August 23, 2019 Meeting


Taft College Senate-of-the-whole Agenda
Friday, August, 2019

11:00Am to 1:00pm
Cougar Room


Call to Order
Public Commentary

Action Items

  1. Approval May 6, 2019 Minutes (Attachment to Follow) (3 minutes)
  2. Recognition of Service (Attachment to Follow) (5 minutes)

Information/Discussion Items

  1. Welcome (3 minutes)
  2. Introductions (10 minutes)
  3. Adjunct Members Invitation – How to be recognized, Responsibilities, Considerations (3 minutes)
  4. Academic Senate page (A. Abbott) (5 minutes)
  5. Taft College Academic Senate Structure (5 minutes)
    1. Taft College Academic Senate Constitution and Bylaws
    2. Senate Council and Senate of the Whole
  6. What It Means to BE a Senator in the Local Academic Senate (65 minutes)
    1. 10 +1 and BP 2510
    2. Academic Senate Committees and Shared Governance Committees
    3. Discussion: Roles and Responsibilities of Committee Members as Senate Representatives
  7. Academic Senate California Community Colleges (G. Dyer) (5 minutes):
    1. Area A and State Level
    2. Professional Development Webpage Faculty Orientation
  8. Upcoming ASCCC Events and Attendance Opportunities (2 minutes)

Open Forum for Announcements (10 minutes)



Taft College Senate-of-the-whole Agenda

Friday, August, 2019

11:00Am to 1:00pm
Cougar Room

Members Present:

Amar Abbott, Antonio Alfaro, Jen Altenhofel, Michelle Beasley, Paul Blake, Darcy Bogle, Jill Brown, Nathan Cahoon, Kamala Carlson, Joe’ll Chaidez, Chris Chung-Wee, Becky Colaw, Bill Devine, Candace Duron, Geoffrey Dyer, Chris Flachmann, Carly Flowers, Shelley Getty, Greg Golling, Amble Hollenhorst, Vicki Jacobi, Mike Jiles, Salvador Jimenez Murguía, Diane Jones, Kelly Kulzer-Reyes, Julian Martinez, Mariza Martinez, Mike Mayfield, Janis Mendenhall, Tina Mendoza, David Mitchell, Michelle Oja, Jason Page, Ruby Payne, Robin Polski, Joy Reynolds, Debora Rodenhauser, Becky Roth, Tony Thompson, Lori Travis


Jessica Grimes, Xiaohong Li, Leslie Minor, Brandy Young

 Call to Order

Meeting called to order at 11:24 am
Public Commentary


Action Items

  1. Approval May 6, 2019 Minutes (Attachment to Follow) (3 minutes)

Motion to approve minutes as amended by J. Altenhofel. Second by M. Jiles.

One abstention: M. Oja

  1. Recognition of Service (Attachment to Follow) (5 minutes)

Gratitude to Geoffrey Dyer expressed in a resolution with five “Whereas” statements.

Motion to approve the resolution recognizing G. Dyer’s service by T. Thompson. Second by D. Bogle.

Unanimous approval.

Information/Discussion Items

  1. Welcome (3 minutes)

President Eveland welcomes the Taft College Academic Senate of the Whole.

  1. Introductions (10 minutes)

All present introduced themselves and announced their role on campus.

  1. Adjunct Members Invitation – How to be recognized, Responsibilities, Considerations (3 minutes)

Invitation to adjunct faculty extended by President Eveland to adjunct faculty. Reminder that membership includes official change to quorum. Please consider ability to attend when deciding whether to officially join. Additional reminder that all Academic Senate meetings are open and subject to the Brown Act. All are welcome.

  1. Academic Senate page (A. Abbott) (5 minutes)

Abbott shared his work on the TC Academic Senate webpages. Walked faculty through what is currently available and shared what will likely improve soon. Abbott expressed gratitude to Jason Zsiba for his work linking and migrating content to the site. Included on the site are links to: board policies, agendas, minutes, future meetings, and officers’ contact information.

  1. Taft College Academic Senate Structure (5 minutes)
    1. Taft College Academic Senate Constitution and Bylaws

Discussion of how Past-president Dyer wrote our current constitution based on senators’ input. We have revised the constitution to better reflect our needs. If future revisions are needed, we are aware of the process to do so.

  1. Senate Council and Senate of the Whole

Taft College has a Senate of the Whole, which means that all full-time faculty are senators. There is also a Senate Council with representatives from the divisions. Items for future agendas typically starts in the Senate Council. To add agenda items to the Senate Council meetings, please send them to President Eveland at least one week prior to the meeting. Because we use the Brown Act for open meetings, all agendas must be posted at least 72 hours prior to the meeting.

  1. What It Means to BE a Senator in the Local Academic Senate (65 minutes)
    1. 10 +1 and BP 2510

Taft College’s BP 2510 and AP 2510 state which areas of the 10+1 are “rely primarily upon” and “mutually agree upon”

  1. Academic Senate Committees and Shared Governance Committees

Academic Senate committees, shared governance committees, and operational committees are all part of the Taft College Faculty contractual obligation of two committee assignments. The Academic Senate committees are: Academic Development, Academic Policies and Procedures, Career and Technical Education, Curriculum and General Education, Distance Education, Dual Enrollment, and SLOASC. There are recommended numbers of faculty representatives in the charters of these committees.

  1. Discussion: Roles and Responsibilities of Committee Members as Senate Representatives

One recommendation for the roles and responsibilities of Academic Senate members serving on committees is when there is an issue within the 10+1 area, if a senator does not know the position of the senate, to request the item be tabled until it can be discussed by this body to ensure a clear and accurate message can be shared after discussion.

  1. Academic Senate California Community Colleges (G. Dyer) (5 minutes):
    1. Area A and State Level

Area A is a large region of California. There are four Academic Senate “areas.” Geoffrey Dyer was elected as the Statewide Area A representative for the ASCCC last year. He serves on many committees and basically rocks.

  1. Professional Development Webpage Faculty Orientation
  2. Upcoming ASCCC Events and Attendance Opportunities (2 minutes)

Visit the Events tab on the ASCCC webpage for upcoming opportunities to get involved with ASCCC.

Open Forum for Announcements (10 minutes)

Discussion about grading policies. Ad hoc committee formed. Discussion will continue. Volunteers for ad hoc grading policy committee include: J. Altenhofel, D. Jones, J. Martinez, D. Rodenhauser, and K. Carlson.


Senate of the Whole adjourned at 1:05 pm