December 09, 2019 Meeting



Distance Learning and Education Committee


December 9, 2019


12:10 pm – 1:00 pm






Action Items


  1. Approval of Minutes (5 Minutes)
    1. November 19, 2019


  1. Distance Learning Approval Form (15 Minutes)



Information/Discussion Items


  1. New timeline for upcoming semester Canvas shells (5 Minutes)
  2. Faculty Reports (5 Minutes)
  3. UDOIT Status Update (5 Minutes)
  4. Distance Education Accessibility Plan (15 Minutes)





Next Meeting: January 10, 2020, 1:10 pm – 2:00 pm



Distance Learning and Education Committee Minutes


December 9, 2019

12:10 pm – 1:00 pm



In Attendance: Dr. Amar Abbott, Nicole Avina, Adam Bledsoe, Geoffrey Dyer, Dr. Leslie Minor, Joy Reynolds

Guest: Candace Duron


  1. Approval of Minutes
    1. November 19, 2019- Edits requested: remove Candace Duron as absent, she attends as a volunteer. Nicole moves to approve the minutes with suggested edits, Geoffrey seconds.


  1. Distance Learning Approval Form-

Suggested Edits: Change “If applicable” to “if available”. Everything else looks fine

Questions: Are we a subcommittee of Curriculum, which is a subcommittee of Academic Senate? After we finish this form does it go to Curriculum for approval or the Academic Senate? Response: After we finish this form, it goes to the Academic Senate and update the webpage. The old form currently still exists on the webpage. We will check where the final draft goes.


All edits were agreed on, Amar moves to approve the form with edits and Joy seconds. The motion carries.


Information/Discussion Items

  1. New timeline for upcoming semester Canvas shells- In canvas, we will now have live shells a month before each term begins. Fall shells will roll out the first week of July, Spring will roll out the first week of December, and Summer shells will roll out the first week of May.
  2. Faculty Reports- Nicole will be resenting at Faculty reports this January Inservice. Topics will include how to use and find the toolbox, where to find a Canvas virtual tour for students, new week 0 module available in commons, new tools available and possibly more. She asked for possible topics of interest, none were suggested. Joy asked if Adam would like her to present on Proctorio. She mentioned that she is not a fan. Dr. Minor informed the group that she has someone looking into Honor Lock. Adam mentioned that feedback on Proctorio was hit and miss from his students. Some loved it and some hated it. Candace voiced concern about informing student about mandatory use of the tool. She mentioned student get anxiety when in this type of testing environment. She mentioned the importance of listing this tool in the schedule versus the course catalogue.
  3. UDOIT Status Update- This project is not looking too sure, if the tool is not up and running some other accessibility tool will be presented.
  4. Distance Education Accessibility Plan- Dr. Minor was in favor of moving forward adopting something like Cerro Coso’s Accessibility plan. Some details would need to be worked on for the plan to make sense at Taft College, but she liked the plan as a reference.

Notes from Cerro Coso DE Accessibility Plan

Section 1: Inform faculty of the assistive technology tools available….This area could be done with the help of the 508 committee. The 508 Committee meets every 4th Friday; however, they don’t often meet Quorum, and are currently working to resolve the issue to assure more regular meetings.  DE can host trainings for faculty to meet this section of the plan.

Section 2: Train faculty how to make their courses accessible to students with disabilities…We need to specify “tenured” faculty, and we need to track who has been trained. We also need a goal of “New faculty will be trained within (x) semesters.” How will we go about training faculty?

Section 3: All online course materials are accessible to students with disabilities… Faculty have two ways to elect they are compliant with accessibility in this section. Question: How does this fit in with our larger framework as a college addressing accessibility? Response: This plan is DE specific.





Next Meeting: January 10, 2020, 1:10 pm – 2:00 pm