October 11, 2022 Meeting


Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Taft College

29 Cougar Court, Taft CA 93268


12:10PM TO 1:00PM



*The CTE Committee may take action on any discussion item identified on the agenda.


Call to Order

Public Commentary


Approval of the Minutes

  1. Approval of September 13, 2022 Minutes (3 minutes) ACTION 



Information Items




Old Business

  1. Environmental Health & Safety Proposal DISC/ACTION 

New Business

  1. Committee Charter & 2022-2023 Committee Goals DISC/ACTION 



(Items of general interest relevant to the committee; no action)




Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Taft College

29 Cougar Court, Taft CA 93268


12:10PM TO 1:00PM



*The CTE Committee may take action on any discussion item identified on the agenda.


Call to Order

12:10 p.m.


Public Commentary






Members Present: Darcy Bogle, Chris Flachmann, Vicki Jacobi, Kristi Richards

Not Present: Armin Rashvand, Becky Roth


Approval of the Minutes

  1. Approval of May 5, 2022 Minutes (3 minutes) ACTION 

Motion to approve the minutes: Chris Flachmann

Second: Kristi Richards

Motion passed.





Information Items

  1. Dental Hygiene Bachelor Completion Program        INFORMATION

TC is following the steps required to submit the program, and it is still in progress.


  1. Potential P-3 Credential        INFORMATION


Vicki shared Michelle Beasley is working on putting together a new certificate option and will submit to curriculum for review/approval. Kristi shared there is a lot of good information provided on the P3 Credential page of the CTC website as well as a FAQ document.





Old Business

  1. Environmental Health & Safety Proposal DISC/ACTION


Vicki will be meeting with Kanoe to discuss this month, and the committee will invite Terry Davis to discuss at next CTE meeting.


New Business

  1. Committee Charter & 2022-2023 Committee Goals DISC/ACTION


The committee reviewed the charter, and drafted two goals for final consideration/approval at the next meeting:


  • Fall Goal: Review CTE program-specific Advisory Committees and provide input and recommendation to support related processes and practices.
  • Spring Goal: Provide general feedback related to CTE data and program review processes.



(Items of general interest relevant to the committee; no action)


The committee was curious on the role of the previous CTE counselor and the status of work experience, internships, and some of the other duties that position was responsible for.





1:10 p.m.

Motion to adjourn: Kristi Richards
Second: Vicki Jacobi