May 05, 2022 Meeting


Thursday, May 5, 2022

Taft College

29 Cougar Court, Taft CA 93268


1:10PM TO 2:00PM



*The CTE Committee may take action on any discussion item identified on the agenda.


Call to Order


Public Commentary



Approval of the Minutes

  1. Approval of April 7, 2022 Minutes (3 minutes) ACTION 




Informational Items




Old Business

  1. Documenting Current TC Developed CTE Minimum Qualification Standards DISC/ACTION 

New Business

  1. Environmental Health & Safety Proposal DISC/ACTION 



(Items of general interest relevant to the committee; no action)






Thursday, April 7, 2022

Taft College

29 Cougar Court, Taft CA 93268


1:10PM TO 2:00PM



*The CTE Committee may take action on any discussion item identified on the agenda.


Call to Order


1:13 p.m.


Public Commentary





Members Present: Darcy Bogle, Chris Flachmann, Kristi Richards, Becky Roth

Not Present: Vicki Jacobi, Armin Rashvand

Guests: Leslie Minor



Approval of the Minutes

  1. Approval of March 3, 2022 Minutes (3 minutes) ACTION

Motion to approve the minutes: Chris Flachmann

Second: Kristy Richards

Motion passed.





Informational Items

  1. Staffing Transitional Kindergarten/Potential P-3 Credential       INFORMATION 

Becky provided an update on the momentum of this new credential being proposed. Currently, CHDV/ECE qualifies an individual to teach 5 & under. On the horizon is a P-3 credential, which would include a bachelor’s degree plus 24 units of ECE. Although the credential teaches how to teach, an individual needs to already be familiar with subject matter prior to credential, thus the interest in the 24 ECE units. This new credential would allow more individuals to qualify to teach and fill needed positions. This is the last week for input with CTC. Performance based expectations are also being discussed, with an exam similar to CSET to assess. More info will be presented in August to Dept of Education.


  1. Dental Hygiene Bachelor Completion Program      INFORMATION 

    Leslie shared this project proposal is in the works. It’s a large project to get all the pieces together including labor market info, curriculum, job opportunities, etc. but Taft College is working to gather all the pieces of the proposal to submit for consideration/next steps in the process.



Leslie thanked the committee members for the committee feedback on the new program suggestions. Armin and Leslie will talk with division chairs and see what forward progress the College can make in these areas. Leslie is excited about the potential for bringing fresh programs on board to attract students, and collaborative efforts with divisions, advisory committees, and community partners to get the programs going. Leslie also shared a document prepared by Terry Davis that partially addresses the OSH/ENER concerns about low enrollment. Terry is an adjunct in ENER and was a long-time industry employee at Chevron. Terry is starting a conversation to propose a program in Environmental Health and Safety. He has met with Kanoe, Armin, Leslie, and all are interested in pursuing it. Some of the advantages of the program are that it prepares students for some of the occupational areas that ENER & OSH were meant to address, the classes are already in place, there appear to be jobs available, and the program will appeal to a broader audience than ENER & OSH have been able to attract. Terry proposes a certificate and degree and is happy to meet with the committee and talk more about it. The committee will review the proposal at the next meeting.



Old Business

  1. Documenting Current TC Developed CTE Minimum Qualification Standards DISC/ACTION 

Darcy shared the email sent out to division chairs on March 4th asking for feedback on professional experience, and the feedback received. The committee reviewed 5 CCR § 53404 and 5 CCR § 53410 and the committee’s overall interests. Darcy will compile all feedback and provide a draft at the next meeting for final review and submission to Sharyn to take forward to Academic Senate.

New Business





(Items of general interest relevant to the committee; no action)







2:02 p.m.

Motion to adjourn: Chris Flachmann

Second: Kristy Richards