November 18, 2019 Meeting



Distance Education Committee

November 18, 2019

12:10 pm – 1:00 pm



Action Items


  1. Approval of Minutes (5 Minutes)
    1. October 14, 2019
    2. October 30, 2019


  1. Distance Learning Approval Forms (10 Minutes)
    1. DRAM 1510
    2. HUM 1500
    3. ENGL 1500
    4. ENGL 1600


  1. Committee Charter (10 Minutes)


  1. Distance Learning Approval Form (10 Minutes)


Information/Discussion Items


  1. Academic Senate Update (15 Minutes)


Next Meeting: December 9, 2019



Distance Education Committee Minutes

November 18, 2019

12:10 pm – 1:00 pm


In Attendance: Amar Abbott, Nicole Avina, Adam Bledsoe, Jill Brown, Geoffrey Dyer, Kelly Kulzer-Reyes, Joy Reynolds, Brandy Young

Absent: Leslie Minor

  • Approval of Minutes-
    1. October 14, 2019- Adopted by unanimous consent with no suggested edits.
    2. October 30, 2019- Adopted by unanimous consent with no suggested edits.
  • Distance Learning Approval Forms
    1. DRAM 1500- The COR of this class lists required attendance of theatre performances. Question 3-How will students meet the requirement to attend live theatre performances in an online course.

Note: this is a COR revision course.

Action taken: Course is being sent back for revisions to the form.

  1. HUM 1500- The COR of this class lists required attendance of theatre performances as well as visiting a museum. Question 3-How will online/offline students meet the requirement to attend live theatre performances or visit a museum.

Note: this is a COR revision course.

Action taken: Amar motions to send form back for revision, Brandy seconds, all in favor. Course is being sent back for revisions to the form.

  1. ENGL 1500

Action taken: Nicole motions to approve without reservations, Joy seconds, all in favor.

  1. ENGL 1600:

Action taken: Amar motions to approve without reservations, Nicole seconds, all in favor.

Committee Charter Suggested Revisions:

  • Specific Responsibilities- #9 should read: Monitor and make recommendations in regard to state-wide committees and initiatives related to Distance Education.
  • Amend Charter Name- Renaming Committee to ‘Distance Learning’ will help avoid confusion with other committees on campus that have the same acronyms. Committee unanimously agreed to change the Title to Distance Learning & Education Committee

Joy motions to approve the suggested edits to the charter, Amar seconds, and the motion carries.

Question: Regarding quorum, are we going to run into problems if we do not have a student that regularly attends our committee meetings? We are having difficulty finding an available student.

Distance Learning Approval Form:

  • Add a question, “Has this course been previously approved for Distance Education”, also add an “Other, please explain” option.
  • Add an area at the top of the for that asks the faculty member to add a copy of the COR and CID
  • Add a check box so faculty can indicate if a sub change form has been submitted for this program. A hyperlink should be added that directs them to the IR webpage with the current list of Sub Change Form approvals list.
  • Add a checkbox- “Required field trips, event attendance, etc.”
  • We need to add a way to approve DE courses by mode (online/hybrid/offline). Currently all courses are blanket approved, but there may be different needs for each mode.
  • It was suggested that Offline not be considered a part of this process. This is a larger conversation that will need to go through Instruction and possibly the Academic Senate.