September 16, 2011 Meeting


Friday, September 16, 2011

12:10 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. Cougar Room

  1. Approval of Minutes from September 2, 2011
  2. Membership Update
  3. Status update report from the SLO Coordinator
  4. Data upload Complete
  5. Reports/Feedback
  6. Assigning Coordinators to Majors
  7. Inservice Time
  8. Other

Handouts: Minutes from September 2, 2011 meeting


Friday, September 16, 2011

12:10 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Cougar Room

Present: Linda West, Vicki Herder, Brandy Cramer, Geoffrey Dyer, Greg Golling

  1. Approval of Minutes from September 2, 2011

The Minutes from September 2, 2011 were approved unanimously without changes.

  1. Membership Update

The following members are no longer on the committee:

  1. David Layne
  2. David Berry
  3. Candace Duron


Vicki is going to speak to Bill Devine about possibly recruiting new members.

  1. Status update report from the SLO Coordinator
  • Data upload complete: Fall 2011 has been uploaded into eLumen. A few suggestions were made about checking the data and distributing the work load. It will be the responsibility of faculty/users to report any discrepancies within their course data to Brandy.
  • Vicki gave an overview of the construction that has taken place in the restructuring of eLumen; programs listed as “owners”.
  • A demonstration was given showing the Student Services side of eLumen and how the assessments will be done.


  1. Reports/Feedback: Not everyone has had the chance to meet with their divisions. Will revisit this agenda item the next meeting.
  2. Assigning Coordinators to Majors


It was suggested that the eLumen program coordinators be the same

individuals that are the “program leaders” for Program Review. A list will

be generated for Geoffrey, Linda and Greg to take back to their divisions. The responsibilities of the eLumen program coordinators will be included with the list.

  1. Inservice Time: This was not addressed.
  2. Other:


  • The question of compensation for adjunct instructors and eLumen program leaders was addressed. At this time, Vicki stated there is no compensation.
  • It was suggested that eLumen and assessment be introduced as an agenda item at other committee meetings in order to bring greater exposure to the campus.

Handouts: Minutes from September 2, 2011 meeting