February 24, 2016 Meeting


Taft College Faculty Association Agenda

Wednesday, February 24, 2016


  1. Welcome and Lunch


  1. Approval of Minutes from January meeting


  1. Treasurer’s Report


  1. TCFCBC Update
    1. Non-Credit vs. Credit Loads (1st reading of MOU at Feb. Board Mtg.)
    2. Retiree Health Benefits for New Hires


  1. Scholarship Committee (Applications available March 25, 2016, Deadline for selection of recipients April 15, 2016.)


  1. TC Tuition/fees paid for children of TC Faculty/staff members


  1. Other


  1. Next Meeting: Wednesday, March 30, 2016, 12:10pm, Location: Cougar Room (Lunch will be provided) (Every 4th Wednesday)


Taft College Faculty Association

Minutes of February 24, 2016


Call to Order

President Diane Jones called the meeting to order at 12:10 pm.


Approval of Minutes

Michelle Oja made a motion, seconded by Michael Jiles, to approve the minutes of the January 12 meeting. Minutes were approved as presented.


Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Ruby Payne reported that the balance in the association account is $10,572.61 before today’s lunch.

Taft College Faculty Collective Bargaining Committee (TCFCBC) Update

Non-Credit vs. Credit Loads

President Diane Jones reported the Board of Trustees gave our memorandum of understanding (MOU) a first reading in February’s meeting. It will go back for a second reading and potential vote in March.


Retiree Benefits for New Hires

President Diane Jones reported this issue has been ongoing for the past year and a half. After considering 18 options, consensus was reached during the last TCFCBC meeting on the following: 1) Offer all faculty members between the ages of 55 and 63 the option to permanently opt out of retiree health benefits and receive a one time cash payout equal to 20 percent of current year cost for active employees multiplied by an age factor (a factor of one at 63, two at 62, … and nine at 55). 2) New faculty hired on or after 5-1-2016 who retire with 20 years of service can qualify for up to five years of health benefits, including dependent coverage, under the current package to age 65. The retired faculty member will be required to pay 2.5% of annual premium costs. 3) Contract Article will be changed to read, “Related experience (other than referred to in 7.2.2) previous to employment by the West Kern Community College District shall be credited on the basis of year for year actual experience time up to eight (8) steps on the salary schedule.” Michelle Oja motioned, seconded by Adam Bledsoe, to ratify the consensus agreement. The motion passed unanimously.


Scholarship Committee

President Diane Jones reported that last year the Faculty Association authorized $3800 in scholarship funds, $800 of which was unclaimed from the previous year. This year, $950 went unclaimed. Kelly Kulzer made a motion, seconded by Stacie Rancano, to award a total of $4000 in scholarship funds to be awarded at the discretion of the committee. The motion passed unanimously. Tori Furman, Mike Jiles, Kelly Kulzer and Juana Rangel-Escobedo agreed to work on this committee.


TC Tuition/fees paid for children of TC Faculty/staff members

President Diane Jones stated that this topic has been brought up in the past. Other Colleges and Universities offer this to employees. A committee was established consisting of Joe’ll Chaidez, Mike Jiles and Becky Roth to gather information on this issue.



President Diane Jones reminded members that they are in control of how fast they get to column seven on the salary schedule. HR should be distributing the annual salary schedule placement report to faculty members by May 10th. Diane mentioned that this is a good time to work on issues that have no cost associated with them. Faculty development time for adjuncts is something she would like to get codified. She then asked for potential future bargaining topics from the association. Flex time, the two committee requirement, compensation for Program Leads, and overload vs. adjunct pay were all put forward.



The meeting was adjourned at 12:38 pm.

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