September 26, 2018 Meeting


Taft College Faculty Association Agenda

Wednesday, September 26, 2018


  1. Welcome and Lunch


  1. Approval of Minutes from August meeting


  1. Treasurer’s Report


  1. TCFCBC Update
    1. 2018-19 Compensation (COLA 2.71%) (1streading at Sept. Board Mtg.)
    2. Dental Hygiene Continuing Education Courses Compensation
    3. Section 6.1.1 Credit and Non-Credit Courses
    4. Independent Study Program (low-enrolled courses)
    5. 2020-21 Calendar sub-committee


  1. Updated Salary Schedules for 2018-19


  1. CTA Representative Visit at October 24, 2018, meeting


  1. Other


  1. Next Meeting: Wednesday, October 24, 2018, 12:10pm, Location:  Cougar Room (Lunch will be provided)  (Every 4thWednesday)


Taft College Faculty Association

Minutes for September 26, 2018


Welcome & Introductions

President Jones welcomed faculty.


Approval of Minutes

Michelle Oja made a motion to approve the minutes and Joe’ll Chaidez seconded this motion, which was unanimously carried.


Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Mike Mayfield reported overall balance of $6846.49 excluding payment for today’s lunch.


Taft College Faculty Collective Bargaining Committee (TCFCBC) Update

  1. 2018-19 Compensation (COLA 2.71%) (1streading at Sept. Board Mtg.)

President Jones announced the ratification of the COLA, pending second reading at the October board meeting.  The tentative projections for retro payments are for the end of October and November. Update on payment dates will be provided at the next Faculty Association meeting.

  1. Dental Hygiene Continuing Education Courses Compensation

President Jones reported that Vickie Kimbrough, Director of the Dental Hygiene announced that Taft College was now qualified to be a Continuing Education site for Dental Hygiene remediation of students who had failed their 3rdattempt to pass state boards.  The remediation process requires 80 hours of instruction for a cost of approximately $6800.

After initial discussion during TCFCBC it was agreed that there were further questions and clarifications needed for faculty compensation for providing remediation instruction. The bargaining team is in the process of developing specific questions for continued discussion at the next bargaining meeting.

  1. Section 6.1.1 Credit and Non-Credit Courses

President Jones reported the history of non-credit course language stated in the faculty contract. The interest of bargaining is to eliminate the listing of specific courses. Vicki Jacobi shared the Academic Senate supports the 1 to 1 ratio of credit/non credit designation.

President Daniels will verify the 1 to 1 state payment ratio. Discussion to be continued.

  1. Independent Study Program (low-enrolled courses)

Agreement for status quo was agreed after discussion of examples of Independent Study Programs at other California Community Colleges determined that Independent Study would not be a suitable option for low enrolled courses and course cancelations. Division chairs and student services are encouraged to use existing enrollment management strategies including credit by exam, course substitutions, and course scheduling accommodations to meet needs.

  1. 2020-21 Calendar sub-committee

President Jones provided an update on the academic calendar approval process and adoption timetable. Sub-committee is scheduled to meet on October 2, 2018.  The 2020-2021 is scheduled to be on the October bargaining agenda, allowing plenty of time for an update to the bargaining team by the sub-committee.  President Jones reminded the faculty of pending changes to Veteran’s day holiday switch for the Wednesday before Thanksgiving for the 2019-2020 calendar. Robin Polski updated faculty that at prior sub-committee meetings a series of calendar impact areas were generated which included: challenges to athletics calendar, start of summer session, summer intersession, and start of Fall term.




Updated Salary Schedules for 2018-19

President Jones provided a copy of the updated Academic Salary Schedule and notified faculty that the schedules would be posted to the Faculty Association website pending board approval.


CTA Representative Visit at October 24, 2018, meeting

President Jones updated faculty that CTA representative, Brian McNally, is scheduled to attend the October Faculty Association meeting. Brian had previously attended the bargaining pre-meeting held on September 14, 2018.   Bargaining members were able to ask a series of questions. Faculty members were encouraged to start making a list of questions for him to answer during his attendance.



Robin Polski shared a student essay and graphic design contest available at the site which awards both the submitting student and the sponsoring faculty a matching award.


Tori Furman shared that the CTE program has developed connections with 22 industry partners and they are planning 9 field trips for this academic year. Faculty are encouraged to attend CTE Committee meetings for updated information.


Vicki Jacobi expressed an interest of sending  a get well card and flowers to Debora Rodenhauser.  A motion was made by Joy Reynolds and seconded by Robin Polski for the purchase of the both the card and flowers.  The motion was unanimously carried.  Vicki Jacobi volunteered to make the purchase and gather signatures.


President Jones announced that STRS would be issuing a rebate of contributions due to excess STRS being deducted for overload pay.The rebates should be in your October check.


Darcy Bogle and Tony Thompson presented a brief history of the development of the Taft College Hall of Fame program.  Tony thanked several faculty members for the generous time and financial contributions for the development of a wonderful event.  Tony shared a brief summary of the outstanding academic and personal achievements of the this year’s inductees.  Faculty members were encouraged to attend the event scheduled for November 11, 2018.


Tony Thompson reminded faculty that 7thweek athletic progress reports checks would be distributed this week.



The meeting adjourned at 12:53 pm.

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