September 09, 2019 Meeting



Distance Education Committee

September 9, 2019

1:10 pm – 2:00 pm



 Action Items

  1. Approval of Minutes (5 Minutes)
    1. August 19, 2019

Information/Discussion Items


  1. Distance Education Accessibility Plan (10 Minutes)


  1. Committee Charter (10 Minutes)


  1. Online Proctoring (10 Minutes)


  1. Course Approval at the Instructor Level (10 Minutes)


Next Meeting: October 14, 2019



Distance Education Committee Minutes

September 9, 2019

1:10 pm – 2:00 pm



Attendees: Amar Abbott, Adam Bledsoe, Jill Brown, Geoffrey Dyer, Leslie Minor, Joy Reynolds, Brandy Young


Absent: Nicole Avina, Kelly Kulzer-Reyes


Action Items

  1. Approval of Minutes
    1. August 19, 2019 – Minutes were adopted by unanimous consent.

Information/Discussion Items

  1. Distance Education Accessibility Plan
  2. Adam Bledsoe presented overview of Cero Cosa example:
    1. Establishes a timeline to be 100% compliant
    2. Cites Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2009, section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title 5 Regulation on Distance Education
  • Plan would be reviewed annually (DE and 508 committee?)
  1. 4 major outcomes to plan
    • College Canvas scripts are accessible
    • Inform faculty of assistive technology tools that are available
    • Train faculty how to make courses accessible
    • All online course materials are accessible
  2. Plan includes Action to Ensure Outcome, Who’s Responsible, and Deadline (2 years to complete plan)
    • Faculty would have two options to ensure online course materials are accessible
  • Align course to CVC-OEI rubric
  • Complete and sign self-evaluation checklist
  1. Adam Bledsoe presented overview of Cero Cosa Self-evaluation Accessibility Checklist:
    1. Faculty given two years to make course materials 100% accessible
    2. Faculty complete and sign checklist for each course and submit to DE Director
  • To be in compliances all course materials must pass Level A and AA of Web Content Accessibility Guideline (WCAG) 2.0
    • Document contains reference section that contains detailed list of available accessibility checking tools and how they identify and help fix accessibility issues.
    • Faculty must check off which tools they used to determine their course materials are in compliance.
      1. UDOIT Accessibility Checker
      2. PDF Document Accessibility Checker
      3. Word Document Accessibility Checker
      4. PowerPoint Document Accessibility Checker
      5. WAVE Accessibility Checker for External websites
  1. Contains a statement of above signature line that all videos are closed captioned and all audio files have transcriptions.
  1. Committee discussed feasibility of plan at Taft College and noted some concerns over the timeline of plan.
  2. Plan will be shared with Accessibility 508 Committee in order to work together collaboratively.


  1. Committee Charter
    1. Academic Senate may want some of the wording updated. Kelly Kullzer-Reyes will report back at our October meeting.


  1. Online Proctoring
    1. Joy Reynolds provided an update of her experience using Proctorio.
      1. Students in her summer course were not recognizing warnings which made it necessary to give student phone calls.
      2. Would take her around 2 hours to watch video at x8 speed to ensure students were not cheating.
  • After creating a video this summer that demonstrated to students how to access and use Proctorio, a newer version changed how students and teachers will now access in the fall.
    • Major flaw in the new version regarding how Proctorio manages password into MyMathLab:
      1. Google offers to remember password which creates an opportunity for students to see password and then later take the exam without being proctored.