August 14, 2018 Meeting


Taft College Faculty Association Agenda

Tuesday, August 14, 2018


  1. Welcome and Lunch


  1. Introductions
    1. Officers
    2. Nominations for Secretary position
    3. TCFCBC Team
    4. Nominations for TCFCBC team


  1. Approval of Minutes from May meeting


  1. Treasurer’s Report
    1. Cash balance
    2. New member forms


  1. Faculty Evaluations and FSA


  1. Sick Leave/Flex Statements


  1. Meetings with Admin


  1. TCFCBC Update
    1. Work Experience Classes Compensation (MOU approved at July Board Mtg.)
    2. Insurance Benefits (MOU approved at July Board Mtg.) (Open Enrollment Aug. 10-31, 2018)
    3. 2018-19 Compensation
    4. Voluntary Severance Package for 2018-19
    5. Club Advisor Stipends
    6. Sabbaticals 2019-20
    7. 2018-19 Agenda Topics


  1. Other


  1. Next Meeting: Wednesday, September 26, 2018, 12:10pm, Location: Cougar Room (Lunch will be provided) (Every 4th Wednesday)


Taft College Faculty Association

Minutes for August 14, 2018


Welcome & Introductions

President Jones welcomed everyone back after summer break and introduced our four new faculty members: Donna Lesser, Christi Adriano, Heather Silvis, and Sara Wallace. President Jones also reminded everyone of our current officers and bargaining team members.


Nominations for Secretary

The office of secretary is now vacant due to Jessica Grimes accepting the interim Dean of Instruction and CTE Director position. President Jones asked for nominations for secretary and Juana Rangel-Escobedo was nominated for the position. No further nominations were made and therefore Juana Rangel-Escobedo was elected by acclamation.


Nominations for Bargaining Team

Jessica Grimes also resigned her bargaining team position due to her new position and President Jones asked for nominations for the open bargaining team seat. Juana Rangel-Escobedo and Michael Jiles were nominated for the position. President Jones will distribute a paper ballot to all dues paying members of the Association and the results will be announced no later than the next Association meeting.


Approval of Minutes

Juana Rangel-Escobedo made a motion to approve the minutes, and Mike Mayfield seconded this motion, which was unanimously carried.

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Mike Mayfield reported that the Association received the final dues payment of $896.00 and reported an overall balance of $7,206.19 excluding payment for today’s lunch. Mike also announced that he has the membership forms for new faculty members who wish to join the Association.


Faculty Evaluations and FSA

President Jones summarized the tenure track evaluation process. She also reported that new faculty members would be placed in the appropriate Faculty Service Area and if current faculty wish to apply for an additional FSA, they need to do so by the October 1st deadline.


Sick Leave/Flex Statements

President Jones reported that all faculty should receive their sick leave totals by September 1, 2018. She reminded everyone to keep track of his or her sick leave totals. Faculty received their flex statements earlier this week as well. Please contact her or any officer if you have questions regarding sick leave.


Meetings with Admin

President Jones reminded Association members of their right to have an Association representative present during meetings with an administrator, particularly if disciplinary. In addition, if one feels uncomfortable, faculty can terminate the meeting and request to continue the meeting later with representation.



Taft College Faculty Collective Bargaining Committee (TCFCBC) Update

  1. Work Experience Classes Compensation:

MOU approved at July Board meeting. The MOU is on the TC webpage under Faculty Association.

  1. Insurance Benefits:

MOU approved at July Board meeting. The MOU is on the TC webpage under Faculty Association. Please select your plan no later than August 31, 2018. The projected District savings is approximately $300,000.

  1. Compensation 2018-2019:

President Jones reported that the District typically passes on the COLA approved by the Sate of California. Faculty have an additional salary protection in our contract under Article 7.3.1 (the Frey report). The Frey report usually comes out in October, but was ready early this year and if no additional raise were implemented the District would be out of compliance by 2.16%. We reached consensus in TCFCBC to pass on the 2.71% COLA retroactive to July 1, 2018. President Jones asked for a motion to ratify the 2.71% COLA and a motion was made by Kelly Kulzer-Reyes and seconded by Robin Polski. The motion was unanimously approved.

  1. Voluntary Severance Package for 2018-19

President Jones reported that although this item is traditionally brought forward at the beginning of the academic year, the District expressed no interest. Any plans to retire should be brought forward well in advance so that the team is prepared.

  1. Club Advisor Stipends

President Jones reported that the announcement for 8 club advisorships has gone out, excluding PTK, ASB, and Dental Hygiene. She reminded everyone that the District determines advisorships based on the District’s needs and the stipends are only available to fulltime or adjunct faculty members.

  1. Sabbaticals 2019-20

President Jones reported that the contract allows for sabbaticals with the president announcing if it will be offered at the beginning of the year, so it should be forthcoming around September for the following academic year. Dr. Daniels indicated that one sabbatical would be offered.

  1. Agenda Topics 2018-2019:

President Jones asked for agenda topics, and these items were suggested:

  • Add more stipends for club advisors
  • Establish program leads and compensation for program leads
  • Revise fulltime non-teaching evaluation forms
  • Tuition waivers for students of faculty
  • Additional English/math faculty in labs due to AB 705
  • Week off for Thanksgiving holiday (subcommittee formed to investigate options before moving forward: Michelle Beasley, chair, Robin Polski, Joy Reynolds, Kelly Kulzer-Reyes, Carly Flowers)



President Jones reminded everyone that Dr. Daniels is acting VPI, so please refer instruction questions/issues to her.

President Jones had hardcopies of the contract available.



The meeting adjourned at 1:05 pm.

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