May 18, 2016 Meeting


Taft College Faculty Association Agenda

Wednesday, May 18, 2016


  1. Welcome and Lunch


  1. Approval of Minutes from April meeting


  1. Treasurer’s Report


  1. TCFCBC Update
    1. Adjunct Clarification Language Related to Article 6 (2nd reading of MOU at May. Board Mtg. – approved)
    2. Contract Language for Professional Development Hours for Adjunct Professors (1st reading of MOU at May. Board Mtg.)
    3. Sick Leave for Non-Teaching Overload Assignments (1st reading of MOU at May. Board Mtg.)
    4. Compensation for 2016-17
    5. Canvas compensation
    6. Approved Committees – Distance Learning and Hall of Fame


  1. Officers for 2016-17

President               Diane Jones

Vice-President          Mike Mayfield

Secretary               Jessica Grimes

Treasurer               Ruby Payne

Bargaining Team     Diane Jones (Pres.)

Mike Mayfield (VP)

Jessica Grimes (term expires 2017)

Ruby Payne (term expires 2017)

Greg Golling (term expires 2018)

Adam Bledsoe (term expires 2018)

Joe’ll Chaidez (term expires 2019)



  1. Graduation


  1. Other


  1. Next Meeting: August Inservice TBA 12:10pm, Location: Cougar Room (Lunch will be provided) (Every 4th Wednesday)


Taft College Faculty Association

Minutes of May 18, 2016


Call to Order

President Diane Jones called the meeting to order at 12:10 pm.


Approval of Minutes

Mike Mayfield made a motion, seconded by Robin Polski, to approve the minutes of the April 27 meeting. Minutes were approved as presented.


Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Ruby Payne reported that the balance in the association account is $10,147.78 before today’s lunch. Additionally, scholarship checks were written totaling $3,500 and there was $500 in unclaimed scholarship monies from last year, leaving us with around $6,500 after all checks have cleared.


Taft College Faculty Collective Bargaining Committee (TCFCBC) Update


Adjunct Clarification Language Related to Article 6

President Diane Jones reported that an MOU of this language experienced its 2nd reading in the May board meeting. This contract language has now been approved.


Contract language for professional development hours for Adjunct Professors

President Diane Jones reported that an MOU regarding this contract language had its first reading at the May board meeting. The second reading will take place at the June Board meeting.


Sick Leave for Non-Teaching Overload Assignments

President Diane Jones reported that and MOU for Non-Teaching overload assignments had its first reading at the May board meeting. The second reading will take place at the June Board meeting.


Compensation for 2016-17

President Diane Jones informed the group that bargaining of compensation is usually discussed at the May TCFCBC meeting. The California Legislature originally proposed a 0.47% COLA in January 2016. According to Interim Superintendent/President Brock McMurray, he anticipates that the Governor’s May Revise will have a 0% COLA. Since the May Revise was still not available the committee negotiated to get whatever COLA is eventually approved by the Legislature. A motion to ratify whatever COLA is approved by the Legislature for 2016-17 was made by Tony Thompson and seconded by Michelle Oja. All members present voted in favor of the motion with no opposition or abstention.


Canvas Compensation

President Diane Jones informed the group that since the Academic Senate had voted to adopt CANVAS as the online platform there were a variety of options for compensation to make the switch. One option available for full-time faculty is to either receive 2 units of salary credit or a $700 stipend. For adjuncts they would only have the $700 stipend option, since the units don’t benefit adjuncts. These options would only apply to 1 CANVAS course and would need to be completed by Summer 2017 to receive compensation. A question was raised regarding Web-enhanced courses and whether or not the compensation would be available in those instances as well. President Diane Jones reported that only online and hybrid classes had been discussed with the Interim Superintendent/President. A motion was made by Mike Jiles to adopt the aforementioned options, with the caveat of speaking to the Interim Superintendent/President about web-enhanced courses as well. The motion was seconded by Geoffrey Dyer. All members present voted in favor of the motion with no opposition or abstention.


Approved Committees – Distance Learning and Hall of Fame

President Diane Jones reported that both the Distance Learning and Hall of Fame committees were unanimously approved by the AEER (Academic Employer-Employee Relations) committee. These will be listed as official committee assignments in the Fall 2016.


Officers for 2016-17

President Diane Jones reported on the voting of TC Faculty Association Officers. For 2016-17 those officers are:


President                                    Diane Jones

Vice-President                                    Mike Mayfield

Secretary                                    Jessica Grimes

Treasurer                                    Ruby Payne

Bargaining Team                        Diane Jones (Pres.)

Mike Mayfield (VP)

Jessica Grimes (term expires 2017)

Ruby Payne (term expires 2017)

Greg Golling (term expires 2018)

Adam Bledsoe (term expires 2018)

Joe’ll Chaidez (term expires 2019)





President Diane Jones reminded the group about the Taft College graduation ceremonies and that this 2-hour requirement is part of our contract. Also mentioned was to check our salary unit reports for accuracy. It seems that there was some confusion with HR regarding the number of units banked.



The meeting was adjourned at 12:50 pm.

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