May 17, 2013 Meeting


Friday, May 17, 2013
9 a.m. – 10 a.m.
Counseling Conference Room
1. Minutes from April 19, 2013 (5 Minutes)
2. COR for Course Improvement Evidence – Continued Discussion (20 Minutes)
3. Signature Assignment (20 Minutes)
4. Meeting Date and Time for 2013/2014 (10 Minutes)
5. Other (5 Minutes)


Friday, May 17, 2013

9 a.m. – 10 a.m.

Counseling Conference Room

Present: Jennifer Altenhofel, Brandy Cramer, Geoffrey Dyer, Vicki Herder, David Layne, Michelle Oja

Absent: Joe’ll Chaidez and David Reynolds

  1. Minutes from April 19, 2013
  • Approved with the correction to Jennifer Altenhofel’s last name.
  1. COR for Course Improvement Evidence 
  • Continued discussion on using SLO section analysis reports for COR revision and course improvement evidence.
    • COR revisions for CTE courses take place every two years
    • COR revisions for all other courses take place every five years
    • Work with Instruction office to develop a schedule for COR updates possibly in conjunction with program review.
    • Provide division chairs with a list of CORs to be reviewed each fall.
    • CORs are not up to date on the COR webpage. Vicki requested that she be contacted for the electronic version of CORs until the issue is resolved with the Instruction office.
    • Brandy contacted David Shupe from eLumen and requested Section Analysis be made available for view in one document by multiple terms instead of one.
    • A question regarding method of assessment will be added to the Section Analysis plan so that groups can brainstorm on how to create authentic assessment.
    • It was suggested that method of SLO assessment be added to the COR.
    • It was requested that Section Analysis reports be available in Excel format. Brandy can create these if eLumen does not add the feature.
    • Vicki stated that 1/5 of all CORs should be updated each year.
    • It was requested that COR revisions take place during planning days so that when groups meet to discuss Section Improvement Plans they can write the Course Improvement Plans and make COR revisions together.
    • It was requested that eLumen data be presented alongside Student Achievement data for program review purposes.

Action Items

  1. The development of a schedule for COR revision and course improvement will be presented to Mark and brought back to this committee at the first meeting in the fall.
  2. The Section Improvement Plan will be updated with the new assessment method question.
  3. The idea of eLumen data and student achievement data will be combined in a format so that it can be reviewed at the same time for program review. This will be worked out with the IR office.


  1. Signature Assignment
  • The global awareness ISLO has not been assessed campus wide.
  • Vicki presented an assignment that can be given in any discipline that can be assessed using the global awareness ISLO.
  • The assignment is web based.
  • This assessment is not mandated, but will be voluntary.
  • It was stated that this signature assignment is just a concept and is an attempt to engage faculty to assess the global awareness ISLO.


Action Item

  1. The committee agreed to create the signature assignment, but it was not stated when the idea would be presented to the campus.
  2. Meeting Date and Time for 2013/2014 Action Item
  3. Committee members will email their fall schedules to Brandy and a date and time for next year will be decided on.
  4. Other
  • Vicki informed the committee that Mark Williams, the new VP of Instruction has agreed to designate Carl Perkins funds for SLO workshops for instructional programs.
  • Mark has shown a great interest in the verbiage of SLOs and the authentic assessment process. Vicki and Brandy will be meeting with him on Monday, May 20th to discuss eLumen reports and discuss instructional SLOs.


Action Item

  1. Vicki will send out the template created by the Applied Technology division that displays the SLO, assignment and method of assessment in a table format. Once this is approved by the committee, it will be placed on the SLO webpage for all faculty to utilize.