December 05, 2014 Meeting


Strategic Planning Committee
Agenda for Meeting
8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., Friday, December 5, 2014
Cafeteria Conference Room

1. Approval of Minutes from the November 7, 2014 Meeting – 5 minutes (8:30 a.m. – 8:35 a.m.)

2. Review status of goals set in August – Eric 15 minutes (8:35 a.m. – 8:50 a.m.)

3. Complete Integrated Planning Model – Eric – 35 minutes (8:50 a.m. – 9:25 a.m.)

4. Set goals for spring 2015 semester – Eric – 30 minutes (9:25 a.m. – 9:55 a.m.)

  • Finalize Comprehensive Program Review content and process to be implemented in fall 2015

5. Finalize spring meeting schedule. 5 minutes (9:55 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.)

  • The next meeting is currently scheduled for January 2, 2015 which is a holiday.


Minutes of the Strategic Planning Committee
8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., Friday, December 5, 2014
Cafeteria Conference Room

Members Present: Eric Bérubé, Vicki Jacobi, James May, Mark Williams, Karen Ziegler

Members Absent: Sam Aunai, Darcy Bogle, Agnes Eguaras, Greg Hawkins



1. Approval of Minutes from the November 7, 2014 Meeting

• The minutes were approved by consensus.

2. Review status of goals set in August – Eric Bérubé

The 2014 -2015 goals set in August:

• Help facilitate Strategic Action Plan – Completed

o The Strategic Action Plan will be brought before the Board of Trustees for approval January 2015.

• Finish details of Integrated Planning Model

o A working meeting has been scheduled for January 6, 2015 to complete this goal.

• Refine operational definitions of ISS (Institutional Set Standards)

o Not completed. This goal will be revisited during spring 2015. The committee will need to agree on how the Institution-Set Standard metrics will be operationally defined.

• Review program review goals and provide feedback – Completed

o The committee will focus on completing this task as a whole as opposed to the duties falling to one or two individuals.

• Shift focus from processes to outcomes

o Eric will draft a report that will entail the goals set by the committee at the beginning of the semester as well as how well the committee has met those goals at the end of the semester; measure the effectiveness of the outcomes of the goals.

The committee discussed the issue of resources and time. It was decided that four to five meetings per semester is not enough time to accomplish set goals in an efficient manner. The committee agreed that a working meeting will be held once or twice a year to accomplish set goals. The working meeting will range from 2 to 4 hours depending on the availability of time and the purpose of the meeting.

3. Complete Integrated Planning Model – Eric Bérubé

Most areas of the Integrated Planning Model (IPM) have been approved. Areas that still need development and formal approval are Comprehensive Program Review, the Course SLO & Program SLO Assessment process, the ISLO Assessment process and the Curriculum Review process. An area of concern is how to integrate the Comprehensive Program Review and CSLO/PSLO Assessment pieces. It was suggested that Comprehensive Program Review be spread out across divisions so as to minimize work within any one division, or stretched out over a period of two years. The details of the IPM will be finalized during the working meeting scheduled for January 6, 2015 although the details of some of the processes may not be completed.

4. Set goals for spring 2015 semester – Eric Bérubé

• Finalize Comprehensive Review process to be ready for fall 2015
• Implement Integrated Planning Model
• Create electronic calendar of the Strategic Action Plan to be placed on the IR website

5. Finalize spring meeting schedule

• The committee will continue to meet on the first Friday of the month from 8:30 a.m. to
10:00 a.m.

6. Other-Mission Statement and Values

a. The following changes to the second sentence of the Mission statement were recommended:

i. Taft College’s diverse learning environment is defined by the application of knowledge leading to student success.
ii. Taft College’s diverse learning environment is defined by the application of knowledge leading to student’s achievement of their educational goals.
iii. Taft College provides an equitable learning environment defined by the application of knowledge leading to student’s achievement of their educational goals.
iv. Add in “equitable and safe learning environment”

b. Vision

i. “A passion for learning”
ii. “Measures of student success”
iii. “Students and evidence of their success”
iv. “Students and measures of their success”
v. “A passion for learning measured by student success”

7. Adjournment

a. Meeting was adjourned at 9:55am

