November 08, 2022 Meeting


Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Taft College

29 Cougar Court, Taft CA 93268


12:10PM TO 1:00PM



*The CTE Committee may take action on any discussion item identified on the agenda.


Call to Order

Public Commentary


Approval of the Minutes

  1. Approval of October 11th, 2022 Minutes (3 minutes) ACTION 



Information Items

  1. College & Career Access Pathways (CCAP) partnerships AB288        DISCUSSION




Old Business

New Business

  1. Advanced Information Technology & Management Certificate DISC/ACTION 
  2. 2022-2023 Committee Goals-Draft DISC/ACTION 
  • Fall Goal: Review CTE program-specific Advisory Committees and provide input and recommendation to support related processes and practices.
  • Spring Goal: Provide general feedback related to CTE data and program review processes. 



(Items of general interest relevant to the committee; no action)




Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Taft College

29 Cougar Court, Taft CA 93268


12:10PM TO 1:00PM



*The CTE Committee may take action on any discussion item identified on the agenda.


Call to Order

12:14 p.m.


Public Commentary






Members Present: Darcy Bogle, Chris Flachmann, Vicki Jacobi, Kristi Richards, Becky Roth, Armin Rashvand

Guests: Sharyn Eveland, Kanoe Bandy


Approval of the Minutes

  1. Approval of September 13, 2022 Minutes (3 minutes) ACTION


Motion to approve the minutes: Chris Flachmann

Second: Vicki Jacobi

Motion passed.




Information Items









Old Business

  1. Environmental Health & Safety Proposal DISC/ACTION


The committee discussed, in length, the history of the OSH program, and efforts that have been made over the years to increase enrollment, hire full-time and adjunct faculty, and update curriculum to make the program more attractive. Regardless, the same issues remain including low enrollment, class cancellations, lack of full-time faculty members in division, courses offered at WESTEC are not in TC class schedule, contractual issues with WESTEC, etc. Meeting with the advisory committee, industry partners, and other OSH instructors to ask their interests and gain their feedback may be helpful, along with bundling classes. Kristi shared many safety positions require an ASP or CSP certificate without all the additional courses of Environmental Resource Management and the heavy science content that would be required if the current degree was aligned with CSUB > ERM program. Regardless, the committee continued to question whether we have the students to support the program. We can revise and bundle classes, realign, do what we think is best, and spend a lot of time…and still not have the student numbers necessary to avoid reoccurring issues. After much consideration, the committee recommended OSH program discontinuance, as is, or restructuring, and reviewing the program discontinuance policy.


New Business

  1. Committee Charter & 2022-2023 Committee Goals DISC/ACTION


The committee will discuss and review draft goals at the November meeting.




(Items of general interest relevant to the committee; no action)








1:07 p.m.

Motion to adjourn: Chris Flachmann
Second: Vicki Jacobi

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