August 29, 2014 Meeting


TAFT COLLEGE Governance Council

August 29, 2014

12:10 pm – 2:00 pm -Cougar Room

Facilitator: Laura Riss Timekeeper: Bruce Ferguson Recorder: Kanoe Bandy Minutes: Debbie Hegeman

  1. Approval of Minutes from May 9, 2014 Meeting 5 Minutes
  2. Committee Reports 10 Minutes

Strategic Planning Committee (led by Eric Berube) Budget Committee (led by Brock McMurray) Access Committee (led by Mark Williams) Success Committee (led by Darcy Bogle)

  1. Update on Tutoring and Professional Development Space – Facilities 15 Minutes (led by Mark Williams)
  2. Framework for Retreat Ideas (led by Dena Maloney) 30 Minutes
  3. Governance Council Evaluation Outcomes (led by Eric Berube) 15 Minutes
  4. 2014-17 Strategic Action Plan Project (led by Dena Maloney) 20 Minutes
  5. 2014/15 Organizational Matters (led by Tony Thompson) 15 Minutes
  6. Meeting Schedule
  7. Retreat Date


Next Meeting: TBD based on discussion in meeting


Governance Council Minutes August 29, 2014

Members Present: Kanoe Bandy, Eric Bérubé, Darcy Bogle, Bill Devine, Sharyn Eveland, Bruce Ferguson, Greg Golling, Victoria Jacobi, Dr. Dena Maloney, Brock McMurray, Velda Pena, Laura Riss, Tony Thompson, Mark Williams and Brandy Young.

Members Absent: Sheri Black, Kamala Carlson and Brock McMurray

Facilitator: Laura Riss Recorder: Kanoe Bandy Timekeeper: Bruce Ferguson Minutes: Debbie Hegeman



The minutes of the meeting held May 9, 2014 were approved by consensus.

Welcome to our two new members: Bill Devine who has replaced Sonja Swenson and Laura Riss who has replaced Fernando Lara.



Strategic Planning Committee (led by Eric Bérubé)

Eric reported the committee met on August 21st where they set 5 main goals for this year. They are:

  • Review input on mission statement.
  • Refine operational definitions.
  • Work with Collaborative Brain Trust on the Strategic Action Plan.
  • Fill in details for Integrated Planning Process, particularly as it pertains to SLO’s.
  • SPC review the submitted program review goals and submit to the GC for approval.

Budget Committee (led by Bill Devine) A copy of the Budget Committee minutes will be on-line.

Bill reported the state budget had no major changes; conservative forecast; work to retire debt; no intended cuts for this year; looking at Cal STRS unfunded liability. The Community College budget has new money however it is earmarked for special purposes. Also the growth formula may change. Taft College budget will be presented to the Board for approval at the September 10th board meeting. Doubtful there will be a state bond which would impact future projects with the exception of the student center project since it is funded by Measure A money.


Access Committee Report (led by Mark Williams)

Mark reported the committee has not met and the co-chair will be assigned by next week. Once they have the co-chair the membership will be finalized and then will set up their meeting schedule. Mark brought a copy of the charter however it has not changed since it was handed out during the March 28, 2014 meeting.

Student Success Committee (led by Darcy Bogle)

Darcy announced Laura Riss will join the committee this year. She distributed another copy of the Planning Committee Crosswalk Guide (attached to official minutes and on-line). She pointed out how the document showed how the Student Success and Access Committee work together with the student success scorecard. They will monitor the Equity Plan as well as the Student Success Plan.


Update on Tutoring and Professional Development Space Facilities (led by Mark Williams)

Mark stated the Library is jumping. This summer they were able to develop general tutoring areas; Classroom space (GED & INCO); professional development space (includes Dan Hall’s office); and other library related items (improved staffing, new catalog system, book drop box, reserve books for every class). (For more detailed information, the Library Facility Update document will be attached to the official minutes as well as on-line)


Framework for Retreat Ideas (led by Dena Maloney)

Dena reported that the Governance Council wanted to make sure its ideas from the Retreat were evaluated and prioritized. She shared that the Student Success Task Force (state level) had developed 22 recommendations for supporting student success. Those recommendations could be the framework for organizing the Governance Council ideas. She pointed out around the room the flipchart papers contained the 22 Student Success Task Force recommendations. She identified three groups which will be given ideas from the Governance Council retreat. Their job will be to discuss the ideas and place them on the sheets where they best fit. The groups will be:

Group 1: Bill Devine, Mark Williams, Bruce Ferguson, Sharyn Eveland and Brandy Young
Group 2: Kanoe Bandy, Velda Pena, Eric Bérubé and Laura Riss
Group 3: Vicki Jacobi, Darcy Bogle, Greg Golling, Tony Thompson and Dena Maloney

The next step will be to take the information from the sheets and prioritize them before sending the information on to the Student Success Committee. Darcy stated she felt this information will be extremely helpful in the reports she will be submitting. (The document has been attached to these minutes for your review)


Governance Council Evaluation Outcomes (led by Eric Bérubé)

The Charter for the Governance Council Committee calls for the members to evaluate their effectiveness at the end of each year then discuss the outcome at the first meeting of the next year. Eric shared the results of the survey (attached to official minutes as well as on-line). There was much discussion on interpretation of the overall rankings but in the end it was agreed the GC has shown great improvement. It could be concluded this is because members are more comfortable in their role as GC members. It appeared from the survey we have continued to improve but reminded there is always room for improvement especially with overall communication with the campus. Eric will write up some recommendations and bring them to the next meeting. He also reminded the committee that all the sub-committees of the GC are required to do a self-evaluation of their effectiveness based on their charter each year also.

2014/17 Strategic Action Plan Project (led by Dena Maloney)

Dena made a correction that it is actually the 2015-18 Strategic Action Plan being worked on as the plan they are working on will roll out in 2015. Last year we put together an Education Master Plan which is the foundation for the Strategic Action Plan. The Strategic Plan will insure we meet our goals set by the Educational Master Plan Committee. (Attached to official minutes and on-line are the 2014-24 Educational Master Plan Recommendations and the Proposed Strategic Action Plan Steering Committee for 2014 fall semester). The Strategic Action Plan Steering Committee will oversee the process of developing the new strategic plan, with input from the campus community. She shared with the committee the ACCJC list of colleges and their top deficiencies (attached to official minutes and on-line) as well as the sanctions given. There are some new items included this year; Student Learning Outcomes Implementation, and Employee Evaluations. There was consensus on the plan.


2014/2015 Organizational Matters (led by Tony Thompson)

Last year the Governance Council agreed to meet twice a month with the first meeting being mandatory and the second meeting only if needed. Looking at the tasks which lay ahead of the Council, it was agreed the Governance Council will continue to meet twice a month with both meetings being mandatory.

The schedule will remain as in the past: 2nd and 4th Fridays The retreat date is, Friday, February 27, 2015 (details to come)

The next meeting will be September 12, 2014 at 12:10 p.m. in the Cougar Room.

Facilitator: Sharyn Eveland Timekeeper: Velda Peña Recorder: Brandy Young

Minutes submitted by:

Debbie Hegeman