April 18, 2022 Meeting
Monday, April 18, 2022
12:10 P.M. – 1:00 P.M.
Via Zoom
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, for those requiring special assistance to access the meeting, to access written documents being discussed at the meeting, or to otherwise participate in the meeting, please contact one of the committee chair Adam Bledsoe at 661-763- 7781 for assistance. Notification at least 48 hours before the meeting will enable the committee to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting and to provide any required accommodations, auxiliary aids or services.
Call to Order:
Public Commentary:
Action Items
- Approval of March 14, 2021 Minutes ACTION
- Location of Next Meeting (May 9, 2022) ACTION
Old Business
New Business
- Distance Learning Approval Forms ACTION
- BIOL 1500
- STSU 1505
Information Items
Discussion Items
Other Adjournment
Next Meeting: May 9, 2022
Monday, April 18, 2022
12:10 P.M. – 1:00 P.M.
Via Zoom
Call to Order: Bledsoe, 12:10 P.M.
Attendees: Amar Abbott, Adam Bledsoe, Heather Cash, Candace Duron, Geoffrey Dyer, Kelly Kulzer-Reyes, Jason Page, Joy Reynolds, Brandy Young
Absent: Leslie Minor
Public Commentary/Guest: None
Approval of Minutes
- March 14, 2022 Minutes submitted by A. Bledsoe
- Minutes approved by unanimous consent
Next Meeting
- Abbott motioned to meet in Zoom on May 9, 2022 due to an imminent health risk; Kulzer-Reyes seconded.
- No objections, motion passed by unanimous consent.
New Business
- Distance Learning Approval Forms
- BIOL 1500
- Motion to forward to Curriculum: Kulzer-Reyes.
- Second: Dyer.
- Motion passed unanimously
- STSU 1505
- Motion to forward to Curriculum: Kulzer-Reyes.
- Second: Cash.
- Motion passed unanimously.
- BIOL 1500
Information Items
- DE Update
- H. Cash shared the contract service notes for our current LTIs:
- TurnItIn – July 31, 2022: $9,700
- Respondus LockDown Browser – July 31, 2022: $7,695
- VoiceThread: June 15, 2022: $6,500
- H. Cash shared the contract service notes for our current LTIs:
Discussion Items
- Hyflex
- Bledsoe summarized a HyFlex class as one that will offer three different modalities simultaneously and allow each student to choose between those modalities on a session-by-session basis. The three modalities are asynchronous online, synchronous online via Zoom, and face-to-face instruction.
- Bledsoe also referenced ASCCC Fall 2021 Resolution 07.02:
- Academic Senate for California Community Colleges work with the California Community College Chancellor’s Office to establish a working definition and description of the modality as well as designated coding for HyFlex as a distance education modality.
- Academic Senate for California Community Colleges work with appropriate system faculty, administrators, and student constituent groups to define apportionment models for HyFlex modality.
- Dyer updated that at system wide Distance Education and Educational Technology Advisory Committee (DEETAC) had agreed on previously referenced definition which students can attend in person, that they can join synchronously or asynchronously but the committee hasn’t yet established the coding or apportionment.
- Kulzer-Reyes shared that she has attempted to teach in a similar format this semester. She likes that all the activities from the class are always available to students, but admits it is a lot more work to teach this way.
- The committee discussed apportionment may not have a difference in our district due to the length of the academic calendar that has been established.
- The committee discussed concerns of attendance and engagement dropping because of this format. Multiple examples were shared from the beginning of this semester when a lot of classes started asynchronous online and synchronous online via Zoom before transitioning back to face-to-face.
- Reynolds shared a counter example in which a student was not able to return to class due to pregnancy but was able to continue the class via Zoom synchronously and has done very well as a result. Additional students from her class have commented on how having the class lectures recorded on Zoom to review has been very helpful on any material that has been confusing.
- Other examples were shared of students benefiting from being able to rewatch lecture videos.
- The committee brought up potential concerns of being able to proctor exams effectively in a HyFlex format.
- The committee discussed that a HyFlex format could have a positive impact on enrollment and a volunteer pilot program could make sense for the college.
- Dyer referenced the ASCCC resolution 17.01 S22 from plenary on April 9.
- We can expect a survey to come from ASCCC.
- Looking at whether there’s equitable access to, and use of, online education.
- Urging us to work collaboratively with our Senate and online education support areas to identify and mitigate equity gaps regarding online education support, access, and delivery.
- Thank you to the online education course design support professionals for all the ways that they’ve helped us, especially during COVID-19.
- May in-service will have an Accessibility training that Adam Bledsoe will lead and will receive help from Heather Cash. Amar Abbott will assist in the planning process.
Next Meeting and Adjournment
Bledsoe moved to adjourn the meeting at 12:57 P.M. Next meeting on May 9, 2022.