December 07, 2018 Meeting


Strategic Planning Committee

Friday, December 7, 2018

10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Counseling Center Conference Room


  1. Approval of Minutes – November 9, 2018


  1. Planning Guide
    • Severo SEA update
    • Sharyn’s edits
    • Vicki – Instructional Plan


  1. Mission and Vision Update – Outline Process
    • Report back to Governance Council January 18, 2019


  1. ACCJC Standards Review – Develop timeline/game plan


  1. January Meeting date



Minutes of the Strategic Planning Committee

3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Friday, December 7, 2018

Counseling Center Conference Room


Members present:  Severo Balason, Sharyn Eveland, Tori Furman, Greg Golling, Jessica Grimes, Windy Martinez and Julie Marty-Pearson


Members absent: Vicki Jacobi and Amanda Bauer


Secretary and Classified Representative: Brandy Young


Approval of Minutes – November 9, 2018 – Minutes were approved without changes.


Planning Guide

  • Sharyn has made all edits and changes that were proposed at the previous meeting
  • Severo will provide Sharyn with the new SEA (Student Equity Achievement) plan
    • The new Student Equity Plan is due to the Chancellor’s Office June 30, 2019
    • The SEA Program will have an annual report due in January 2020
  • Vicki is still working on the Instructional Plan-an outline has been made


Severo gave an overview of two documents: New Student Equity Plan Template, and Programmatic Updates.


Mission and Vision Statement Update – Outline Process
At the November 9th Governance Council meeting, the SPC was asked to discuss the review process of the Mission and Vision Statements and bring back a recommendation on how to conduct the upcoming review process. The statements were last updated in 2015. Brandy gave a brief overview of how the review and update process was previously conducted. The committee agreed that the Mission is foundational and that the college still serves the same population regardless of the new initiatives, AB705 and Guided Pathways. The committee agreed to discuss how the Mission is defined in light of AB705 and Guided Pathways; looking at it in a different perspective. The recommendation to the Governance Council is:

  • The SPC does not feel that the process should involve an inservice activity (like last time)
  • In light of the next Institutional Self Evaluation, making any big changes would be poor timing
  • The Governance Council should review the Mission and Vision in context of what we are doing as a college, has there been any “big shifts” in what we do?


Review ACCJC Standards
Our ACCJC liaison and another trainer will be coming to Taft College on Friday, January 25 to provide initial training in preparation of the upcoming ISER. They will provide an overview of the process and will spend time reviewing the standards. They will assist in interpreting the standards as well. They will provide a draft agenda for our review. The committee decided to wait for the training in January before proceeding with the review process.


The next SPC meeting is scheduled for January 10 at 9:00 a.m. in the Counseling Center Conference Room.


Respectfully submitted by:  Brandy Young