October 18, 2024 Meeting
Members Present: Kevin Altenhofel, Justin Madding, Myisha Cutrona, Angelo Cutrona, Xiaohong Li, Raul Montoya, Saul Acosta, and Jessica White
Members Absent: Heather del Rosario, Mariza Martinez, Julian Martinez, and Vince Maiocco
Facilitator: Kevin Altenhofel
Recorder: Jessica White
Call to Order:
The Taft College Campus Safety & Security meeting was called to order at 9:04 a.m.
Workplace Violence Prevention Plan:
Kevin Altenhofel provided committee members with the Taft College Workplace Violence Prevention Plan that was last updated on June 12, 2024. Mr. Altenhofel explained that the WVPP was established to assist employees with being able to identify and report workplace violence hazards and is a requirement established by California law.
Crime Log:
Kevin Altenhofel reviewed the Taft College Crime Log for the past 60 days, which was last updated/verified on October 18, 2024. During the review, Raul Montoya inquired about the retention period for crime logs. Mr. Altenhofel clarified that the District is required to maintain the log for the most recent 60 days and ensure it remains available to the public at all times.
The committee members discussed security camera placement, the reliability of the emergency button stations, and additional strategies that Taft College Security could implement to enhance the safety of students and staff on campus. Kevin Altenhofel highlighted that the primary challenge to expanding security infrastructure, such as cameras, is the limitation of available funding. In response, Raul Montoya indicated that he would explore potential grant opportunities to secure funding for these increased security initiatives.
Raul Montoya raised a question regarding the recommended protocol for individuals leaving campus late after class sessions. In response, Kevin Altenhofel explained that both employees and students are encouraged to contact Campus Security at 661-763-7774 if they would like an escort to their vehicle. This extension redirects to the on-call Campus Safety Officer's mobile phone, with security personnel available 24/7 to provide assistance.
Raul Montoya inquired about the district's emergency response procedures. Kevin Altenhofel responded that the District currently has an established emergency alert system, and is in the process of transitioning to a new emergency alert application for enhanced communication.
Raul Montoya and Saul Acosta will extend an invitation to Kevin Altenhofel to attend an ASO meeting, where he will have the opportunity to discuss with students the procedures for reporting bullying and harassment on campus.
Angelo Cutrona inquired about fire drills on campus. Kevin Altenhofel explained that while the college is required to report the dates and times of drills, fire drills are not mandatory. He noted that drills are typically scheduled during in-service days but will work on coordinating a fire drill during regular class hours to better prepare both employees and students for a potential emergency.
The meeting adjourned at 9:46am
Next Meeting: November 22, 2024
Facilitator: Heather del Rosario
Recorder: Heather del Rosario
Respectfully submitted:
Jessica White
Recording Secretary
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