September 06, 2013 Meeting


Friday, September 6, 2013
12:10 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Counseling Conference Room
1. Minutes from August 23, 2013 (5 Minutes)
2. COR for Course Improvement Evidence – Quick Status Update (10 Minutes)
Action Item:

1. Develop a 5 year plan for COR revision to be given to Division Chair by October 2013.

2. Discuss the new SIP question. Assessment Methods.

3. Signature Assignment (10 Minutes)
Action Item from 8-23-13:

The committee will revisit this agenda item at the next meeting. It was suggested that the faculty committee members bring sample assignments to review and the committee will work together to formulate the signature assignment for assessment.

4. New Business – Quick Status Update (10 Minutes)
Action Item from 8-23-13

1. A section for students on the SLO webpage will be outlined this fall semester and will be ready to publish live spring 2014.

2. Vicki will discuss this at the next Division Chairs meeting and the goal is to provide training to faculty during the January inservice 2014.

5. Student Services (10 Minutes) Action Item from 8-23-13:

1. Student services learning outcomes will be a standing agenda item at each meeting from now on. Joe’ll will research what other schools are doing with SLOs and student services.


Friday, September 6, 2013

12:10 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Counseling Conference Room

Present: Jennifer Altenhofel, Wendy Berry, Joe’ll Chaidez, Geoffrey Dyer, Vicki Herder, David Layne, and Michelle Oja

Secretary: Brandy Cramer

The committee welcomed Wendy Berry from the Math/Science division who will be replacing David Reynolds.

  1. Minutes from August 23, 2013 – Unanimously approved.
  2. COR for Course Improvement Evidence – Quick Status Update Old Action Item -Develop a 5 year plan for COR revision to be given to Division Chair by October 2013 A five year plan for COR revision is a work in progress. The focus for now is on which CORs will be revised this 2013/14 academic year. The COR Revision spreadsheet was distributed to the SLOASC members to take back to their respective division chairs for discussion. It was suggested that a memo be attached to the Request for Approval of New/Revised Credit Course form when submitted to the Curriculum & General Education Committee. The memo will summarize the SLO assessment activity that has led to the revision of the COR. This will serve as evidence of course improvement using SLO assessment data. David Layne, (Curriculum & Gen Ed Co-Chair) will bring this to the committee as an agenda item for discussion and approval. New Action Item: Follow up on Curriculum & Gen Ed. Committee discussion regarding the memo attachment.

Old Action Item -Discuss the new SIP question -Assessment Methods A new question will not be added to the SIP in eLumen, but instead a drop down feature will be fleshed out with various assessment methods for faculty to choose from. This feature is located in the “Create an Assessment” section of eLumen. Vicki passed out the


template created by the Applied Technologies division. The template contains fields for Course, Units, SLOs, and Authentic Assessment Options. This template has been placed on the SLO webpage for faculty use.

New Action Item: Add authentic assessment choices to eLumen drop down feature.

  1. Signature Assignment Old Action Item -The committee will revisit this agenda item at the next meeting. It was suggested that the faculty committee members bring sample assignments to review and the committee will work together to formulate the signature assignment for assessment. This agenda item is still a work in progress. The hope is to have a signature assignment in place for spring 2014 inservice assessment activity. The focus of the assessment will be on the ISLO Community/Global Awareness and Responsibility – “Students should be able to demonstrate social and cultural awareness, ethical behavior, effective and sensitive communication, and a commitment to learning”. New Action Item: Check to see if any General Education SLOs are linked to the Community/Global Awareness ISLO.
  2. New Business – Quick Status Update Old Action Item -A section for students on the SLO webpage will be outlined this fall semester and will be ready to publish live spring 2014. A rough outline has been made for the student section of the SLO webpage. It was suggested that student testimonials be used to demonstrate student engagement and familiarity with SLOs.
  3. Student Services This agenda item was tabled and will be first on the agenda for the next meeting on Friday, October 4, 2013.

Due to a conflict with the Division Chairs meeting the current meeting time will need to be changed. That time will be announced prior to October 4, 2013.