November 18, 2022 Meeting
TO: Curriculum and General Education Committee
- Bandy, A. Bledsoe, B. Devine, J. Farmer, M. Mayfield, T. Mendoza, M. Oja, T. Payne, J. Rangel-Escobedo, A. Rashvand, D. Vohnout, N. Woodall, B. Young, ASO Representative, and PTK Representative
FROM: Dr. Vicki Jacobi, Vice President Academic Senate, Co-Chairperson
Dr. Leslie Minor, Vice President of Instruction, Co-Chairperson
DATE: November 18, 2022
SUBJECT: Next Meeting’s Agenda
A Curriculum and General Education Committee meeting will be held on
Friday November 18, 2022, from 1:10 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. in the Cougar Room, Taft College,
29 Cougar Ct., Taft CA 93268
Curriculum & General Education Committee
The Committee welcomes participation at Curriculum Committee Meetings. Members of the public may address the Committee. For everyone to be heard, please limit your comments to 5 minutes or less.
- October 14, 2022, Curriculum & General Education meeting (3)
Items listed under the CONSENT ITEMS are considered routine and are acted on by the Committee in one motion. There is no discussion of these items before the Committee vote unless a member of the Committee, staff, or public requests specific items be discussed and/or removed from the Consent Agenda. Any person can pull items from the consent agenda and move to new business, to be discussed and voted on individually. Items typically on consent are course outline of record under five-year review, renewal of distance learning modality or inactivation of course (removal from Chancellor Office Inventory of Courses).
New Courses – Allied Health/Applied Tech
- OSH 1010 Westec OSHA 10 Construction Industry
- OSH 1110 Westec OSHA 10 General Industry
New Courses – Business Arts & Humanities
- ART 1815 Brand and Identity Systems
- ART 1825 Fundamentals of Typography
- ART 1830 Graphic Design II
Math requirement for graduation
Course Revisions – Allied Health/Applied Tech.
- OSH 1100 Basic Employee Safety for General Industry
- OSH 1104 Supervisor Safety Training
- OSH 1106 Hazardous Material (HAZMAT) First Responder Awareness
- OSH 1107 Medic First Aid Training/CPR
- OSH 1108 Hazardous Waste Operations Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) Annual Refresher
- OSH 1109 Emergency Response Technician Training
- OSH 1116 Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) Training
- OSH 1552 Respiratory Protection for Hazardous Materials Handling and Permit Required Confined Spaces
- OSH 2058 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry/OSHA 30-hour Construction Ind
- OSH 2061 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry/OSHA 30-hour General Industry Training
- OSH 2065 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards
Distance Learning Approvals
- Math requirement for graduation
- Program ideas/Programs in development
- CAL-GETC update
- AB – 1705
NEXT MEETING: December 2022, TBD.
*Program Status, please see the table below:
Program | Tech Review Approved | C & GE
Approved |
Approved |
Approved |
Notes |
*Law, Public Policy, and Society ADT | Spring 2021 | Spring 2021 | Spring 2021 | N/A | Under Review @ C/O |
*Communication Studies ADT | Spring 2022 | Spring 2022 | July 2022 | N/A | Under Review @ C/O |
* New Program
Minutes of the Curriculum and General Education Committee Meeting
November 18, 2022, 10:10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. in Cougar Room
Present: K. Bandy, A. Bledsoe, B. Devine, J. Farmer, V. Jacobi, L. Minor, M. Mayfield, T. Mendoza, M. Oja, J. Rangel-Escobedo, A. Rashvand, T. Payne, D. Vohnout, N. Woodall
Guests: N/A
Recorder: N. Lopez
The Committee welcomes participation at Curriculum Committee Meetings. Members of the public may address the Committee. For everyone to be heard, please limit your comments to 5 minutes or less.
No public commentary.
- October 14, 2022, Curriculum & General Education meeting (3)
- Oja asked for additional notes regarding the new MATH support courses. V. Jacobi will look through her notes & forward them to M. Oja.
On a motion by M. Oja, seconded by J. Rangel-Escobedo, and unanimously carried by all, the October minutes were approved.
Items listed under the CONSENT ITEMS are considered routine and are acted on by the Committee in one motion. There is no discussion of these items before the Committee vote unless a member of the Committee, staff, or public requests specific items be discussed and/or removed from the Consent Agenda. Any person can pull items from the consent agenda and move to new business, to be discussed and voted on individually. Items typically on consent are course outline of record under five-year review, renewal of distance learning modality or inactivation of course (removal from Chancellor Office Inventory of Courses).
- New Courses – Allied Health/Applied Tech
- OSH 1010 Westec OSHA 10 Construction Industry
- OSH 1110 Westec OSHA 10 General Industry
The new OSH courses were tabled. The committee had questions regarding the 10-hour portion of the course. A Division representative will be invited to the December C & GE.
New Courses – Business Arts & Humanities
- ART 1815 Brand and Identity Systems
- ART 1825 Fundamentals of Typography
- ART 1830 Graphic Design II
ART 1830 was tabled because clarification of pre-req & Discipline is needed.
On a motion by M. Oja, seconded by B. Devine, and unanimously carried by all, the new ART 1815 & 1825 were approved.
Math requirement for graduation
Item was voted-on after discussion was had. (see V.A.)
On a motion by M. Mayfield, seconded by B. Devine, and unanimously carried by all, MATH 1520 Finite Mathematics will replace MATH 1060 as the graduation requirement. Tentative Effective date of Fall 2023
- Course Revisions – Allied Health/Applied Tech.
- OSH 1100 Basic Employee Safety for General Industry
- OSH 1104 Supervisor Safety Training
- OSH 1106 Hazardous Material (HAZMAT) First Responder Awareness
- OSH 1107 Medic First Aid Training/CPR
- OSH 1108 Hazardous Waste Operations Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) Annual Refresher
- OSH 1109 Emergency Response Technician Training
- OSH 1116 Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) Training
- OSH 1552 Respiratory Protection for Hazardous Materials Handling and Permit Required Confined Spaces
- OSH 2058 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry/OSHA 30-hour Construction Ind
- OSH 2061 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry/OSHA 30-hour General Industry Training
- OSH 2065 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards
Distance Learning Approvals
Art 1830 was pulled from Distance Learning consent.
On a motion by B. Devine, seconded by M. Mayfield, and unanimously carried by all, ART 1815 & 1825 were approved.
Math requirement for graduation
- Jacobi outlined portions of bill 1705. She shared CSUB’s preference for all Taft College transfers to have completed PSYC 2200. Division Chairs agree that Taft College should maximize the probability that a student will enter and complete college-level coursework in Math within a one-year timeframe. M. Mayfield informed the committee that the Science/Math division would like to update the math requirement for graduation. MATH 1520 will replace MATH 1060. This new graduation requirement would be effective Fall 2023. B. Devine asked if this change would effect the ENGL degree. After a brief discussion, it was determined that it would not. The committee will be voting on the action proposed by the Science/Math Division. (See III. B. C.)
Program ideas/Programs in development
- Jacobi thanked division chairs for the curriculum work they have brought forward. There are several new/revised programs in development. Computer Science, Data Science, & Kinesiology are being discussed as potential additions to our curriculum inventory. B. Devine asked about a Music program. Who/what Discipline would be responsible for creating the content? It would most likely fall under Business, Arts, & Humanities. The group also discussed combining current certificates to meet needs in the Medic/Paramedic field. M. Oja shared the possibility of a PSYC Tech certificate as it was discussed in a program review. T. Mendoza said the ECEF department is looking at new certificates as well. UCSB is interested in an agricultural program and has asked Taft College to consider creating the program. Members were encouraged to continue the discussion within their Division.
- CAL-GETC update
Dr. Eigenauer is in the process of revising PHIL 1520. Ethnic Studies minimum qualifications have been updated, they no longer accept History. The committee reviewed the process for adding a new COR to the local Gen. Ed. pattern.
The committee discussed benefits/challenges regarding AB-1705. As of now, there is no hard deadline for implementation. Information will be presented as it becomes available.
- Mendoza asked the committee their experience/opinions on data management systems like “CurriQunet”. Most members have heard of the software, they have not used it enough to have a defined opinion. Some members stated they have heard both good and bad. T. Mendoza has been in talks with campuses that use CurriQunet. T. Mendoza may share more information at a future meeting.
- NEXT MEETING: December 2022, TBD.
Meeting adjourned at 2:35 p.m.
*Program Status, please see the table below:
Program |
Tech Review Approved |
C & GE Approved |
Board Approved |
State Approved |
Notes |
*Law, Public Policy, and Society ADT |
Spring 2021 |
Spring 2021 |
Spring 2021 |
N/A |
Under Review @ C/O |
*Communication Studies ADT |
Spring 2022 |
Spring 2022 |
July 2022 |
N/A |
Under Review @ C/O |
* New Program