November 04, 2011 Meeting


12:10 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Cougar Room
1. Approval of Minutes from October 21, 2011
2. (Revisit) Charter Approval from Academic Senate
3. Adjunct Workshop – December 3, 2011
4. Inservice – SLO Day
Handouts: Minutes from October 21, 2011 SLO/ASC Charter


Friday, November 4, 2011

12:10 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Human Resources Conference Room Present: Linda West, Vicki Herder, Geoffrey Dyer Absent: Greg Golling, Joe’ll Chaidez, Brandy Cramer Guest: David Layne

  1. Approval of Minutes from September 16, 2011 The Minutes from October 21, 2011 were approved unanimously without changes.
  2. Charter Approval from Academic Senate
  • No changes to the charter were made; however it was agreed that the charter should be reviewed annually and that the charter should be used to ensure that the committee is doing everything that is outlined in the charter.
  1. Adjunct Workshop – December 3, 2011
  • The adjunct workshop has been scheduled for December 3rd. The committee discussed using flex credit days for adjuncts. The workshop will be set up through CCC Confer to archive the information for future reference. Adjuncts will assess their course SLOs. The level of involvement will be left to the divisions.
  1. Inservice – SLO Day
  • Inservice SLO day scheduled for Jan 10th. Need to fully plan the day with specific activities and outcome goals. Group that there should be a whole faculty meeting to go over the day followed by small group (perhaps by division) to work on putting results of assessments into


eLumen and then have faculty write their section improvement plans. Perhaps use the afternoon for writing Course improvement plans. Jan 11th Eric termed Data and Dialogue day. Start the day with a World Café perhaps with different flavored coffee and teas and food from different parts of the world. Committee members told what a world café is. Thought everyone should have the opportunity to comment on every table. Afterwards work on course improvement plans and discuss improvements to programs. Jan 12th Write up day to involve finalizing the program improvement plans to incorporate into the program reviews.

  1. Other
  • Gave members a copy of the Gantt chart created for the recreation major. Members thought it was a good idea. Suggested all courses with the major should be included.