February 28, 2014 Meeting


TAFT COLLEGE Governance Council February 28, 2014 12:10 pm – 2:00 pm Cougar Room

Facilitator: Vickie Jacobi Recorder: Brandy Cramer Timekeeper: Darcy Bogle Minutes: Debbie Hegeman

  • Approval of Minutes from January 24, 2014 Meeting 5 Minutes
  • Committee Reports 20 Minutes Strategic Planning Committee (led by Eric Berube) Budget Committee (led by Brock McMurray)
  • Presentation of Access Committee Charter(led by Mark Williams) 15 Minutes
  • Presentation of Success Committee Charter (led by Darcy Bogle) 15 Minutes
  • Student Success Scorecard Presentation (led by Eric Berube) 20 Minutes
  • Career Pathways Grant Opportunity (led by Mark Williams) 10 Minutes
  • Educational Master Plan Update (led by Dena Maloney) 10 Minutes
  • Ideas for Governance Council Retreat (led by Tony Thompson) 15 Minutes


Next Meeting: March 14, 2014

Call for:

Facilitator Recorder Time Keeper


Governance Council Minutes February 28, 2014

Members Present: Kanoe Bandy, Sheri Black, Darcy Bogle, Kamala Carlson, Brandy Cramer, Sharyn Eveland, Bruce Ferguson, Greg Golling, Victoria Jacobi, Dena Maloney, Brock McMurray, Velda Pena, Laura Riss, Mylasia Smith, Sonja Swenson, Tony Thompson and Mark Williams.

Guests: Eric Bérubé, Sheri Horn-Bunk, Josie Kouyomjian and Celia Rangel

Facilitator: Vicki Jacobi Recorder: Brandy Cramer Timekeeper: Darcy Bogle Minutes: Debbie Hegeman


The minutes of the meeting held January 24, 2014 were approved by consensus.


Strategic Planning Committee – Documents Distributed

Eric reported the SPC is continuing to work on Integrated Planning Model. The committee will meet again on March 7, 2014 to review a new item Outline of new Accreditation Standards.

Eric has put the new difference in the outline which was distributed to the committee and informed this committee of some very important issues. Institution set standards seems to be very big. The SPC will bring back some recommendations to the GC regarding this item.

Dena did some research and found a school which has Institution Set Standards on their website. She will check out other schools and see how they are approaching this new standard.

Eric pointed out the Annual Report questions 14a and 15 ask what we are doing now regarding the Institution Set Standards.

Budget Committee

Brock reported the Budget Committee has met twice since the last GC meeting. The first

meeting was spent reviewing the Governor’s proposed budget. The second meeting was to

review the non-personnel rankings, make potential funding recommendations and submit the report to Dena. The committee also discussed the P1 and P2 reports, which goes hand in hand with building our budgets. Jim is preparing a template to assist with budget preparation. These will be sent to Vice Presidents and the 14/15 budget process will begin. Brock reminded the committee there is no new money in the budget for next year except for the Governor’s proposal for a .86 COLA.

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Brock reminded the committee that it would be very unlikely for Taft College to receive any growth funds since we took the waiver. Until all the colleges who took cuts are restored we are not in line for growth. The best we could hope for is that the funding base is changed which would help all the schools

  1. PRESENTATION OF ACCESS COMMITTEE CHARTER (attached to official minutes and on-line)

Mark Williams distributed the charter draft and reviewed it as well as touching on the main points. Membership, Intent, Reporting Schedule. . .

During the following discussion there were several questions such as will this committee:

Write process for new programs

  • Research questions related to new programs
  • Can someone from a Division submit a program proposal to this committee or must they wait for the committee to decide if the program is needed?
  • Does the request for a new course go to this committee or to Curriculum? Will this committee be reviewing discontinuation of programs? What is the impetus of the start of program requests? The Charter does not follow the original vision which was read and it seems to some the original vision is not apparent on the draft charter.
  • Are we looking at helping current student’s progress through pathways already established?
  • Are we going to look at what Taft College already has or is this committee going to look at what we can build new?


Responses to these questions were:

  • The intent of this committee is to provide recommendations for the GC. Provide research and data so informed decisions can be made.
  • This committee would serve as a research and recommendation body. The charge may change in scope.
  • Regarding program discontinuance – there is already a process for this in the Senate.
  • This committee should also evaluate and make recommendations regarding enrollment management. Where are the students attending college and what are they taking?
  • The hope is that the process will be defined over time, not sure how it will be used exactly. The committee is more like a partner to help make decisions regarding new programs.


Dena suggested the draft be revisited by the committee and possibly rework some of the items that were addressed as concerns.

  1. PRESENTATION OF STUDENT SUCCESS COMMITTEE CHARTER (attached to official minutes and on­line)

Darcy Bogle distributed the charter draft and reviewed. The committee will support Student Success Act, Student Equity Plan, Goal Completion and Student Support Program. They will also review the student success data (scorecard data), SLO data and long term action plans.

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Some of the questions related to the proposed charter draft were:

  • Dena felt the vision for this committee from the GC was broad and comprehensive. She does not want this to be the Matriculation Steering Committee by another name. She wants to look at Student Success, analyze data and look at instruction and all the strategies to help keep us focused on student success. The membership resembles the old Matriculation Committee.
  • There is a lot of overlap between the Access Committee and the Student Success Committee. How are they different?
  • Since this committee works on how we communicate with students and where they are within a program, shouldn’t the Coordinator of Tutoring be on this committee as well as the Coordinator of Counseling?
  • Shouldn’t recommendations from this committee come to the GC?


Responses to the above concerns were:

  • Darcy isn’t sure how both of the committees will work together.
  • Not all recommendations should come to the GC. There are processes in place for recommendations to go to their respective committee, i.e. Financial Aid Committee, Admissions and Records Committee, Curriculum Committee, etc.
  • Consider these two committees tasks for other committees to use as a reference point in order to make decisions on how to further student success.


Again, it was recommended the draft be revisited by the committee and possibly rework some of the items that were addressed as concerns.

  1. STUDENT SUCCESS SCORECARD PRESENTATION Eric Bérubé distributed the scorecard report and gave a PowerPoint presentation (included with official minutes and on-line). The scorecard report is almost a year old and there is new data coming out. Eric reviewed the measures on the scorecard and stressed that we need to become familiar with these variables because we will be seeing them every year. He also went through the definitions (variables) on the PowerPoint. The commission isn’t just looking at how we are doing things now, but they are now looking at our outcomes.
  2. CAREER PATHWAY GRANT Mark Williams reported the grant proposals are due at the end of March and we have been exploring applying for 2. One is a $6M grant being developed through the Kern District and the other is a $600K grant which we will be working with several of our local schools focusing on alignments with the Engineering, Energy Tech programs. This grant is not about starting new curriculum rather to support what we are currently doing. It’s designed to help how students transform from one level of education to the next. The GC will have the opportunity to review the grant once the draft is ready.

This grant is slightly different from our Pathways grant in that this new grant will focus more on Energy and Engineering as well as support studentengagement not just in instructional areas.

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The question was raised as to whether we still have the Grant Committee which was established several years ago. Brock responded to this question as he was the chair of that Grant Committee for two or three years but it was disbanded some time ago.


Dena Maloney gave an update to the GC on what is happening with the consultants and our current status related to the Educational Master plan. She said the committee had an all-day event on February 7, 2014 with the consultants. They identified goals and reviewed the information which had been gathered earlier when the consultants met with many groups on campus. This information is on the web for review by the campus population. The information will be available until March 21, 2014 for comments. The committee will meet again on March 28, 2014 to finalize the draft of the first report which they plan to send to the Board in June, 2014. The Governance Council will have the opportunity to review it before it is submitted to the Board.


Tony Thompson led the discussion for possible retreat topics. The items discussed were:

  1. a) Student Success Initiative.
  2. b) Present benchmarks for our ISLO’s.
  3. c) Setting standards for Student Success – establish process and set standards.
  4. d) Multiple measures, placement, and prerequisites.
  5. e) Using data to support decisions – deciding on common reports to use. We will continue this discussion at the next GC meeting on March 28, 2014. The committee is asked to email any ideas they have to Dena and/or Tony if you have any ideas before the next meeting.

Results which have been used since last year’s retreat are: a) Beginning to use Student Success data. b) Using our data as actionable information.

No meeting on March 14, 2014

Respectfully submitted by: Debbie Hegeman