intended for.

Dr. Maloney added we need to consider all groups on our campus, ex: children at the child care center, students with developmental disabilities, dorm students, etc. We are surrounded by all schools which have one entrance to their campus. We are open access and what we do may affect those schools around us. She strongly believes this is extremely necessary and believes we must do everything in our power to prevent and coordinate efforts.

Tony suggested the Governance Council faculty members go back to the Senate before we make a recommendation. However, the GC determined it should ask for a vote now. The members felt the divisions were well represented by the Division Chairs on the GC who are also members of Academic Senate and should be able to vote on their behalf.

It was recommended having the police officer on campus was a short term goal accomplishment and the committee should begin long term goals, such as disaster planning.

Student perspective: Felt very good about having an officer on campus and that he brings forward other areas of interest such as Alcohol Awareness.

Consensus: The GC was unanimous in agreeing to extend the contract with the City of Taft for a police officer on campus.

FACILITIES (Brock McMurray)

  • Dorm Modernization: This project began construction the first week of November 32013. Phase 1 is approximately 80% completed with Phase 2 scheduled to begin on or about May 26th with an anticipated completion date of 10/20/14.
  • Student Center: The plans are still being reviewed by DSA. He is still hopeful the project will begin during the fourth quarter of 2014.
  • STEM project: This project is going to follow the bid process of Lease Leaseback instead of the traditional public bid process. This project will include classrooms, offices and restroom facilities. The buildings are to be located at the east of the Child Care Center.
  • Future Project Proposals: We have submitted plans for a Vocational Building to be located where the cafeteria is now.
  • Prop 39 – Energy Efficiency: Current project is for new retrofitting lighting in the gymnasium. The paperwork is finalized by the board and the project is underway.
  • Gym issues: Roof, sound, panels. All these issues are being reviewed.



Mark distributed a diagram of the Library redesign proposal. This will address the following issues:

  • Centralize and combine the reference and circulation desk.
  • Create a classroom for INCO and other classes.
  • Move tutor space.
  • Remove Children’s Library.
  • Assistive Technology Computer – currently not being used.
  • Proposed Professional Development room.
  • Large meeting area. There is no funding at this point in time. This would be study desk when it is not rearranged for large meeting areas. The intent is to gather the entire faculty, including adjuncts for joint meetings.


Q: Is the large meeting room going to be duplicated in the new Student Center? The answer to this is

yes. The Student Center can house about 200 with large big screens and TV’s.

Concern is the acoustics and the cost of new furniture for maybe 3 more faculty meetings.



  • A complete review of the plan was presented. It needs to be noted that this is a broad plan so the areas that specifically had issues will be addressed in the Strategic Planning.
  • It was agreed to move this plan forward to the Board after discussing some of the data with those who had questions.




  • We worked through the charter but did not approve it until today.
  • Eric reminded the committee we need to do an evaluation of GC, the charter and how we are doing. This is to be done annually, so it typically is done at the last meeting. A link will be created in order to allow the committee to do the evaluation.




  • The notes distributed were from the four phases: Connection, Entry, Progress and Completion
  • The list was quite extensive so Dr. Maloney split them into what were actual recommendations and what were suggestions for further research.
  • Next step: create the criteria to use for identifying recommendations we should look at and what research we will need to have to evaluate these recommendations.
  • There are so many great ideas and recommendations and we need to find ways to narrow our focus.
  • There are many things that are already being done as stated by the Learning Support Division. Maybe we can have a report of what we are already doing and then the key is how to access our efforts.
  • First next step: What are we doing now?
  • Maloney liked the survey that was given at the beginning of the session. There was great consistency in the fact that the group believed we could make change in the 1st year and about 8% of change in the second year. Great benchmark.
  • Sonja announced Bill Devine will replace her on the Governance Council.
  • Eric will look at the research categories.
  • Student Services will also look at the recommendations.
  • Next meeting: Presentations from the Learning Support Division, Eric on the GC evaluation outcomes, discuss the 14/15 meeting schedule and set a date for the 14/15 retreat.


Next Meeting: TBA Facilitator: Laura Riss Time Keeper: Brandy Young Recorder: Mark Williams

Minutes submitted by: Debbie Hegeman