January 09, 2018 Meeting


Taft College Faculty Association Agenda

Tuesday, January 9, 2018


  1. Welcome and Lunch


  1. Approval of Minutes from November meeting


  1. Treasurer’s Report


  1. TCFCBC Update


  1. Salary Schedule Adjustment due to Frey Report (1.69%) (1st reading at December Board Mtg.) (3.25 % for 2017-18 (1.56% COLA + 1.69% Frey))
  2. Retro pay update (1.56% end of Nov. and Dec. 8)
  3. SB 1379 Update (Adjunct re-hire rights accrual beginning 7/1/17)
  4. AB 119
  5. Academic Senate Officer Compensation
  6. Section (Grant funded extra-duty assignments)
  7. Proposed Confidentiality Agreement
  8. Face-to-face Teaching TCI/MCCF update


  1. Other


  1. Next Meeting: Wednesday, February 28, 2018, 12:10pm, Location: Cougar Room (Lunch will be provided) (Every 4th Wednesday)


Taft College Faculty Association

Minutes of January 9, 2018


Approval of Minutes

Kelly Kulzer-Reyes made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Robin Polski. The motion was unanimously approved.


Treasurer’s Report

Vice President Mike Mayfield reported a balance of $10,387.36 before lunch.


Taft College Faculty Collective Bargaining Committee (TCFCBC) Update


  1. Salary Schedule Adjustment due to Frey Report (1.56% COLA and 1.69% Frey):

President Jones reported that the salary increases, owing to the COLA and Frey Report, should be approved at its second reading, January 10th; however, the salary schedule already reflects the updates and is available online under “Faculty Association.”


  1. Retro Pay Update:

President Jones reported that in December, Amanda Bauer sent out an email indicating how the salary increases would be dispensed. Once approved, it should be reflected in the February paycheck; in addition, all faculty should receive retro pay dating back to July 1, 2017.


  1. SB 1379 Update:

President Jones reported that the bargaining team negotiated language dealing with following a process for rehiring adjuncts under the Senate Bill 1379, but further clarification was needed to determine when to apply the criteria, so the date of when this contract language applies is 7/1/17. A question was asked about what division chairs should use in rehiring adjuncts, and it was explained that the language functions as a guideline. This item will be added in the next contract, although it’s in effect now.


  1. AB 119:

President Jones reported that this law was passed July 1st that grants union members access to information about new adjunct and full-time employees every 120 days; it also grants them the right to attend orientations for new faculty. A subcommittee was formed, including Diane Jones, Ruby Payne, and the new interim Associate VP Julie McNeil, and this committee has met to work on the contract language and its implementation. President Jones also mentioned that new faculty receive an orientation packet and that it now includes a document answering frequently asked questions about the Association. She anticipates that this item will be addressed in February’s meeting


  1. Academic Senate Officer Compensation:

President Jones reported that the data from AS President Geoffrey Dyer, AS Vice President Vicki Jacobi, and AS Secretary Candace Duron provided compelling proof to increase release time for these positions. A subcommittee was formed and includes Diane Jones, Jessica Grimes, and Dr. Deb Daniels. Since the data shows an increase in hours, and the compensation hasn’t changed since 1995, the bargaining team is hopeful to reach consensus. A suggestion was made to link the size of the Academic Senate to an increase in release time. President Jones mentioned that the subcommittee will look into the size, compensation, and other factors.




  1. Section (Grant-funded extra duty assignments):

President Jones reported that this paragraph stipulates the Faculty Association president will be notified about positions prior to posting. It allows the president to ensure faculty are fairly represented and compensated. Although a contract violation has occurred with the Zero Textbook position, the Administration, when notified, expressed an interest in avoiding future violations.


  1. Proposed Confidentiality Agreement:

President Jones reported that Julie McNeil sent a proposed confidentiality agreement to review. She raised concerns over faculty having already ceded their right to privacy to the Administration with their campus emails and phones and asked about the rationale for this agreement. Further, Vice President Ruby Payne argued that violations should be handled individually rather than implement a potentially punitive policy. The Administration hasn’t pursued this issue any further.


  1. Face-to-Face Teaching TCI/MCCF Update:

President Jones reported that although the contract language has been negotiated, a follow-up was necessary regarding its implementation, including training with individual institutions. So far, there has been two drafts of MOUs, but since the Administration expressed unfamiliarity with these MOUs, it was suggested that this issue be tabled to allow for further review. President Jones explained that until the documentation has been approved and clarified, face-to-face teaching and office hours should be suspended. Also, Chris Flachmann mentioned a disparity in addressing issues of academic integrity: one facility allows us more control than the other, and thus indicates other issues that need to be addressed.



President Jones provided an update on the District reconvening the Health Benefits committee, which is an information committee that Treasurer Mike Mayfield and Vice President Ruby Payne represent. She mentioned that FAS will survey faculty on health benefit options that meet their needs to prioritize interests. Mike Mayfield reported that this committee routinely looks at health benefits and that what has been proposed seems reasonable. President Jones mentioned that one argument for a robust package is that it attracts competitive faculty; additionally, it was observed that board members enjoy the same benefits. Dr. Michelle Oja raised another concern: evaluating adjuncts who teach a course in a different modality. She also mentioned looking into changing catastrophic leave to an anonymous bank that accrues catastrophic leave. A concern was raised about how this bank would operate if it expires. President Jones explained that the District has expressed interest in this issue as well. It was mentioned that the Ed Code disallows a bank for catastrophic leave, which does expire. Vice President Payne raised another point: the District brought up this issue owing to an isolated incident, an issue that might not warrant a complete overhaul, although it may need to be adjusted.



The meeting adjourned at 12:51 pm.

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