November 23, 2016 Meeting


Taft College Faculty Association Agenda

Wednesday, November 23, 2016


  1. Welcome and Lunch


  1. Approval of Minutes from October meeting


  1. Treasurer’s Report
    1. Cash balance


  1. TCFCBC Update
    1. Compensation for coaches driving teams to games (1st reading approved 11/9/16)
    2. Compensation for Head Coaches (not fulltime TC employees)
    3. Retro pay (Summer retro paid 11/10/16, monthly retro on 11/30/16)
    4. SB 1379 “Part-time, temporary employees re-hire rights” Discussion


  1. Other


  1. Next Meeting: January Inservice TBA (Lunch will be provided)


Taft College Faculty Association

Minutes of November 23, 2016


Call to Order

Vice President Mike Mayfield called the meeting to order at 12:15 pm.


Approval of Minutes

Ruby Payne made a motion to approve the minutes; Kelly Kulzer seconded this motion, which was unanimously approved.


Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Ruby Payne reported that owing to a dues check, the balance before lunch was $11,318.18.



  1. Compensation for Coaches Driving Teams to Games

Vice President Mayfield updated everyone with the following report: the first reading was approved, and it will go to the Board for a second reading before implementation.


  1. Compensation for Part-Time Head Coaches

Vice President Mayfield, citing Kanoe Bandy’s research, summarized that 10 years has elapsed since part-time head coaches’, currently 1 softball and 2 golf coaches, compensation has been reviewed. Since that time, their duties have increased; their pay, however, has remained unchanged. Mayfield indicated that since the bargaining team introduced this issue in the November meeting, it is still in the initial stages of bargaining and that the Administration requested more time to consider the data.


  1. Retro Pay Update

Vice President Mayfield provided this update on the 1.59% pay increase: the summer retro pay was paid on 11/10; however, the monthly retro pay should be paid 11/30. He advised Association members to review their paychecks since some have noticed discrepancies.


  1. SB 1379 “Part-time, temporary employees’ re-hire rights” Discussion

Vice President Mayfield introduced Senate Bill 1379 as an information item that the bargaining team has begun to research. SB 1379 stipulates that colleges provide a contractual language on re-hire rights for part-time temporary employees by July 1, 2017 to be eligible for SSSP funding. Suggested contractual language included this criteria for consideration: length of service, number of courses taught, evaluations, availability and willingness to teach, and expertise. Additionally, it indicated colleges could develop additional standards.


Discussion followed. One question was asked on whether the bill included full-time temporary adjuncts, such as grant-funded counselors, who currently work 35 hours/week from semester-to-semester or only part-time or part-time faculty. Mayfield responded that the bargaining team will research this item and explained that current full-time temporary faculty (non-teaching and teaching) fall under the full-time contract. Mayfield mentioned the Administration shares the same interest and concern as faculty in expediting this issue considering its correlation to SSSP funds.


Another question was raised on how this bill applies to the West Kern Adult Education consortium. Ruby Payne reported that although Taft College previously oversaw hiring, since group has become a separate entity run through the county, Taft College no longer has purview.


Mayfield ended the discussion requesting that Association members mull over what concerns they would like considered, for instance, using evaluations and not just seniority to determine re-hiring. In response to a request to review this bill, he mentioned that the bill will be sent to faculty via email. Additionally, he stressed that since it is a new item, the bargaining team is still researching this issue and is not yet aware of what other districts have done. It was reported that President Jones mentioned that although the CTA hasn’t addressed this issue, in part to its involvement in the election, that it would probably produce more boilerplate language to use. Academic Senate (AS) President Geoffrey Dyer added that this issue will also will be on the January agenda.



No items were mentioned.



The meeting adjourned at 12:31 pm.

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