September 02, 2011 Meeting


Friday, September 2, 2011

12:10 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. Cougar Room

  1. New Members
  2. Status update report from the SLO Coordinator
  3. Revisit Proposed Charter to be submitted to Academic Senate
  4. Discuss the new direction the committee will be taking.
  5. Create FAQ list
  6. Confirm meeting dates (1st and 3rd Friday of the month)
  7. Other

Hand outs: Proposed Charter & eLumen SLO Scoring Completion Report



Friday, September 2, 2011

12:10 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Cougar Room

Present:        Vicki Herder, Brandy Cramer, David Layne, Debi Wooley, Linda West, Geoffrey Dyer

Absent:         Candace Duron

  1. New Members: The topic of new members was discussed and it was suggested that division representatives would be chosen to take back information from SLO/ASC to the division meetings. Currently the representation is:

Math/Science –                     Greg Golling

Applied Tech –                      David Layne & Linda West

Liberal Arts English -Geoffrey Dyer

Learning Support -Candace Duron

Social Science -Vicki Herder

It was discussed that a representative from the Math division should be chosen. Perhaps Julian Martinez or Gary Graupman could represent Liberal Arts, Robin Polski for TIL and Randy Kizzar for WESTEC. It was recommended that someone from Administration should be present, but no suggestions were made. Vicki stated that she would talk to Dick Giese about this and maybe she would be the one to represent.

  1. Status update report from the SLO Coordinator: Vicki passed out the reports generated by eLumen. She went over in detail what the reports contained. It was decided that a report will be generated for Academic Senate showing Program/ISLO level – Communication assessment results.

The process for CIP (course improvement plan) within eLumen was discussed and it was decided that Vicki will go over this again during Academic Senate.

  1. Revisit Proposed Charter to be submitted to Academic Senate

** It was unanimously decided that the proposed charter will be taken to Academic Senate for approval.

  1. Discuss the new direction the committee will be taking.

** The committee will take on the role of facilitator and promote the assessment process; also provide resources. (See charter proposal).

  1. Create FAQ list

** A “FAQ” will be created for the SLO web page on the TC website.

  1. Confirm meeting dates (1st and 3rd Friday of the month)

** This was not discussed.

  1. Other

** Future Agenda item – Designees for CIP.

** It was briefly discussed that the SLO page on the website will be revised.

** CSTrack will be utilized for a faculty resource to view SLOs.

Hand outs: Proposed Charter & eLumen SLO Scoring Completion Report