November 14, 2022 Meeting


Monday, November 14, 2022

12:10 P.M. – 1:00 P.M.


Call to Order: 

Public Commentary: 

Action Items

  1. Approval of October 10, 2022 Minutes ACTION

Information Items

  1. DE Updates INFORMATION                                                            

Old Business


New Business

  1. Distance Learning Approval Forms ACTION
    1. ART – Brand and Identity Systems
    2. ART – Fundamentals of Typography
    3. ART – Graphic Design 2

Discussion Items





Next Meeting: December 12, 2022


Monday, November 14th, 2022

12:10 P.M. – 1:00 P.M.


Call to Order: Bledsoe, 12:10 pm

Attendees: Amar Abbott, Adam Bledsoe, Heather Cash, Geoffrey Dyer, Jon Farmer, Leslie Minor, Jason Page, Tabitha Raber

Absent: Candace Duron, Kelly Kulzer-Reyes, Joy Reynolds

Public Commentary/Guest: None

Approval of Minutes

  • October 10th, 2022, Minutes submitted by Heather Cash 
  • No Corrections were noted, Minutes approved by unanimous consent

Information Items

  • DE Update:
    1. Bledsoe starts conversation and reviews the highlights of the Title 5 updates. 
      • Reviewed is C-2. The committee expresses the concern of Instructors being aware of these updates. Minor mentions that there is, or needs be a live link available for faculty to review. 

New Business

  • Distance Learning Approval Forms
    1. ART 18XX: Brand and Identity Systems
      1. Motion to forward to Curriculum: Abbott
      2. Second: Dyer
      3. Motion passed unanimously
    2. ART 18XX: Fundamentals of Typography
      1. Motion to forward to Curriculum: Abbott
      2. Second: Dyer
      3. Motion passed unanimously
    3. ART 18XX: Graphic Design 2
      1. Motion to forward to Curriculum: Abbott
      2. Second: Dyer
      3. Motion passed unanimously
  • Notes: Abbott, expressed concern about the required software/materials and those costs that will be required for the above courses moving forward.
  • Minor suggests that there possibly need be other alternative options to be considered and reviewed by faculty. 

Discussion Items

  • POCR conversation items and concerns:
    1. Bledsoe, revisits prior conversation of topic, and discusses the updates made to help address the prior concerns from the committee regarding the expected amount of dedication time for POCR members. The conversation is left open for suggestions and input. 
    2. Farmer suggests that members be trained on accessibility prior or during the membership. A mention is made of @One Accessibility training resources to be considered as the required component. 
    3. Dyer suggests there are other ways to accomplish and acquire badged courses, by exploring facilitated independent course alignment. 

Next Meeting and Adjournment

Bledsoe moved to adjourn the meeting at 12:41 P.M. Next meeting on Dec 12th, 2022.