August 23, 2013 Meeting


Friday, August 23, 2013 1:10 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Counseling Conference Room

  1. Minutes from May 17, 2013 (5 Minutes)
  2. COR for Course Improvement Evidence – Status Update (5 Minutes)


Action Items – What has been done to date? Establish a due date/timeline.

  • The development of a schedule for COR revision and course improvement will be presented to Mark and brought back to this committee at the first meeting in the fall.
  • The Section Improvement Plan will be updated with the new assessment method question.
  • The idea of eLumen data and student achievement data will be combined in a format so that it can be reviewed at the same time for program review. This will be worked out with the IR office.
  • COR webpage – Are they up to date?
  1. Signature Assignment (5 Minutes)

Action Item – Establish a due date/timeline date.

  • The committee agreed to create the signature assignment, but it was not stated when the idea would be presented to the campus. Focus will be on an ISLO or GE SLO.
  1. Meeting Date and Time for 2013/2014 (5 Minutes)

Action Item:

  • Committee members will email their fall schedules to Brandy and a date and time for next year will be decided on.
  1. New Business (20 Minutes)
  • Establish goals for 2013/2014 with timeline/date of completion.
    • Section on the SLO webpage for students.
    • Set date for Authentic Assessment training.
    • CSLO Revisions/Updates – Outline and due dates.


  1. Other – From 5/17/2013 – Comments or Questions (10 Minutes)
  • Vicki informed the committee that Mark Williams, the new VP of Instruction has agreed to designate Carl Perkins funds for SLO workshops for instructional programs. Training should focus on Authentic Assessment methods and SLO validity/effectiveness.

Action Item – Status

  • Vicki will send out the template created by the Applied Technology division that displays the SLO, assignment and method of assessment in a table format. Once this is approved by the committee, it will be placed on the SLO webpage for all faculty to utilize.


Friday, August 23, 2013

9 a.m. – 10 a.m.

Counseling Conference Room

Present: Jennifer Altenhofel, Joe’ll Chaidez, Geoffrey Dyer, Vicki Herder, and Michelle Oja

Absent: David Layne and David Reynolds

Secretary: Brandy Cramer

  1. Minutes from May 17, 2013 –Unanimously approved.
  2. COR for Course Improvement Evidence – Status Update


Old Action Items – What has been done to date? Establish a due date/timeline.

  1. The development of a schedule for COR revision and course improvement will be presented to Mark and brought back to this committee at the first meeting in the fall.

A spreadsheet was created that lists all CORs to be revised this 2013/2014 academic year. The spreadsheet contains Section Improvement Plans (SIPs) from eLumen. The SIPs will be used to help faculty pinpoint themes, trends, or gaps in student learning. By doing this, improvements can be made to the COR. The spreadsheet will be given to Division Chairs at their next meeting, Friday, September 20, 2013. A five year plan will be developed for all COR revisions.

New Action Item: Develop a 5 year plan for COR revision to be given to Division Chair by October 2013.

  1. The Section Improvement Plan will be updated with the new assessment method question.

The new assessment question has not been added to the Section Improvement Plan for fall 2013. A new question will be added by spring 2014. The committee will discuss this at the September 6th meeting.

New Action Item: Discuss the new SIP question regarding assessment at the next meeting.

  1. The idea of eLumen data and student achievement data will be combined in a format so that it can be reviewed at the same time for program review. This will be worked out with the IR office.

The student achievement data and SLO data were combined on a CD that was distributed to program review leads during fall inservice. The response from faculty was very positive. The SLO data and student achievement data can be formatted into graphs that will be organized and meaningful.

  1. COR webpage – Are they up to date?

The COR webpage is currently a work in progress. Not all CORs have been updated yet.

  1. Signature Assignment

Old Action Item – Establish a due date/timeline date.

The committee agreed to create the signature assignment, but it was not stated when the idea would be presented to the campus. Focus will be on an ISLO or GE SLO.

Vicki explained why the ISLO section was removed from Program Review. She will compile all ISLO assessment data and write a report. She stated that the Global Awareness ISLO has not been assessed by the campus. It was suggested that a signature assignment could be shared by the Social Science and English disciplines. The assessment could occur in the spring 2014 semester. The assessment results could be shared during fall 2014 inservice. Vicki gave some ideas on how to set up the assignments and assessments. Geoffrey and Jennifer volunteered to do the assessment in their courses. Geoffrey teaches English 2600 and Jennifer teaches History 2210.

New Action Item: The committee will revisit this agenda item at the next meeting. It was suggested that the faculty committee members bring sample assignments to review and the committee will work together to formulate the signature assignment for assessment.

  1. Meeting Date and Time for 2013/2014

Old Action Item -Committee members will email their fall schedules to Brandy and a date and time for next year will be decided on.

The meeting date and time will be the 1st Friday of each month from 12:10 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the Counseling Center Conference Room.

  1. New Business

Establish goals for 2013/2014 with timeline/date of completion.

  1. Section on the SLO webpage for students.

New Action Item: A section for students on the SLO webpage will be outlined this fall semester and will be ready to publish live spring 2014.

  1. Set date for Authentic Assessment training.

New Action Item: Vicki will discuss this at the next Division Chairs meeting and the goal is to provide training to faculty during the January inservice 2014.

  1. CSLO Revisions/Updates – Outline and due dates.

Faculty are working on revising their CSLOs and aligning them using the eLumen mapping tool. It is the belief of the committee that revisions will continue to take place as more and more faculty realize the need for program and course SLO alignment.

  1. Other – From 5/17/2013 – Comments or Questions

Vicki informed the committee that Mark Williams, the new VP of Instruction has agreed to designate Carl Perkins funds for SLO workshops for instructional programs. Training should focus on Authentic Assessment methods and SLO validity/effectiveness.

The committee agreed that training for faculty should focus on Authentic Assessment methods and SLO validity/effectiveness.

Old Action Item – Status Vicki will send out the template created by the Applied Technology division that displays the SLO, assignment and method of assessment in a table format. Once this is approved by the committee, it will be placed on the SLO webpage for all faculty to utilize.

This template will be posted on the SLO webpage A.S.A.P. for faculty use.

New Action Item: Student services learning outcomes will be a standing agenda item at each meeting from now on. Joe’ll will research what other schools are doing with SLOs and student services.