April 11, 2014 Meeting



Governance Council

April 11, 2014 12:10 pm – 2:00 pm

Cougar Room



Facilitator:                       Darcy Bogle

Recorder:                        Mark Williams

Timekeeper:                  Velda Pena

Minutes:                         Debbie Hegeman




  1. Approval of Minutes from March 28, 2014 Meeting                                                 5 Minutes
  2. Committee Reports 15 Minutes

Strategic Planning Committee (led by Eric Berube)

Budget Committee (led by Brock McMurray)

  1. Integrated Planning Model (led by Eric Berube) 60 Minutes
  2. Details for Governance Council Retreat (led by Dena Maloney) 30 Minutes



Next Meeting:  April 25, 2014 Governance Council Retreat

                                Petroleum Club of Bakersfield

                                5060 California Ave. 9th Floor

                                Bakersfield CA

9:00 am – 4:00 pm


Governance Council Minutes April 11, 2014

Members Present: Kanoe Bandy, Eric Bérubé, Sheri Black, Darcy Bogle, Kamala Carlson, Sharyn Eveland, Bruce Ferguson, Greg Golling, Victoria Jacobi, Dena Maloney, Velda Pena, Sonja Swenson, Mark Williams and Brandy Young.

Facilitator: Darcy Bogle Recorder: Mark Williams Timekeeper: Velda Peña Minutes: Debbie Hegeman



The minutes of the meeting held March 28, 2014 were approved by consensus.



Strategic Planning Committee

Eric reported the SPC has met and will be presenting on the outcome of their meetings today.

Also Dena shared the ACCJC report had been submitted, based on the institution set standards, using the 80% rule.

Budget Committee

Sonja reported the BC met the day before our meeting.

  • Brock reviewed the budget timeline and shared information related to our audits.
  • The committee reviewed the non-personnel items and identified possible funding sources for each item. The list was compiled and sent to Dena for review. No decisions will be made at this time – the May revise will need to be reviewed as well as the proposed budget requests.
  • Also discussed was the email Brock sent out regarding cut-off dates for purchasing which is: 5/23 -purchasing cut-off date; 5/27 -open encumbrance report distributed via email; 6/5 -approval cut-off date; 6/17 – last day to turn in journal entries to the Business office for current year processing; 8/7 – last day for 13/14 invoices and/or journal entries to be processed as accounts payable.
  • Budget managers are now receiving monthly budget reports emailed to them on the first of the month.
  • Last year the Strata Information Group (SIG) was here for 3 days to review the Business office practices in relationship to Banner. His department has been working to implement the recommendations and Brock feels we are beginning to see the payoff from those recommendations.



INTEGRATED PLANNING MODEL (attached to official minutes and on-line)

Eric distributed the diagram and a narrative describing the diagram. On the diagram, each column represents an academic year and each row represents a process.



  • Idea is that each part is synchronized and working together which should make it better to allocate resources because you know what’s coming next – each is designed to work together (e.g. program review => planning process=>…) runs on a 5 to 10 year cycle.
  • Integrating annual program review updates and accreditation.
  • Course and program SLO assessment tied to program review – combined together
  • Comments from the Governance Council:
    • It looks complicated
    • Possible gap – institutional plan has a facilities master plan that should be represented, technology master plan – there are other plans (e.g. equity, safety, budget cycle). Will most likely be reviewed and extended.
    • Q: is this meant to be on the IR website? A possibility, but all of the information in the integrated plan would be on the IR website – how it’s represented will be worked out in the future.
  • ISLO – discussed in SPC – Vicki Jacobi offered additional detail
    • [general discussion on how the cycle would work mixed with some Q&A]
      • 6 phases in cycle – (after startup) all phases occur every year
      • Q: single SLO per year – not going to assess in all classes
      • A: yes, have to assess, should be embedded in all classes
      • Q: going over SLO report what pops up is APA style but we use ML A: not an issue to have stylistic different in SLO assessment
      • Q: other program SLO’s showing up A: yes, but can ignore if not applicable
      • Q: what all would be happening within each year? A: see 3rd handout
      • One SLO per year? Yes , but in 6 years, working on all ISLO’s but in different phases
      • Comments – confusing to be at different levels, pros/cons
      • Comments – with new eLumen, don’t have to wade through long list of all SLO’s – can filter.
      • Q: courses we don’t offer are still on the list and impact our percentages toward goal of 100% of courses
      • A: working to either update (through lists provided to Division Chairs) or inactivate
      • Comments think it’s a good idea to focus on one thing
      • Q: when will it (cyclic approach) be shared with faculty?
      • Q: how do programs that are not academic fit in, e.g. athletics
      • A: might want to explore either compressing or accelerating the cycle so that it’s not so long; some parts seem to lend themselves to compressed implementation
  • Will take this information to the Academic Senate
  • Revisit this information at the next GC meeting




  • Retreat is in 2 weeks
  • The conversation will be from a broad perspective around student success
  • Purposes
    • Gain understanding of what we have in place
    • Momentum and milestones
    • ID areas of inquiry – more data – impact not clear
    • Develop recommendations (institution’s research agenda) for next year
    • e.g. what is the difference for students who have an ed plan and those who don’t
  • Outcomes
    • Stronger/shared understanding
    • Awareness of existing findings
    • Sense of further research needed to assess student success
    • Recommendations
  • There will be a continental breakfast, lunch and afternoon snacks
  • What data do we already have:
    • Tons of athletic data
    • New scorecard data
    • Data from tutoring
    • Placement (e.g. multiple measures)
  • Measures for Strategic Plan specific to that effort, although they should correspond
  • [comment] good breadth, not too narrow
  • [comment] set the rules going forward, to gather the data, need to see the hiccups – easier to move a B student to an A, than an F to a C. (e.g. retention – should be better – how can the payment plan be improved which is vital to some students ‘success.
  • Retention as an institution – wide issue
  • Using the 80% rule on disaggregated data will show the “hiccups”
  • Look at material from Rob Johnstone
    • Connection (interest=> application)
      • Services
      • Data we have
      • Data we need
      • Recommendations
    • Entry (enrollment-> completion of “gatekeeper” courses)
    • Progress (Entry into program of study-> 75%)
    • Completion (complete a program of study )
  • Don’t have all the data – e.g. enrollment/interest context


Next Meeting:

April 25, 2014 Governance Council Retreat Petroleum Club of Bakersfield 5060 California Ave. 9th Floor Bakersfield, CA

9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.


Next Regular Meeting:

Friday, May 9th, 2014 at noon in the Cougar Room

Facilitator: Velda Peña Timekeeper: Sheri Black Recorder: Kanoe Bandy

Submitted by: Debbie Hegeman